All abstracts by Henko De Stigter in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Assessing Chemical Contamination in the Marine Sediments of the Southwest Portuguese Continental Shelf, the CSS Project: Preliminary ResultsMil-Homens M, Santos M, de Almeida M, Brito P, Freitas M, Gaudêncio M, de Stigter H, Micaelo C, Rodrigues A, Santos I, Raimundo J & Caetano M
(2017) Mining-Induced Loss of Seafloor Integrity Compromises Ecosystem Functioning
Haeckel M, Vonnahme T, De Stigter H, Janssen F, Wenzhöfer F, Marcon Y, Purser A, Haffert L, Köser K, Greinert J & Boetius A