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Willbold Matthias (2018) Magnesium Isotope Evidence that Accretional Vapour Loss Shapes Planetary Compositions
Hin RC, Coath CD, Carter PJ, Nimmo F, Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Willbold M, Leinhardt ZM, Walter MJ & Elliott T

Willbold Matthias (2019) Tracing Subduction Zone Fluids in Izu Arc Lavas Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Villalobos-Orchard J, Freymuth H, O'Driscoll B, Elliott T, Williams H, Casalini M & Willbold M

Willbold Matthias (2021) DIGIS and GEOROC 2.0: A Project Towards Open Geochemical Data
Klöcking M, Sarbas B, Horstmann W, Möller S, Nieschulze J, Sporleder C, Willbold M & Wörner G
(2021) Mo Isotope Systematics of the Solander and Little Solander Adakitic Rocks
Bezard R, Rushmer T, Turner S, Schoenberg R, Messling N & Willbold M

Willbold Matthias (2022) GEOROC and EarthChem: Synchronizing Services on the Road to Global Geochemical Data Exchange
Klöcking M, Profeta L, Brase J, Cao S, Figueroa JD, Horstmann W, Ji P, Johansson A, Kallas L, Kurzawe D, Möller S, Mukhumova M, Nieschulze J, Sarbas B, Sturm A, Sweets HA, Willbold M, Wörner G & Lehnert KA

Willbold Matthias (2023) The Influence of Crustal Recycling on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Hin RC, Hibbert KEH, Chen S, Willbold M, Andersen MB, Kiseeva K, Wood BJ, Niu Y, Sims KW & Elliott T
(2023) Ensuring Consistent Data Quality and Trustworthiness in Global Databases that Synthesize Legacy and Modern Geochemical Data
Klöcking M, Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Richard S, Cao S, Figueroa JD, Ji P, Johansson A, Kallas L, Luzi-Helbing M, Möller-McNett S, Sarbas B, Sturm A, Sweets HA, Willbold M & Wörner G
(2023) Remobilization of Tungsten in Archean Cratons: Insights from W Isotope Compositions of Volcanic Rocks from the Kaapvaal and Singhbhum Cratons
Messling N, Hegner E, Jodder J, Hofmann A, Wemmer K & Willbold M
(2023) What is Your Unit? Building Integrated Data Experiences for Community Use and Meta-Analysis
Profeta L, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Richard S, Ji P, Johansson A, Sweets HA, Sarbas B, Hezel DC, Sturm A, Möller-McNett S, Willbold M, Cao S, Figueroa JD, Wörner G & Kallas L
(2023) Archean Crustal Formation and Differentiation – Clues from Ti Stable Isotopes
Albert C, Klaver M, Hoare L, Johnson T, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Smithies H, Willbold M & Millet M-A
(2023) Early Archean Carbonate Factories – Major Carbon Sinks on the Juvenile Earth
Xiang W, Duda J-P, Pack A, Willbold M, Bach W & Reitner J
(2023) The Effects of High-Grade Metamorphism and Anatexis on Mo Stable Isotopes: Insights from the Ivrea-Verbano Lower Crustal Terrain
Pontow R, Bezard R, Willbold M & Bea F
(2023) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics of the Kamchatka Subduction Zone System
Willbold M & Wörner G

Wille F. (2023) Globally Findable Planetary Data: The Interdisciplinary TR170-DB Repository
Lehmann E, Becker H, Fritz T, Wille F, Sabisch A, Sievers D & Schlegel B

Wille G. (2023) Selenate Uptake by Green Rust
Grangeon S, Orucoglu E, Greneche JM, Bourhis E, Warmont F, Wille G, Tournassat C & Marty N
(2016) Nanoparticles and Bacterial Biofilm Interactions in Natural Groundwater: Implication for NPs Mobility and Toxicity for Bacteria
Crampon M, Hellal J, Michel C, Wille G, Mouvet C & Ollivier P
(2016) Investigation of the Paris City Contribution to CeO2NPs and TiO2NPs in the Seine River by spICPMS and FEG-Sem Imaging
Phalyvong K, Sivry Y, Pauwels H, Gélabert A, Cordier L, Wille G, Bourrat X, Ranville JF & Benedetti MF
(2016) Development of an Activated Carbon-Based Trap for Preconcentration of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Aquatic Systems
Phalyvong K, Sivry Y, Pauwels H, Cordier L, Wille G, Bourrat X & Benedetti MF
(2012) Transport and Deposition of Engineered Nanoparticles (NPs) in Saturated Porous Media (Schist): Role of Interactions between NPs and the Rock Matrix
Ollivier P, Pauwels H, Wille G, Braibant G & Picot-Colbeaux G

Wille K.

