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(2020) What can We Learn from REE Abundances in Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxene in Residual Spinel Peridotites?

Liang Y, Ji Z & Liu B


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03g: Room 1, Thursday 25th June 00:48 - 00:51

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Jingao Liu on Saturday 20th June 22:50
Hi Prof. Liang, I like your work. It makes more sense to consider bulk rocks rather than cpx itself as it may experience subsolidus redistribution/equilibriation. I guess that fits pristine peridotites that experienced little metasomatism, right? Have you considered the pressure effect if the melting starts at higher pressure at the garnet stability and later the mantle emplaces to lower pressures? Thanks, Jingao

Submitted by Steven Shirey on Wednesday 24th June 19:41
Very nice presentation. Sort of following up on Jingao's question, I would guess this type of careful treatment would be very sensitive to the effects of metasomatism both cryptic and modal. In fact, I wonder if this approach might not be an excellent way to examine metasomatism. Have you tried this angle?

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