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All abstracts by James Jamieson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Identification of Physical and Geochemical Controls on the Electrokinetic in situ Leaching of Gold
Ortega-Tong P, Jamieson J, Sprocati R, Sun J, Rolle M, Fourie A & Prommer H

(2020) Large-Scale Geochemical Impacts of Groundwater Replenishment with Reclaimed Wastewater
Prommer H, Sun J, Schafer D, Seibert S, Siade A, Jamieson J & Higginson S

(2020) Model-Based Quantifiation of As Mobility within the Redox Transition Zones (RTZs) Marking the Interface of Holocene/Pleistocene Aquifers
Rathi B, Wallis I, Sun J, Jamieson J, Cirpka O & Prommer H

(2019) A Process-Based Model for Iron Mineral Transformation
Jamieson J, Carr J, Sun J, Salmon U, Siade A, Rathi B & Prommer H

(2017) Identifying and Quantifying the Intermediate Processes during Nitrate Dependent Fe(II) Oxidation
Jamieson J, Yusov A, Sun J, Prommer H & Bostick B

(2016) Remediating Acidic Metal(loid) Contaminated Groundwater Using in situ Biogenic Magnetite
Jamieson J, Sun J, Prommer H & Bostick B

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