Abstract Details
(2020) Fluid-Mineral Partitioning of REE in Critical Mineral Deposits
Gysi A
07a: Room 2, Tuesday 23rd June 22:00 - 22:03
Alexander Gysi
View abstracts at 9 conferences in series
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Submitted by Yunguo Li on Saturday 20th June 13:30
Hi Alexander! Can you please comment on the temperature dependency of REE partitioning? Did you observe some general trend? Thanks!
Thanks that is an excellent question! We are still working on the data because we just got results at 100 and 150 C this Spring. but it looks like the lower temperature experiments better fit the lattice strain model, I can only hypothesize that we see some competing effects between aqueous REE complexation vs. mineral properties
Hi Alexander! Can you please comment on the temperature dependency of REE partitioning? Did you observe some general trend? Thanks!
Thanks that is an excellent question! We are still working on the data because we just got results at 100 and 150 C this Spring. but it looks like the lower temperature experiments better fit the lattice strain model, I can only hypothesize that we see some competing effects between aqueous REE complexation vs. mineral properties
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