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Science Innovation Award (EAG)

Awarded during plenary on Monday 14th August

2017 Science Innovation Award. The EAG Science Innovation Award recognizes scientists who have recently made a particularly important and innovative breakthrough in geochemistry. The geochemical research must be highly original and contribute in a significant fashion to our understanding of the natural behaviour of the Earth or planets. Such a contribution must be in the form of a widely recognized important piece of innovative scientific research published in a peer-reviewed journal. The EAG Science Innovation Award is bestowed annually to a scientist within 30 years from the start of PhD, which must be completed. Eligibility is determined by the status of the candidate at the close of the year in which nominations are received and not the year the award is presented; hence, for the 2017 Science Innovation Award, candidates should have started their PhD in 1986 at the earliest. The 2017 EAG Science Innovation Award was named in honor of Heinz Lowenstam for his work in biogeochemistry. The award is presented annually at the Goldschmidt Conference. The award consists of an engraved medal, an honorarium (1000 Euros), a certificate and inclusion as a Geochemical Fellow. More info

Bo Thamdrup Awarded to: Bo Thamdrup
Abstract: Carbon, Manganese, Iron, and Sulfur Cycling in Oligohaline Sediments
Medal lecture in:
Session 15j in Salle Maillot on Monday 14th August 13:30 - 14:15

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