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(2020) A Detrital Zircon LA-Q-ICPMS U-Pb Study of Upper Schists from Vila Nune Unit, Northern Portugal

Teixeira RJS, Gomes SCC, Gomes MEP, Coke C & Pereira AJCM


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04h: Room 1, Friday 26th June 22:06 - 22:09

R.j.s. Teixeira
S.c.c. Gomes
M.e.p. Gomes
C. Coke
A.j.c.m. Pereira

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Freya George on Thursday 25th June 20:29
Thanks for the poster! Interesting to get so many peaks out of a single sample. Can you provide information about your confidence in their significance, perhaps in terms of how much smoothing is associated with your KDE?

Submitted by Freya George on Thursday 25th June 20:29
Thanks for the poster! Interesting to get so many peaks out of a single sample. Can you provide information about your confidence in their significance, perhaps in terms of how much smoothing is associated with your KDE?

Submitted by Michael Ackerson on Friday 26th June 19:43
Very interesting study- do you have any plans to try to reconstruct petrologic information regarding the protolithic environments of the zircons (e.g., metamorphic, intrusive/extrusive, magma type, fO2) using trace elements?

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