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All abstracts by Astrid Avellan in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Hydrophobic Interactions at the Phylloplane Modulating Adhesion, Uptake and in Planta Fate of Foliarly Deposited Particles
Avellan A, Morais BP, Miranda M, Dias DS, Lowry GV & Rodrigues SM

(2021) Linking Phytoavailability of Inorganic Nanoparticles with their Transformation in the Rhizosphere
Rodrigues SM, Rodrigues S, Miranda M, Martins N, Trindade T, Gao X, Lowry GV & Avellan A

(2018) Temporal Fate and (Bio)transformations of Cu- and Au- Based Nanomaterials Chronically Added in Freshwater Mesocosms
Avellan A, Simonin M, Geitner N, Colman B, Cooper J, Bossa N, Spielman-Sun E, Bernhardt E, Wiesner M, Unrine J & Lowry G

(2018) Plant Nanobiotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture
Lowry G, Spielman-Sun E, Avellan A & Laughton S

(2017) Elucidating the Mechanisms of CuO ENM Bacterial Toxicity Using Time-Resolved Transcriptional Assays
Moore JD, Avellan A, Lowry GV & Gregory KB

(2017) Long Term Behavior of Metal Nanoparticles after Low Dose Chronic Addition in Simulated Freshwater Wetlands
Avellan A, Spielman-Sun E, Simonin M, Colman BP, Cooper J, Geitner NK, Bernhardt E, Wiesner M, Unrine J & Lowry GV

(2017) Unraveling the Complex Environmental Fate of Engineered Nanomaterials Through Synchrotron X-Ray Spectroscopy
Lowry G, Spielman-Sun E, Avellan A & Stegemeier J

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