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Polizzotto M. (2021) Fate of Hexavalent Chromium in a Multicomponent System
Balogun FO, Aiken M, Namayandeh A, Duckworth O & Polizzotto M
(2020) The Influence of Critical Zone Age on Contaminant Reactivity along a Fluvial Chronosequence in the Oregon Coast Range
Obeidy C & Polizzotto M
(2020) Quantifying Cr(VI) Production Rates as a Function of Manganese Oxide Mineralogy and Dissolved Organic Carbon Composition
Balogun F & Polizzotto M
(2018) Binding Mechanisms of Heavy Metals in Soils after Long-Term Fertilization Treatment
Sun F, Polizzotto M & Yu G
(2018) Sediment Manganese Oxide Content as an Indicator of Groundwater Arsenic Pollution Potential
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E & Duckworth O
(2014) Manganese Near-Surface Repartitioning and Delivery to Groundwater in North Carolina
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E, Austin R, Rivera N, Abraham J, Wang S, Bolich R, Bradley P, Duckworth O, Amoozegar A & Hesterberg D
(2011) The Hydrogeochemistry of Pond and Rice Field Recharge: Implications for the Arsenic Contaminated Aquifers in Bangladesh
Neumann RB, Ashfaque KN, Polizzotto ML, Badruzzaman ABM, Ali MA & Harvey CF
(2008) Deriving and Simulating the Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Processes Governing Arsenic Transport within Evolving Sedimentary Basins of Southeast Asia
Kocar B, Ying S, Polizzotto M, Ung M, Suy B, Phan K, Samreth S, Sampson M, Benner S & Fendorf S
(2008) Defining Spatial and Temporal Variations in Biogeochemical Processes Governing Arsenic Mobility
Fendorf S, Kocar B, Tufano K, Masue Y, Polizzotto M, Pallud C & Benner S
(2005) Arsenic Mobilization in Mine-Impacted Sediments
Toevs G, Polizzotto M, Morra M, Strawn D, Fendorf S & Bostick B

Poll C. (2013) Succession of Soil Microbial Communities and Enzyme Activities in Artificial Soils
Ditterich F, Poll C, Pronk GJ, Heister K, Kögel-Knabner I & Kandeler E
(2013) Impact of Climate Change on Soil Microorganisms and Carbon Cycling in an Arable Ecosystem
Poll C, Marhan S & Kandeler E
(2011) Investigation of Organo-Mineral Interactions in Artificial Soil Incubations by NanoSIMS
Heister K, Höschen C, Pronk GJ, Poll C, Kandeler E, Müller CW & Kögel-Knabner I

Poll I. (2020) Phosphates Diversity and Development in Conțu Pegmatites, Cindrel Mountains, Romania
Călin N, Dumitraș D-G, Simion GC, Marincea Ș, Ion A-M, Constantina C, Poll I, Iancu AM & Sava C

Pollak H. (2023) Understanding Interactions between Amino Acids and Nontronite Clays: What is the Effect of Ions?
Pollak H & Erastova V

Pollak J. (2017) Developing Online Modules to Teach About Water Quality in Areas of Natural Gas Development Using Hydraulic Fracturing
Brantley SL, Pollak J & Brazil L

Pollard C.J. (2007) Pb Isotope Provenance Study of Irish Bronze Age Gold Using LA-ICP-MS
Pike A, Standish C, Foster G, Pollard CJ, Cahill M & Chapman R

