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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Msigwa A. (2017) Climatic Versus Geochemical Controls on Soil Organic Matter Stabilization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions along Altitudinal Transects in Different Mountain Regions
Griepentrog M, Bodé S, Boudin M, Dercon G, Doetterl S, Martin V, Matulanya M, Msigwa A, Richter A, Sun X, Vermeir P, Wang X & Boeckx P

Mtambanengwe F. (2020) From a Waste to a Valuable Resource: Combined Application of Water Treatment Residual and Compost Improves Maize Productivity
Gwandu T, Nezomba H, Mtambanengwe F, Chivasa S, Dobson K, Lark M & Johnson K

Mtimet A. (2018) Characterization of the Organic Matter Mineralisation in Paralic Aquatic System in the Southern Mediterranean Coast (the Northeast of Tunisia)
Essifi M, Ouertani N, Toukabri A, Ouerfelli N & Mtimet A

Mtonda M.T. (2023) Searching for Signals of Oxygenation in Ediacaran Microbial Reefs
Tostevin R, Taylor WL, Mataboge B, Nke AY, Mtonda MT & Wilton A
(2021) Paired Records of Global Weathering and Redox Across the Ediacaran–Cambrian Boundary
Tostevin R, Mtonda MT, Mashego M, Taylor WL, le Roux P & Andersen MB

Mtree P. (2004) When did Conditions Appropriate for Life Emerge? Further Results of the Mission to Really Early Earth
Harrison T, Mojzsis S & Mtree P

Mtshali T. (2022) Winter Copper and Nickel Distributions from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean
Cloete R, Loock J, van Horsten NR, Samanta S, Mtshali T, Fietz S, Planquette H & Roychoudhury AN
(2019) Early Winter Dissolved Fe Distributions in the Southern Indian Ocean (GEOTRACES GIpr07 Cruise)
van Horsten N, Bucciarelli E, Planquette H, González-Santana D, Mtshali T, Roychoudhury A & Sarthou G
(2017) Bioactive Trace Elements (Cu, Zn, Cd and Co) in the Southern Ocean
Roychoudhury A, Cloete R, Loock J, Mtshali T & Fietz S

Mu B-Z. (2016) Diversity of Bacteria in Oil Reservoirs-Associated Environment Worldwide: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Li X-X, Gu J-D & Mu B-Z
(2016) Microbial Communities in Long-Term Methanogenic N-Alkanes-Degrading Enrichment Culture
Liang B, Gu J-D & Mu B-Z
(2016) Detection of Prokaryotic amoA Gene Diversity and Abundance in a Polyacrylamide Transportation System of an Oil Field
Li C, Gu J & Mu B
(2016) Formate-Dependent Microbial Conversion of CO2 and the Dominant Pathways of Methanogenesis in Production Water of High-Temperature Oil Reservoirs Amended with Bicarbonate
Yang G-C, Zhou L, Mbadinga SM, Liu J-F, Yang S-Z, Gu J-D & Mu B-Z

Mu T. (2019) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Paddy Soils Leads to Formation of Novel Arsenic Species Important for Rice Research
Planer-Friedrich B, Wang J, Kerl C, Hu P, Martin M, Mu T, Brüggenwirth L, Wu G, Said Pullicino D, Romani M & Wu L

Mu Y. (2021) Modeling of the Concrete-Bentonite Interface in Nuclear Waste Disposal Systems: From Pore-Scale to Continuum Scale
Deng H, Zheng L, Mu Y & Li P

Mubarak H.

