All abstracts by Juraj Francu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) REPP-CO2: Static and Dynamic Laboratory Experiments with scCO2Havlova V, Hladik V, Hatzignatiou D & Francu J
(2011) Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Lower Miocene Organic Clays (the Sokolov Basin, Eger Graben, Czech Republic): Anorganic Proxies
Knesl I, Kribek B, Martinek K, Rojik P & Francu J
(2011) Molecular Fossils and Organic Proxies Evidencing the Facial Evolution of the Lower Miocene Sokolov Basin, Eger Graben
Francu J, Mácová D, Sýkorová I, Havelcová M, Kribek B, Martínek K & Rojík P
(2007) Isotopic and Geochemical Evidence of Gas Producing Microbial Ecosystems in Coal Seams and Gobs in the SW Upper Silesian Basin, Czechia
Francu J, Buzek F, Hemza P & Francu E