Pollard D.
(2013) Rates of Consumption of Atmospheric CO2 Through the Weathering of Loess during the Next 100 Years of Climate Change
Godderis Y, Brantley S, Francois L, Schott J, Pollard D, Deque M & Dury M
(2010) Sensitivity of the Chemical Weathering of the Continents to Environmental Gradients
Godderis Y, Violette A, Beaulieu E, Williams J, Roelandt C, Vigier N, Schott J, Pollard D, Pierret M-C & Brantley S
(2010) Element Cycling and the Evolution of the Earth System
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Williams J, Roelandt C, Schott J, Pollard D, Pierrehumbert R & Brantley S
(2008) Modeling Mineral Weathering as Documented in Modern Soils Developed Upon Peoria Loess
Williams J, Bandstra J, Pollard D & Brantley S
(2008) Are We Getting Close to a Mechanistic Description of Weathering in the Field?
Schott J, Goddéris Y, Roelandt C, Williams J, Brantley S, Pollard D & François L
(2007) Interpreting Soil Profiles Developed on Loess Using a GCM and a Watershed Weathering Model
Williams J, Pollard D, Godderis Y, Bandstra J, Schott J & Brantley S

Pollard P. (2006) Episodic, potassic, ‘A-type’ Mesoproterozoic magmatism in the Mount Isa Inlier, NE Australia: a syn-tectonic origin?
Mark G & Pollard P

Pollard T. (2023) Controls on Stable Sr and Mg Isotope Variations in Speleothems
Wainwright AN, Pollard T, Woodhead JD & Drysdale R

Pollard W. (2012) Remains of Ancient Precursor of Perennial Springs in the High Arctic
Zentilli M, Omelon C, Hanley J, LeFort D, Andersen D & Pollard W
(2012) High Arctic Perennial Spring Activity and Associated Minerals: Their Value to Mars Analogue Studies
Omelon CR, Pollard WH, Andersen DT & Zentilli M
(2008) Carbonate Precipitation Potential by Cyanobacterial Activity in High Arctic Cryptoendolithic Habitats
Omelon C, Pollard W, Ferris FG & Bennett P
(2004) Biogenic Weathering of High Arctic Sandstones Inhabited by Endolithic Microorganisms
Omelon C, Pollard W & Ferris F

Pollastri S. (2013) The Concept of End of Waste in View of Developing Sustainable Secondary Geo-Materials
Gualtieri A, Viani A & Pollastri S

Pollastro R. (2004) Geochemistry of an Unconventional Gas Prospect: The Barnett Shale Gas Model
Hill R, Jarvie D, Pollastro R, Bowker K & Claxton B

Pollegioni P. (2007) Comparison of δ13C and δD Values of N-Alkanes from Angiosperms and Gymnosperms in Western Europe
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T, Jones M, Pellegrini M, Brugnoli E, Lauteri M, Pollegioni P & Behling H

Pollehne F. (2011) Impact of Authigenic Particles on Phosphate and Trace Metal Budgets of Anoxic Basins
Dellwig O, Leipe T, März C, Glockzin M, Häusler K, Moros M, Pollehne F, Schnetger B, Böttcher M & Brumsack H-J

Poller U. (2004) Cathodoluminescence and U-Pb SHRIMP Study on Granulitic Zircons from Siberia
Todt W, Poller U & Huth J
(2004) New Archean to Proterozoic SHRIMP Ages on Granulites from the Siberian Carton
Poller U, Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Mazukabzov A, Sklyarov E & Todt W
(2003) Isotopic Study of Two Co-existing Magmas in the Western Carpathians
Todt W, Poller U & Kohut M
(2003) Paleoproterozoic U-Pb Single Zircon Ages from Southern Siberia
Poller U, Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Sklyarov E & Todt W
(2003) The Oldest Rocks in Greece: Geochronological Evidence for Remnants of a Precambrian Basement within the Central Hellenides
Anders B, Reischmann T, Poller U & Kostopoulos D
(2003) Isotope Geochemistry and Zircon Ages of Middle to Lower Crustal Rocks in NW Namibia (Kaoko Belt)
Kroener S, Konopasek J, Kroener A, Poller U, Passchier C & Hofmann K
(2002) Metamorphic Evolution of the Western Tatra, Slovakia: New Geochemical and Geochronological Data
Todt W, Poller U, Jan·k M & Koh?t M
(2002) Geochemistry and Geochronology of Basement Rocks from the Pelagonian Zone, Greece
Anders B, Reischmann T & Poller U
(2002) Age of Magmatism in the Ivrea Zone, NW Italy: A Zircon Study to Test the Emplacement Model
Peressini G, Poller U, Todt W, Quick JE, Sinigoi S & Sbisa' A
(2002) Understanding CL in Natural Zircons
Poller U, Geisler T, Huth J & Pidgeon R
(2000) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of the Granitoids from the Velka Fatra (W-Carpathians) in Combination with U-Pb Ion-Microprobe and TIMS Single Zircon Dating
Poller U, Todt W, Kohut M & Janak M
(2000) What Causes the Changes in Cathodoluminescence Intensity in Natural Zircons?
Poller U, Huth J & Hoppe P

