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All abstracts by Der-Chuen Lee in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Molybdenum Isotopic Fractionation in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan
Lee D-C, Ekka SV, Liang Y-HC & Huang K-F

(2023) Silicon Isotope Measurement in Normal and FUN CAIs by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Liang Y-HC, Liu Y-H, Lee H-Y & Lee D-C

(2023) In Search of Pre-Solar Silicates
Lee D-C, Liu Y-H & Hsiao SS-Y

(2020) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Tibet Magmatism
Liang Y-H, Lee D-C & Chung S-L

(2019) Identifying FUN Inclusions with LA-MC-ICPMS Mg and Si Isotopes
Lee D-C, Liu Y-H & Lee H-Y

(2018) Identifying FUN Inclusions with LA-MC-ICPMS Mg Isotopic Analysis
Lee D-C, Liu Y-H & Lee H-Y

(2018) Tracing Sources of Industrial Waste and Anthropogenic Pollution Using Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopes
Wu P-C, Huang K-F & Lee D-C

(2017) Short-Lived Li-Be-B Isotope Systems in CAIs and Chondrules
Lee D-C, Liu Y-H & Hunag K-F

(2017) High Precision Fe Isotopes of Human Blood for Adults
Huang K-Y, Liang Y-H, Lee D-C & Pang K-N

(2016) Mineral Chemistry of Peridotite Xenoliths in Trachybasalt from Mt. Baekdu (Changbaishan)
Park K, Choi SH & Lee D-C

(2016) Li-Be-B Isotopic Systematics in CAIs and Chondrules
Lee D-C, Liu Y-H & Huang K-F

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