Mubarek A. (2007) The First Record of Oceanic Kimberlite within the Batain Nappes, Eastern Oman
Nasir S, Alkhirbash S, Alsayigh A, Alharthy A, Mubarek A, Rollisnon H, Lazki A, Belousova E, Griffin W & Kaminsky F

Mucalo M. (2016) Iron, Phosphorus and Manganese Interactions in a Seasonally-Stratified Lake System
Saeed H, Hartland A, Hamilton D & Mucalo M

Mucci Adele (2019) Characterization and Toxicity of the Metastable Product of Chrysotile Asbestos Dissolution
Gualtieri A, Lusvardi G, Pedone A, Di Giuseppe D, Zoboli A, Mucci A, Zambon A, Filaferro M, Vitale G, Genedani S, Tomatis M, Turci F, Pasquali L & Lassinantti Gualtieri M

Mucci Alfonso (2022) Hydrogen and Carbon Isotopic Composition (δ2H, δ13C) of Fatty Acids Preserved in Surface Sediments of Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea
Allan E, Douglas P, de Vernal A, Gelinas Y & Mucci A
(2019) Dissolved and Solid-Phase Fe and Mn Speciation in Marine Sediments
Oldham V, Hansel C, Wankel S, Karolewski J, Bernhard J, Michel A, Luther G, Tebo B & Mucci A
(2019) Carbonate Compensation in the Anthropocene
Sulpis O, Mucci A & Boudreau B
(2018) Bottom-Water Acidification and CaCO3 Dissolution at the Seafloor Caused by Anthropogenic CO2
Sulpis O, Boudreau B, Mucci A, Dufour C, Jenkins C, Trossman D, Arbic B & Key R
(2017) The Temporal Variability of Mn Speciation in the Chesapeake Bay and St. Lawrence Estuaries
Oldham V, Tebo B, Mucci A, Wright M, Jones M & Luther G
(2017) Transport-Controlled, Linear Calcite Dissolution Kinetics at the Sediment-Seawater Interface
Sulpis O, Mucci A & Boudreau B
(2015) Soluble manganese(III) is Ubiquitous in Natural Waters and Sedimentary Pore Waters
Luther G, Oldham V, Tebo B, Jones M, Mucci A & Sundby B
(2014) Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Promotes Deep Diagenesis and Blurs Manganese Based Geochronology in Arctic Ocean Sediments
Sundby B, Lecroart P, Anschutz P, Katsev S & Mucci A
(2014) Kinetic Fractionation of Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes Upon Sea-Ice Formation
Mucci A, Michel C, Niemi A & Hélie J-F
(2014) The Rusty Carbon Sink: Mechanism of Iron and Organic Matter Association in Marine Sediments
Lalonde K, Barber A, Mucci A & Gélinas Y
(2013) Soluble Manganese(III) and a Revised Sedimentary Redox Cycle
Madison A, Mucci A, Sundby B, Tebo B & Luther G
(2013) The Role of Iron in the Diagenesis of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Sediments: A Long-Term Incubation Experiment
Barber A, Lalonde K, Mucci A & Gelinas Y
(2013) Temporal Evolution of the Oxygen Depletion in the Bottom Water of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: From 1930 to 2100
Lefort S, Dadou I, Gilbert D, Bopp L, Mucci A, Gratton Y & Resplandy L
(2012) A Multi-Proxy Study of the Mackenzie Shelf Waters
Lansard B, Mucci A, Brown K & Babin M
(2012) Breakdown of the Ostwald Step Rule: The Precipitation of Calcite and Dolomite from Seawater at 25o and 40℃
Wang T & Mucci A
(2012) Records of Atmospheric Pb Deposition along the St. Lawrence Valley, Quebec
Pratte S, Mucci A & Garneau M
(2012) Early Diagenesis of Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Chen Q, Mucci A, Sundby B & Minarik W
(2012) Understanding Sediment Interfaces with Voltammetric Microelectrodes: Two Decades of Science and fun with Bjorn Sundby
Luther G, Madison A, Mucci A, Tebo B & Sundby B
(2012) The Rusty Sink: Iron Promotes the Preservation of Organic Matter in Sediments
Gelinas Y, Lalonde K, Mucci A & Ouellet A
(2012) An Integrated Study with Benthocosms on the Impact of Different Functional Groups of Macrofauna on Benthic N-Processes in Coastal Sediments of the St. Lawrence Estuary
