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All abstracts by Brian Haley in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli J, Goldstein S, Haley B, Pena L & Bolge L

(2019) Revisiting Seawater Rare Earth Element Patterns with an Emphasis on the Lithogenic Sources
Du J, Haley B & Mix A

(2019) Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli J, Goldstein S, Haley B, Pena L & Bolge L

(2018) Marine Rare Earth Elements, Neodymium Isotopes and the Benthic Reactive Layer
Haley B, Du J, Abbott A, McManus J & Mix A

(2018) Determining Rates and Mechanisms of Geologic Respiration at Watershed Scales
Pett-Ridge J, Goni M & Haley B

(2018) In situ Marine Silicate Weathering as a Source of Fe to the Oxic Ocean
Du J, Haley B & Mix A

(2016) The Relationship of εNd Among Authigenic Phases, Bottom Water, Pore Water and Detrital Sediments
Du J, Haley B & Mix A

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