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All abstracts by Yoshiko Kondo in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Relationship between Iron Concentrations in the Benthic Boundary Layer and Oxygen
Moffett J, Floback AE, Evans N & Kondo Y

(2019) Physical and Chemical Speciation of Copper in the Subarctic North Pacific
Wong KH, Obata H, Kim T, Kondo Y & Nishioka J

(2018) A Comparison of Iron Redox Cycling in the World's Major Oxygen Minimum Zones
Moffett J, Kondo Y, Heller M & Bolster K

(2017) Iron Distribution and Supply along the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific
Maki K, Nishioka J, Obata H, Kondo Y, Yasuda I & Saito H

(2016) Transport of Trace Metals (Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn and Cd) in the Western Arctic Ocean in Late Summer 2012
Kondo Y, Obata H, Hioki N, Ooki A, Nishino S, Kikuchi T & Kuma K

(2015) Iodine Speciation and Iodine-129 Distribution in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea
Obata H, Miwa K, Kondo Y, Gamo T, Otosaka S & Suzuki T

(2015) Vertical Distributions of Lead and Bismuth in the Japan Trench
Norisuye K, Hori E, Nakagawa M, Obata H, Kondo Y & Gamo T

(2010) Fe(II) Distribution in the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone and Western Tropical Indian Ocean from GEOTRACES KH-09-5
Kondo Y, Moffett J, Obata H & Nishioka J

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