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All abstracts by Mercedes Becerra-Herrera in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Extracellular Elemental Copper Bioaccumulation
Castillo J, Papaspyrou S, Duran MC, Corzo A, Nieto JM, Caraballo M, Becerra-Herrera M, Gomez-Arias A & Valverde Portal A

(2019) Understanding the Formation of Hydrobasaluminite Nanoparticles Tracking Al-Oligomers and its Polimerization
Moraga SD, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P, Becerra-Herrera M, Caraballo MA, Rivilla I & Miranda JI

(2018) Detection and Assigment of Aqueous Inorganic Fe-Polymers by Mass Spectrometry (TOF MS)
Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P, Becerra-Herrera M, Moraga S, Caraballo MA & Richter P

(2018) Optimization of Schwertmannite Synthesis Methods to Study the Role Played by Aqueous Polymeric Precursors by Mass Spectrometry
Moraga SD, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernandez P, Becerra-Herrera M & Caraballo MA

(2018) Detection of Inorganic Polymers Involve in Hydrobasaluminite Synthesis by Mass Spectrometry
Becerra-Herrera M, Moraga SD, Cruz-Hernández P, Molinas R, Richter P & Caraballo MA

(2017) Crossroads in Analytical Chemistry and Non-Classical Crystal Nucleation: Deciphering the Role of Inorganic Polymers in Poorly Crystalline Nanominerals Nucleation
Caraballo MA, Becerra-Herrera M, Richter P, Moraga S, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P & Hochella M

(2017) Identification of Inorganic Aluminium Polymers as Hydrobsaluminite Precursors by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Moraga SD, Caraballo MA, Becerra-Herrera M & Richter P

(2017) Preliminary Results on the Use of Imogolite to Extract Emerging Organic Pollutants from Water Samples
Becerra-Herrera M, Arancibia-Miranda N, Caraballo MA, Moraga S & Richter P

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