All abstracts by Jean M.F. Martins in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Comparison of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation Treatments for Recovering of Critical Metals from Tungsten Mine ResiduesLaroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Duwig C, Rossier Y, Cand L, Maret T & Martins JMF
(2023) A Controlled Bioprocess of Mineral Alteration to Recover W, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Mg from a Mine Shaly Hardrock Waste: Coupling Experiments and Geochemical Modeling
Laroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Voiron C & Martins JMF
(2016) Soil Sorption, Binding Modes and Transfer of Sulfamethoxazole
Spadini L, Navel A, Morel M-C, Granat J, Sebastianutti S & Martins JMF
(2016) Combining Geochemical and High-Throughput Sequencing Methods for Evaluating the Distribution and Impact of Single and Multi-Metal Pollutions at the Soil Aggregate Scale
Martins JMF, Lehembre F & Spadini L