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All abstracts by Jitendra Kumar Dash in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Phase Relation and Melting of Pyroxenite in the Presence of CO2 and H2O at 3 GPa
Dash JK, Ghosh S, Gies NB & Hermann J

(2020) Depositional Environments of Neoarchean Carbonates from the Dharwar Craton, India: Constraints from Geochemical and Isotopic Studies
Govind A V, Behera K, Balakrishnan S, Dash JK, Bhutani R, Managave S & Srinivasan R

(2017) Subduction Zone Influence in Manipur Ophiolite Complex, Indo-Myanmar Range: Constraints from 143Nd/144Nd and Elemental Concentrations
Kingson O, Bhutani R, Dash JK, Srinivasan B, Pandit D & Rao NVC

(2017) Petrogenesis of Peridotitic Komatiites from Two Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts of Sargur Group, Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Patra K, Anand R, Balakrishnan S & Dash JK

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