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(2020) Successes and Challenges in Moving on To the Future

Chan M


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15c: Plenary Hall, Wednesday 24th June 19:09 - 19:12

15c: Plenary Hall, Thursday 25th June 02:39 - 02:42

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Keith Putirka on Wednesday 24th June 16:52
What are the single most important things we can do in the classroom - as teachers - to make sure that we don't discourage diverse students from sticking with Geology, or Earth Sciences (or better still, positively encourage their interests)? I'm reading about "active learning", so I'll be doing more of that in my Mineralogy class. And at an AGU meeting, we were told to be "intrusive" and to reach out to students to offer to write letters of recommendation, etc. So that's on tap as well. What else would be on the list of most effective actions? Thanks for your help. -Keith Putirka (my email is kputirka@csufresno.edu).

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