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(2020) Citric Acid Assisted Treatment of Chromium Contaminated Wastewater by Constructed Wetland

Farid M, Mussarat A, Ali S & Ishaq HK


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12e: Room 5, Wednesday 24th June 08:21 - 08:24

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Rebekah Moore on Tuesday 23rd June 11:57
Hi. Thanks for sharing your interesting work on Cr phytoremediation. I'm wondering if there are any proposed strategies for the removal of the plants once their life-cycle is complete? I am guessing that the Typha latifolia is less of an issue than the Lemna minor, as it grows for a longer time? Are there strategies in place for disposal of hyperaccumulator plants such as Lemna minor so that once they die, the Cr doesn't just go back into the system?

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