Mouret A, Chaillou G, Archambault P, Maranger R, Sundby B & Mucci A
(2012) The Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: A Suitable Analogue for OMZs?
Lefort S, Gratton Y, Mucci A, Gilbert D & Dadou I
(2012) Oxygen and Di-Nitrogen (N2) Dynamics in the Hypoxic Zone of the St-Lawrence Estuary
Maranger R, Altabet M, Gilbert D, Mucci A, Bristowe L & Sundby B
(2012) Cr Isotopes in a Ferruginous Lake
Crowe S, Basu A, Doessing L, Ellis A, Fowle D, Mucci A, Johnson T & Canfield D
(2011) Sediment Response to Persistently Low Oxygen Levels in Bottom Waters: The Lower St. Lawrence Estuary
Mucci A, Lefort S & Sundby B
(2011) Oxidative Weathering Fractionates Chromium Isotopes
Crowe S, Døssing L, MacLean L, Frei R, Fowle D, Mucci A & Canfield D
(2011) Soluble Mn(III), Mn(II) and Total Mn in Sediment Porewaters: Soluble Mn(III) is Ubiquitous
Madison A, Mucci A, Sundby B, Tebo B & Luther G
(2011) Fe-Poor and Sulfide-Rich: Mangrove Lake as a Precambrian Analogue?
Pellerin A, Wing B, Bui TH, Rough M, Mucci A & Canfield DE
(2011) High Methane Oxidation Rates in Ferruginous Lake Matano
Sturm A, Crowe S, Jones C, Leslie K, Canfield D, Nomosatryo S, Mucci A & Fowle D
(2010) Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Modern, Ferruginous Chemocline
Crowe S, Canfield D, Fowle D, Jones C, Sturm A, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Nomosatryo S & Haffner D
(2010) Geochemistry of Major Elements in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Sturm A, Crowe S, Jones C, Fowle D, Canfield D, Katsev S, Mucci A & Nomosatryo S
(2010) Biogeochemistry of Mn Oxidation in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Jones C, Crowe S, Canfield D, Sturm A, Fowle D, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B & Nomosatryo S
(2009) Mineral-Solution Partitioning and Sedimentary Organic Carbon Fluxes
Lalonde K, Mucci A & Gelinas Y
(2009) Impact of Hypoxia on the Remobilization of Arsenic and Selenium in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada)
Lefort S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Chaillou G & Molnar N
(2009) Aerobic Respiration and Hypoxia in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: Constraints on Oxygen Sink Partitioning from Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved Oxygen
Lehmann MF, Barnett B, Bender ML, Gelinas Y, Gilbert D, Maranger R, Mucci A, Sundby B & Thibodeau B
(2008) Geochemistry of Mo in a Modern Archean Ocean Analogue
Crowe SA, Fowle D, Katsev S, Sundby B, Mucci A & Haffner D
(2008) Modeling Biogeochemisty in an Early Ocean Analogue
Katsev S, Crowe SA, Haffner D, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D
(2008) Proton/Calcium Ion Exchange Behaviour of Calcite: Implications for Aqueous Speciation and CO2(g) Sequestration
Villegas-Jimenez A, Mucci A & Paquette J
(2006) Mechanisms of equilibrium and kinetic oxygen isotope effects in synthetic aragonite at 25ºC
Kim S-T, Hillaire-Marcel C & Mucci A
(2006) Electrochemical investigation of bacterial Fe(III) reduction.
Crowe S, Magen C, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D
(2004) A Generalized Surface Complexation Model for Carbonate Minerals in Aqueous Solutions
Villegas-Jiménez A, Mucci A, Paquette J, Pokrovsky O & Schott J
(2002) The Influence of Ionic Strength and Magnesium Ions on Calcite Crystal Growth Morphology
Chien Y-C, Mucci A, Paquette J & Vali H
(2002) Re-calibration of Surface Complexation Models for Magnesite and Dolomite Using Brown Valence Theory and a Genetic Algorithm
Villegas-Jiménez A, Mucci A & Paquette J