Wille Martin (2014) Molybdenum Isotopic Compositions of Subducting Sediment and Associated Arc Lavas, Banda Arc, Eastern Indonesia
Wille M, Nebel O, Vroon P & Schoenberg R
(2014) Iron Isotope Compositions of Oceanic Arc Lavas
Nebel O, Sossi P, Whan T, Bènard A, Wille M, Vroon P & Arculus R
(2013) The Effect of AFC Processes and Source Oxidation on Fe Isotopes in Evolved Banda Arc Lavas
Nebel O, Arculus R, Wille M & Vroon P
(2013) The Mo-Isotopic Composition of Late Archean Iron Formations
Kurzweil F, Wille M, Schoenberg R & Van Kranendonk M
(2013) Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of pre-GOE Tidal Carbonates
Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N & Wille M
(2013) Archean Mo Isotopic Evolution: Comparing the Pilbara and the Kapvaal Cratons
Wille M, Kurzweil F, Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N & Van Kranendonk M
(2013) Cr Isotopic Variations in Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Near-Surface Chemical Sediments
Schoenberg R, Kleinhanns I, Wille M, Van Zuilen M, Pedersen R-B, Melezhik V & Beukes N
(2009) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Sponges: A New Paradigm and Model for Understanding Silicon Isotopic Variations in Sponges and Diatoms
Wille M, Sutton J, Ellwood M, Maher W, Eggins S & Kelly M
(2007) Massive H2S Release to Surface Waters at the Precambrian-Cambrian (PC-C) Boundary: Evidence from Mo Isotopes
Wille M, Nägler TF, Schröder S, Lehmann B & Kramers JD
(2006) Evidence for a gradual rise of oxygen between 2.6 and 2.5 Ga from Mo isotopes and Re-PGE signatures
Wille M, Kramers JD, Nägler TF, Beukes NJ, Meisel T, Voegelin AR, Schröder S & Lacassie JP
(2004) Mo Isotope Fractionation in the Marine Environment: Theoretical Considerations
Wille M, Nägler T & Kramers J

Wille Martin (2015) New Insights into the 3.4 Ga Sulfur and Iron Cycle from the ICDP Buck Reef Chert Drill Core
Eickmann B, Hofmann A, Agangi A, Wille M, Meffre S, Wing B & Schoenberg R
(2015) Silicon Isotopic Sytemematics of Different Weathering Profiles, Deccan Traps, India
Wille M, Babechuk MG, Widdowson M, Kamber BS & Schoenberg R
(2015) Molybdenum and Iron Isotope Evidence for Anoxic Ediacaran Deep Ocean Conditions
Kurzweil F, Drost K, Paŝava J, Wille M & Schoenberg R
(2015) No Evidence for Stable Cr Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Schoenberg R, Merdian A, Haßler K, Koch H, Holmden C, Kleinhanns IC & Wille M

Wille Martin (2016) The Cycling of Molybdenum and Iron Across a Paleoproterozoic Redoxcline
Kurzweil F, Wille M, Gantert N, Schoenberg R & Beukes NJ

Wille Martin (2017) Global Dynamics 3Ga ago – Hf Isotopes in Black Shales from Pilbara Craton Support Change
Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Nebel O & Wille M
(2017) Global vs. Local Effects- Carbon Isotopic Signatures during Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-Oae)
Schurr SL, Wille M & Schoenberg R

