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All abstracts by Paulo Fonseca in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2010) Petrological Cooling Rates from Central Ribeira Belt (SE Brazil): New Breakthroughs and Developments
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Fonseca P & Tassinari C

(2008) Thermochronological and Structural Analysis of the Geodynamic Evolution of Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Fonseca P, Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Dias Neto C

(2008) Pseudosection and Thermobarometry Constraints on the P-T-T Evolution of Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Munhá J, Bento dos Santos T, Tassinari C & Fonseca P

(2008) Whole-Rock Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopic Evidences for Sources and Processes of Granulite Formation in Ribeira Belt, Brazil
Tassinari C, Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J & Fonseca P

(2008) C-O-H Isotopic Evidences for Fluid Sources of Granulites in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Fonseca P

(2007) Thermochronological Evidence for Long-Term Elevated Geothermal Gradients in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C, Fonseca P & Dias Neto C

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