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All abstracts by Elsa Amsellem in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Primordial Magnesium Isotope Heterogeneity Preserved in the Martian Mantle
Amsellem E, Schiller M & Bizzarro M

(2021) Identification of an Equilibrium Component in the Mantle Sources of Carbonatites Using High Precision Ca Stable Isotopes
Amsellem E, Schiller M, Klausen M, Bouyon A, Rojas V & Bizzarro M

(2020) Origin of Carbonatites and Associated Silicate Rocks Revealed by Ca Stable Isotopes
Amsellem E, Schiller M, Klausen M & Bizzarro M

(2018) Origin of Carbonatites from Ca Stable Isotopes
Amsellem E, Moynier F & Bertrand H

(2018) Earth’s Building Materials from Mass-Dependent Ca Isotopic Compositions
Bouvier A, Martin P-E, Amsellem E, Maloney M, Frossard P, Boyet M & Moynier F

(2017) Testing the Chondrule-Rich Accretion Model for Planetary Embryos Using Calcium Isotopes
Amsellem E, Moynier F, Pringle E, Bouvier A, Heng C & Day J

(2016) Biogeochemical Response to Spring Ice Cap Melting in Lake Pavin
Viollier E, Amsellem E, Charbonnier Q, Esselma S, Thiam F, Michel A & Jezequel D

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