Wille Martin (2019) Tungsten Stable Isotopes as a Redox-Proxy for the Evolution of the Anoxic Archean Ocean
Roué L, Kurzweil F, Münker C, Wille M, Izon G & Schoenberg R
(2019) Impact of Mn Authigenesis on Mo Isotopes, Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea
Wille M, Kurzweil F & Dellwig O
(2019) Evidence for Local Carbon-Cycle Perturbations Superimposed on Toarcian Carbon Isotope Excursion
Wang Y, Schurr S, Wille M, Ossa Ossa F & Schoenberg R
(2019) Lead Isotopic Variations on Sulfides in Janggun Deposit, South Korea
Kang J, Wille M, Hofmann BA, Strauss H & Villa IM
(2019) Low Dissolved Phosphorus Content in the Mesoarchean Ocean Limited Oxygenic Photosynthesis
Ossa Ossa F, Hofmann A, Spangenberg JE, Poulton SW, Stüeken EE, Schoenberg R, Eickmann B, Wille M & Bekker A

Wille Martin (2020) The Stable Tungsten Isotope Composition of Seawater and Mn-Rich Sediments from the Baltic Sea
Kurzweil F, Archer C, Wille M, Schoenberg R, Münker C & Dellwig O
(2020) Mn-Cr Chronological Constraints on the Thermal Evolution of IIAB Iron Meteorite Parent Body
Anand A, Pape J, Wille M, Mezger K & Hofmann B
(2020) Transient Ocean Oxygenation at 850Ma Recorded in δ98Mo of Microbial Carbonates
O'Sullivan E, Nägler T, Wille M, Kamber B & Turner E

Wille Martin (2021) Early Differentiation and Evolution of Magmatic Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies Inferred from Mn-Cr Chronometry
Anand A, Pape J, Wille M, Mezger K & Hofmann B
(2021) Redox Control on the Seawater Tungsten Isotope Composition
Kurzweil F, Archer C, Wille M, Schoenberg R, Münker C & Dellwig O
(2021) Combined Stable W and Mo Isotopic Evidence for Increasing Redox-Potentials from the Paleo- to Neoarchean Oceans
Roué L, Kurzweil F, Wille M, Wegwerth A, Dellwig O, Münker C & Schoenberg R
(2021) Oxygen-Deficient Niches on the Northern European Epicontinental Shelf Across the Toarcian Carbon Isotope Excursion Interval
Wang Y, Ossa Ossa F, Spangenberg JE, Wille M & Schoenberg R
(2021) U–Pb Geochronology and Isotopic Signatures of Epidote in Hydrothermal Veins: Evidence for Eo-Alpine Fluid Circulation in the Albula Area (Eastern Swiss Alps)
Peverelli V, Berger A, Wille M, Rubatto D, Putlitz B, Pettke T & Herwegh M
(2021) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics at the Tonga Subduction Zone: The Role of the Metasomatized Forearc Mantle
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Hensel A, Pettke T & Hermann J

Wille Martin (2022) Molybdenum Isotope Evidence for Sediment Recycling in Hotspot-Influenced MORBs: A Window into Ancient Deep-Sea Redox
Ahmad Q, Wille M, Rosca C, Labidi J, Schmid T, Mezger K & König S
(2022) Tungsten (Isotope) Cycling in Modern Marine Basins and Implications for Paleoredox Reconstructions
Kurzweil F, Dellwig O, Wille M, Schoenberg R, Arz HW & Münker C

Wille Martin (2023) Redox-Independent Isotope Fractionation during Cr(III) Adsorption onto Goethite and Magnetite
Kleinhanns IC, Babechuk M, Wille M, Byrne JM & Schoenberg R
(2023) What do Cr Distributions in Anoxic Waters Tell us About the δ53Cr Paleoredox Proxy?
Janssen DJ, Wille M, Damanik A & Vogel H
(2023) Revisiting Barium Isotope Systematics at the Tongan Subduction Zone: Implications for Deep Mantle Recycling
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2023) Archean Mantle Metasomatized by Sediment Melts Recorded in Mafic Dykes of the Singhbhum Craton
Chatterjee S, Ravindran A, Ahmad Q, Pandey OP, Wille M & Mezger K

