All abstracts by Preston Kemeny in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) The Role of Biogeochemical Transients in Earth's Habitability – F.W. Clarke Medal LectureTorres M, Kemeny P & Johnson D
(2017) The Upper Ocean Nitrogen Cycle in the Atlantic Southern Ocean
Fawcett S, Smart S, Mdutyana M, Forrer H, Philibert R, Thomalla S, Kemeny P, Ward B & Sigman D
(2017) Organic Sulfur Fluxes and Isotope Mass Balance in Rivers
Kemeny P, Torres M, Webb S, Lamb M, Adkins J & Fischer W
(2016) Nitrogen Isotope Exchange between Nitrate and Nitrite in the Fall Mixed Layer of the Antarctic Ocean
Kemeny P, Weigand M, Zhang R, Carter B, Karsh K, Fawcett S & Sigman D