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2015 Goldschmidt Medal

Awarded during plenary on Wednesday 19th August

Since 1972, the V.M. Goldschmidt Award has been presented for major achievements in geochemistry or cosmochemistry, consisting of either a single outstanding contribution, or a series of publications that have had great influence on the field. V.M. Goldschmidt was a chemist considered to be the founder of modern geochemistry and crystal chemistry, developer of the Goldschmidt Classification of elements. The award consists of an engraved gold-plated bronze medal, an honorarium (US$ 1500), a certificate, and inclusion as a Geochemical Fellow. More info

Miriam Kastner Awarded to: Miriam Kastner
Citationist: Adina Paytan
Abstract: Fluid and Solute Cycling and Fluxes in Subduction Zone Forearcs
Medal lecture in:
Session 19a in Club H on Thursday 20th August 13:15 - 14:00

Citation: Citations for this medalist will be given by Adina Paytan and Harry Elderfield jointly.

Miriam Kastner is a distinguished professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. Her expertise is in marine geochemistry and her research focused on the geochemistry of marine sediments and the implications for paleoceangraphic interpretations; chemical paleoceanography; the role and fluxes of fluids and solutes in subductin zones and ridge crests, the origin of marine authigenic minerals, their environmental implications, and diagenesis (i.e. phosphates, sulfates, silicates, carbonates); and on marine gas hydrates and implications for the C cycle and global change.

Goldschmidt® is a registered trademark of the Geochemical Society and of the European Association of Geochemistry

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