All abstracts by Yana Bychkova in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) KREEP-Component in the Extreme Differentiates of the Kivakka Layered Intrusion (Northern Karelia, Russia)Bychkova Y, Bychkov A & Miklyaeva E
(2015) The Behavior of REE and Sulphide Mineralization in Kivakka Layered Intrusion (Northern Karelia, Russia)
Bychkova Y & Minervina E
(2015) Thermodynamical Model of Lanthanides Behavior in the Formation of Sn-W Deposits
Popova J, Bychkov A, Matveeva S & Bychkova Y
(2015) Experimental Study of Zr- and Hf-Oh-Cl Complexing in Supercritical Fluids by Solubility Method
Shikina N, Tagirov B, Volchenkova V & Bychkova Y