All abstracts by Estella Atekwana in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Multi-Year Analysis of the Microbiome of an Aged Subsurface Petroleum SpillRossbach S, Beaver C, Kasper H & Atekwana E
(2013) Geophysical Evidence for Iron Mineral Transformation in a Petroleum Contaminated Aquifer
Ford B, Atekwana E, Abdel Aal G & Atekwana E
(2013) Coupling Magnetic and Molecular Techniques to Study Microbial-Mediated Iron and Carbon Cycling
Atekwana E, Rossbach S, Beaver C, Mewafy F & Slater L
(2010) Biogeophysics: Advancing Biogeosciences Research Through New Frontiers in Geophysics
Atekwana E & Slater L
(2001) Microenvironments Associated with Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in Concrete
Guthrie GD, Atekwana E & Carey JW