All abstracts by Nicolas Freslon in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Trace Element Behaviour and the Export of Organically-Bound Dissolved Iron at Cold SeepsLemaitre N, Bayon G, Ondréas H, Freslon N, Bollinger C, Rouget M-L, de Prunelé A, Ruffine L, Olu K & Sarthou G
(2014) Climatic Dependence of Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling in Clays
Bayon G, Toucanne S, Skonieczny C, Freslon N, Etoubleau J, Dennielou B & Ménot G
(2011) A Global Distribution Map for Nd Isotopes in European Watersheds
Bayon G, Toucanne S, Freslon N & Ponzevera E
(2010) Determination of Trace Elements in Seawater by ICP-SFMS after Tm Addition and Co-precipitation
Freslon N, Bayon G, Birot D, Bollinger C & Barrat J-A