Muccini F. (2022) Genesis of Oceanic Oxide Gabbros and Gabbronorites during Reactive Melt Migration at Transform Walls (Doldrums Megatransform System; 7-8°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Basch V, Sanfilippo A, Skolotnev S, Ferrando C, Muccini F, Palmiotto C, Peyve A, Ermolaev BV, Okina OI & Ligi M

Mucek A. (2020) Deciphering Pre-Eruptive Thermal Histories Using Coupled Ar/Ar and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry and Bayesian Inference: Toba Caldera, Sumatra
Danisik M, Mucek A, de Silva S, Miggins D, Schmitt A, Pratomo I, Koppers A, Phatak A & Gillespie J

Mucerschi D. (2015) Melt-Gas Interaction in the Protoplanetary Disk
Hezel DC, Friend P, Mucerschi D & Palme H

Muchez P. (2020) Sediment-Hosted Cu Mineralization and Dolomitization by Deep Basinal Fluids in the Timna-Faynan Ore Deposits, S Israel and Jordan
ElIyahu A, Katzir Y & Muchez P
(2019) Fluid Inclusions in Al-Phosphates from the Ta-Sn-Nb Mineralised Buranga Pegmatite (Rwanda)
Araujo FP, Hulsbosch N & Muchez P
(2019) Fluid- and Deformation-Induced Pan-African Overprint in the Western Domain of the Karagwe-Ankole Belt (Central Africa)
Van Daele J, Hulsbosch N, Dewaele S, Melcher F, Onuk P, Spikings R & Muchez P
(2017) Fractionation Processes in the Granite-Related Ore System of the Karagwe-Ankole Belt (Rwanda)
Hulsbosch N, Dewaele S, Van Daele J & Muchez P
(2009) Spheroidal Sandstone Concretions – Their Formation and Significance in an Eocene Seep System (Bulgaria)
De Boever E, Birgel D, Muchez P, Peckmann J, Dimitrov L & Swennen R
(2002) Rb-Sr Dating of Sphalerites from Pomorzany, Upper Silesia (Poland)
Schneider J, Heijlen W, Muchez P & Haack U

Muchowska K. (2019) The Role of Hydrogen Activation in Early Metabolism
Preiner M, Yu M, Varma S, Muchowska K, Tüysüz H, Moran J & Martin WF

Muckensturm N. (2023) Petrology and Microstructures of The Deep Crust from The North Patagonian Massif, Given By Meta-Igneous Granulite Xenoliths
Muckensturm N, Kaczmarek M-A & Grégoire M

Mudahy A. (2018) Evidence of Anomalous Pacific- Antarctic Ridge Volcanism during the Penultimate Glacial Termination
McCart S, Mudahy A, Lund D, Asimow P & Lewis M

Mudakikwa E. (2023) Radium Isotope Study in Lake Kivu: Implications to the Travel Time of Sub-Lacustrine Hydrothermal Discharge
Weinstein Y, Alkalay R, Mugisha A & Mudakikwa E

Mudashiru L. (2008) Importance of Colloidal Iron in Mine Waters Revealed by Differential Pulse Voltammetry
Mudashiru L, Horrocks B & Aplin A

Mudd G. (2018) Recycling and Secondary Sources of the Rare Earth Elements
Jowitt S, Werner T, Weng Z & Mudd G

Mudd S. (2012) Exploring the Relative Influence of Fluid and Particle Residence Times on Weathering Using a Coupled Geomorphic and Geochemical Model
Mudd S, Yoo K & Maher K
(2011) Solute Compositions and Fluid Residence Times along an Erosional Gradient, Middle Fork of the Feather River, CA
Kouba C, Maher K, Mayer K, Yoo K, Weinman B, Mudd S & Attal M

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