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(2020) Reactive Migration and Re-fertilization of Melts from Ancient, Refractory Mantle Domains

Sanfilippo A


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03g: Room 1, Thursday 25th June 08:12 - 08:15

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Jingao Liu on Monday 22nd June 04:46
Hi Dr. Sanfilippo, Thanks for presenting the invited talk. It's interesting. We normally think the ancient mantle components in oceanic lithosphere inherited from ancient mantle relicts (Liu et al., 2008 nature; Liu et al., 2015 EPSL and Scott et al., 2019EPSL). However you argue that these replacive harzburgites come from replacive reactions by melts from ancient depleted mantle domains on the host peridotites. This is kind of strange, or opposite to what we would know. The depleted nature of the cpx probably (partially) reflects the original depletion of peridotites, not necessarily from melts themselves. In addition, you treated Os as lithophile element. In your argument, dunite should be Os more unradiogenic. I would say these harzburgitic rocks were the result of ancient harzburgites metasomatized by melts perhaps followed by a secondary depletion event, as both Os and Hf record more ancient signatures of the mantle residues not melts. I would like to see your HSE patterns and sulfide petrology to support your argument. Thanks, Jingao

Submitted by Sarah Lambart on Thursday 25th June 05:00
Hi Alessio. Thanks again for accepting our invitation! Sorry I have to miss the Q&A and I hope to catch up on discord later this week. Melting of highly depleted mantle required somehow relatively high mantle temperature (even if their contribution to MORB genesis is quite low). Out of curiosity, did anybody try to quantify the required Tp for such model? Thank you

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