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All abstracts by Natalia Solomatova in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Equation of State, Structure, and Transport Properties of Iron Hydride Melts at Planetary Interior Conditions
Stoutenburg ER, Solomatova N, Caracas R & Campbell AJ

(2021) The Vaporization Behavior of Carbon and Hydrogen from the Early Global Magma Ocean
Solomatova N & Caracas R

(2020) Computational Insights on Carbonate-Silicate-Metal Melt Behavior in the Lower Mantle
Davis A, Solomatova N, Caracas R & Campbell A

(2019) Carbon Chemistry in the Early Magma Ocean
Solomatova N, Caracas R & Manning C

(2019) Behavior of Selected Volatile Species during the Giant Impact and in the Protolunar Disk
Caracas R & Solomatova N

(2016) The Electronic Structure of Iron in Rhyolitic Glass at High Pressure
Solomatova N, Jackson J, Sturhahn W & Roskosz M

(2016) Ab Initio Study of the Structure and Stability of High-Pressure Iron-Bearing Dolomite
Asimow P & Solomatova N

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