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All abstracts by Christophe Brandily in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Clumped Isotope Signatures Among Microbially-Mediated Methane
Giunta T, Labidi J, Ruffine L, Donval J-P, Brandily C, Sans-Jofre P, Jézéquel D & Young ED

(2021) How do Fluid Seepages Impact the Diagenetic Sequence in the Sedimentary Column? A Modelling Approach
Pastor L, Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Brandily C & Jouet G

(2020) How do Sedimentation Events Trigger Geochemical Processes?
Pastor L, Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Brandily C, Schmidt S & Jouet G

(2019) Sulfur and Carbon Cycling in Fe Dominated Sediments from the Mozambique Margin: Past and Current Processes
Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Jouet G, März C, Bossier A, Cheron S, Brandily C & Pastor L

(2017) Benthic Fluxes Indicating Uncoupled Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes in the Rhône River Prodelta
Rassmann J, Eitel E, Cathalot C, Brandily C, Lansard B, Taillefert M & Rabouille C

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