Willemsen J. (2020) Metadynamics Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Adsorption of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances on Smectite Clay Surfaces
Willemsen J & Bourg I
(2019) Metadynamics Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Study of the Adsorption of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances on Smectite Clay Surfaces
Willemsen J & Bourg I
(2018) Metadynamics Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Study of the Adsorption of Phthalate Esters on Smectite Clay Surfaces
Willemsen J, Myneni S & Bourg IC
(2017) Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Study of the Adsorption of Phthalate Esters on Clay Surfaces
Willemsen J & Bourg I

Willenbring J.K. (2014) Temporal Evolution of Detrital Cosmogenic Denudation Rates in Transient Landscapes from in Situ-Produced 10Be
Willenbring J, Brocard G, Gasparini N & Crosby B
(2014) Beryllium Desorption from Sediments
Boschi V & Willenbring J
(2013) Atmospheric CF<sub>4</sub> Trapped in Polar Ice – A New Proxy for Granite Weathering
Schmitt J, Seth B, Köhler P, Willenbring J & Fischer H
(2013) CF<sub>4</sub> And CO2 – Coupling Weathering and Carbon Cycle
Schmitt J, Seth B, Köhler P, Willenbring J & Fischer H
(2013) The Behavior of Beryllium in Soils and Aquatic Environments
Boschi V & Willenbring J
(2013) Bioweathering of Chrysotile Asbestos
Washington K, Willenbring J & Casper B
(2013) Revealing the ‘Blind Spot’: A Simple Physical Model for the Temporal Evolution of Silicate Mineral Weathering
Evaristo J & Willenbring J
(2010) Ocean 10Be/9Be Evidence for Stable Weathering Rates in the Last 10 My Explains Constant Atmospheric CO2
von Blanckenburg F & Willenbring J
(2008) Denudation Rate Meters in Mountain Belts: Big Brush or Fine Tip?
von Blanckenburg F, Norton KN, Willenbring JK & Wittmann H
(2002) Glacier Erosion Factory: Using 26Al/10Be, Soils, and Geomorphology to Study Relief Development
Gosse J & Willenbring J

Willerslev E. (2023) Breaking up DNA-Mineral Interactions – Comparing Existing DNA Extraction Approaches for Recovery of Short Fragments
Gande D, Hassenrück C, Richter-Heitmann T, Žure M, Willerslev E & Friedrich MW
(2019) Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A

Willet S. (2021) Controls on Chemical Weathering and Physical Erosion in a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Orogen
Erlanger E, Caves Rugenstein J, Bufe A, Picotti V & Willet S

Willett C. (2017) A Self-Consistent Model of Radiation Damage Annealing and its Control on Helium Diffusion Kinetics in Apatite
Willett C, Fox M & Shuster D

Willett Sean (2017) Incorporating 4He/3He Thermochronometry Datasets into Exhumation Rate Inversions
Tremblay M, Willett S, Fox M & Shuster D

Willett Sean D. (2013) Exhumation Rates from Orogenic Areas
Herman F, Champagnac J-D, Lupker M & Willett S
(2011) From Thermochronometric Ages to Exhumation Rates
Willett S, Brandon M, Fox M & Herman F
(2009) Chemical Weathering during Rapid Erosion and Subtropical Climate: A Case Study from Taiwan
Thiede RC, Aciego SM, Fellin MG, Bourdon B & Willett SD
(2008) Detrital Zircon Fission Track Thermochronometry with Implications for the Topographic and Exhumational History of Taiwan
Willett SD, Fellin MG & Chen Y-G

Willey J. (2017) Photochemical Alterations in Gas Phase and Surface Water Ethanol Concentrations in Southeastern North Carolina, USA
Kieber R, Avery B, Mead R, Willey J, Shimizu M, Powell P, Carroll A, Kinney S & Foley L
(2013) Temporal Variability of Coastal Rainwater Fe(II) Concentration and Wet Deposition to Surface Seawater
Willey J, Rice B, Humphreys J, Kieber R, Helms J, Avery G & Mead R
(2013) Ethanol Variability in Rainwater and its Impact on the Chemistry of the Troposphere
Kieber R, Willey J, Avery B, Mead R, Giubbina F & Campos L

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