Pollet-Villard M. (2023) What can Dissolution Anisotropy Teach us About Crystal Reactivity?
Daval D, Bouissonnié A, Stigliano L, Pollet-Villard M, Wild B, Bas-Lorillot J, Noiriel C & Ackerer P
(2019) Do Silicate Dissolution Rate Constants Really Exist? Discussing the Thermodynamic Driving Force of Silicate Dissolution
Daval D, Bouissonnie A, Wild B, Pollet-Villard M, Fernandez-Martinez A & Ackerer P
(2017) Tackling Some Geochemical Challenges Raised by Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS): The Example of Soultz-Sous-Forêts, France
Daval D, Pollet-Villard M, Ackerer P, Schmittbuhl J, Knauss K & Fritz B
(2015) Microstructural Modifications of Dissolving Silicate Minerals: Why Should We Bother?
Daval D, Pollet-Villard M, Ackerer P, Fritz B, Rémusat L, Guyot F, Bernard S, Saldi G & Knauss K

Polley G. (2011) Can Multiple Sulfur Isotopes be Used as a Tracer of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle in the Bushveld?
Penniston-Dorland S, Farquhar J, Polley G, Mathez E & Kinnaird J

Polley W. (2014) Molecular (Proxy) Estimates of Changes in Soil Organic Matter Stability with Changes in Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
Hockaday W, Gallagher M, Masiello C, Polley W, Iversen C & Norby R

Pollier C.G.L. (2023) Determining the Impact of Organic Matter Coatings on Dissolution Rates of Carbonate Produced by Marine Fish
Oehlert AM, Arista K, Garza J, Folkerts EJ, Walls S, Tale Masoule S, Vitek BE, Pollier CGL, Heuer R, Ghahremaninezhad A & Grosell M
(2023) Intense Arsenic Enrichment Linked to Microbial Detoxification Processes in a Mineralized Mat of the Dead Sea
Thomas C, Filella M, Ionescu D, Sorieul S, Oehlert AM, Pollier CGL, Zahajska P, Ferreira Sanchez D, Gedulter N, Agnon A & Ariztegui D
(2023) Pathways for Biosignature Preservation during Microbialite Taphonomic Evolution: Insights from Hamelin Pool (Western Australia)
Pollier CGL, Vitek BE, Reid RP, Suosaari EP & Oehlert AM
(2022) Disentangling the Mechanisms Behind Microbialite Formation in an Extreme Lacustrine Setting: Laguna de los Cisnes (Chile)
Ariztegui D & Pollier CGL
(2022) Developing an Arsenic-Based Biosignature to Unravel Metabolisms Involved in the Formation of Stromatolites Microfabrics: Hamelin Pool (Australia)
Pollier CGL, Koschik CH, Vitek BE, Reid RP, Suosaari EP, Wu Z & Oehlert AM
(2022) Multiproxy Approach Linking the Geochemical Composition of Stromatolite Microfabrics to Microbial Surface Mats in Hamelin Pool
Oehlert AM, Vitek BE, Izaguirre I, Koschik CH, Pollier CGL, Wu Z, Beaty B, Suosaari EP, Reid P & Planavsky NJ

