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All abstracts by Manabu Fujii in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2018) Humic Substance Molecules Bound to Iron as Determined by Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Fujii M, Shiroya M & Fu Q-L

(2017) Effect of Source and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter on Fe(II) Oxidation in Freshwater and Coastal Seawater
Fujii M

(2016) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter Properties on Fe(II) Oxidation in Natural and Engineered Waters
Lee YP, Fujii M, Terao K, Kikuchi T & Yoshimura C

(2009) Superoxide-Mediated Transformations of Iron by Cyanobacterial Prokaryotes
Waite D, Godrant A, Fujii M & Rose A

(2006) Superoxide-mediated reduction of ferric iron in natural aquatic systems
Waite TD, Rose AL, Garg S & Fujii M

(2003) Estimation of Construction Effect on PM2.5 Consentration
Nakamura T, Yanagisawa Y, Fujii M & Mutsuda H

(2003) DOM Formation from POM in Streams
Fujii M, Yoshimura C, Tockner K & Omura T

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