All abstracts by Christian Hinz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Pore-Scale Simulation of Calcite Cement Dissolution in SandstoneHinz C, Enzmann F & Kersten M
(2017) Dynamic Simulation of Kinetic Calcite Dissolution in a μCT-generated Pore Space
Hinz C, Enzmann F & Kersten M
(2016) Dynamic Simulation of Diffusion Controlled Celestite Precipitation in a µCT-generated Pore Space
Hinz C, Enzmann F, Chagneau A, Schäfer T, Glatt E & Kersten M
(2016) Impact of Wettability on Two Phase Flow at the Pore Scale
Ruecker M, Bartels W-B, Berg S, Mahani H, Ott H, Georgiadis A, Brussee N, Coorn A, van der Linde H, Hinz C, Jacob A, Wagner C, Henkel S, Enzmann F, Bonnin A, Stampanoni M, Hassanizadeh SM & Blunt M