Pollington A. (2019) A New Method for High-Precision Sm Isotope Analyses: Applications to Natural and Perturbed Samples
Pollington A, Inglis J & Hanson S
(2011) Contrasting Mechanisms for Two Pulses of Garnet Growth at Stillup Tal, Tauern Window, Austria
Caddick M, Baxter E & Pollington A
(2011) Causes of Pulsed Mineral Growth during Metamorphism
Baxter E, Caddick M, Thompson A, Dragovic B, Pollington A & Ague J
(2011) In situ O & Si Isotopic Microanalysis of Diagenetic Cements: Basin Brines vs. Weathering, Low vs. High T
Pollington A, Kozdon R, Kitajima K, Strickland A & Valley J
(2010) Oxygen and Strontium Isotope Zonation in Shear Zone Garnet: Evidence for Open System Exchange
Andrews M, Baxter E, Pollington A, Spicuzza M & Valley J
(2010) Evolving Conditions of Quartz Cementation: In situ Microanalysis of δ18O Across Single Overgrowths
Pollington A, Kozdon R, Kita N & Valley J
(2009) Pulses of Rapid Garnet Growth Observed from Microsampling and Sm/Nd Geochronology in a Single Zoned Garnet
Pollington A & Baxter E
(2009) Sm/Nd Garnet Geochronology: Higher Precision on Smaller Samples
Baxter E, Pollington A, Dragovic B, Jordan M & Inglis J
(2008) High Precision Neodymium Isotopic Analysis of Very Small (1-10ng Nd) Aliquots
Baxter E, Harvey J, Mehl L, Pollington A & Peterman E

Pollio A (2004) Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints on Algal Distribution in Acidic Hydrothermal Environments: Pisciarelli (Naples, Italy) as a Model Site
Valentino G, Ciniglia C, Cennamo P, de Stefano M, Stanzione D, Pinto G & Pollio A

Pollio Antonino (2023) Linking Microbial Metabolic Diversity with Geochemical Characteristics of Campania Region Hot Springs
Bastianoni AB, Selci M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Barosa B, Cascone M, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Corso D, Licata M, Migliaccio F, Montemagno F, Nappi N, Ricciardelli A, Tonietti L, Rotundi A, Caliro S, Cordone A, Pollio A & Giovannelli D

Pollman C. (2010) Development of a Dynamic Mercury Cycling Model for the Gulf of Mexico
Harris R, Pollman C, Landing W, Morey S, Dukhovskoy D & Axelrad D

Pöllmann H. (2020) Thermal Annealing of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce): Mechanical and Structural Properties
Reissner CE, Reissner M, Bismayer U, Navrotsky A, Paulmann C, Pöllmann H & Beirau T
(2019) Mechanical and Structural Properties of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce)
Reissner CE, Bismayer U, Ewing RC, Navrotsky A, Reissner M, Paulmann C, Skoda R, Pöllmann H & Beirau T

Pollmann K. (2023) Siderophores Assisted Recovery of Critical Metals from Mining Residues
Jain R, Pollmann K, Ghosh A, Dhiman S, Mondol PP & Jain P
(2023) Evaluation of Siderophores as Compounds for the Selective Recovery of Indium and Germanium by Means of Density Functional Theory
Hintersatz C, Jain R, Tsushima S & Pollmann K
(2021) Siderophores as Agents for the Bio-Based Recovery of Indium and Gallium from Low-Concentrated Waste Waters
Hintersatz C, Jain R, Tsushima S, Kutschke S & Pollmann K
(2015) (Bio)Leaching of Copper from Kupferschiefer with Citric Acid
Kostudis S, Bachmann K, Kutschke S, Pollmann K & Gutzmer J
(2015) Bioleaching of Rare Earth Elements from Fluorescent Phosphor with the Tea Fungus Kombucha
Hopfe S, Kutschke S, Möckel R & Pollmann K

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