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The 2018 Shen-Su Sun Award (The Shen-Su Sun Foundation)

Awarded during plenary on Thursday 16th August

The Shen-su Sun Award is to recognize exceptional geoscientists younger than 40 years, who work in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in commemoration of late Dr. Shen-su Sun for his pioneering and tremendous contributions to the geochemistry of the solid Earth and mantle dynamics, and for his unselfish and boundless mentorship to younger generations of scientists in the field of Geochemistry. This Award is presented by the Shen-Su Sun Foundation.

Qiuli Li Awarded to: Qiuli Li
View recipient's web page
Abstract: Late Event Record in Rutile Inclusions of Early Garnet: Indication for Invalid Shielding Effect
Medal lecture in:
Session 03f in 312 on Tuesday 14th August 14:30 - 15:15

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