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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Morton Peter L. (2023) Chemical Characterization of Plumes Generated during Deep-Sea Mining of Polymetallic Nodules from the Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone
Gunnells SA, Morton PL, Hatta M, Adams HM, Kubler-Dudgeon I, Schartup AT, Larrouilh C, Toczek J & Fitzsimmons JN
(2019) Mechanisms of Pelagic Barite Precipitation
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT, Jroundi F, Abad MDM, Lam P, Bishop JKB, Horner TJ, Morton PL & Kastner M

Morton-Bermea O. (2008) Enrichments of Trace Elements in Settling Particulate Matter from the Alfonso Basin, La Paz Bay, South-Western Gulf of California in 2002-2005 Time-Series Data Set
Shumilin E, Silverberg N, Rodríguez-Castañeda AP, Morton-Bermea O, Hernandez-Alvarez E & Bahena-Aguirre F
(2003) Heavy Metal Distribution in Rock, Sediments and Groundwater from Mineral de Pozos Mining Area, Central-North Mexico: First Geochemical Base Line Maps in Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Gonzalez-Partida E, Morton-Bermea O, Lavresse G, Soto P & Tritlla J

Mortyn P. Graham (2013) Surface Ocean δ11B-pH Reconstructions and Insights into the Ocean-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange during the Last Deglaciation
Martínez-Botí MA, Marino G, Foster GL, Ziveri P, Henehan MJ, Mortyn PG & Vance D

Mortyn Peter Graham (2018) Coccolith Response to Subantarctic South Atlantic Iron Fertilization and Surface Ocean Acidification during the Last 20 ky
Balestrieri C, Ziveri P, Mortyn PG & Agnini C

Moruzzi R.B. (2023) 210Pb Chronology in Sediment Cores Evidencing the Historical Pollution of Microplastics in Reservoirs in the São Paulo State, Brazil
Fernandes AM, Moruzzi RB & Conceição FT

Morvan X. (2020) Reducing Concentrations of Trace Metals in Runoff Waters from a Vineyard Catchment by Way of an Hybrid Constructed Wetland
Marin B, Caner-Chabran A, Dousset S, Conreux A, Jaunat J, Hubert J, Ponthieu M, Cances B & Morvan X
(2017) Transfer of Copper in a Wine-Growing Area: Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Stormwater Pond
Caner-Chabran A, Marin B, Dousset S, Tournebize J, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Morvan X, Jaunat J, Conreux A & Huguenot D
(2015) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter and Oxides on TE Speciation in Soil Solution: A Modeling Approach
Schneider A, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Morvan X, Gommeaux M, Marin B & Benedetti M

Mory A.J. (2002) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Impact Related Alteration Phases from the Woodleigh Impact Structure, Western Australia
Golding SD, Uysal IT, Baublys KA, Glikson AY & Mory AJ
(2001) Stable Isotopic Studies and Isotopic Dating of Impact Related Alteration Minerals, Woodleigh Impact Structure, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Golding SD, Uysal IT, Glikson AY, Mory AJ, Baublys KA & Glikson M

Moryl R. (2013) Power Stations as a Source of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Southern Poland
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Moryl R, Suder B & Michalik M

Morzhukhina S. (2000) Nuclear and Related Analytical Techniques Used to Study Anthropogenic Impact on the River Sister in the Vicinity of the Town of Klin (Moscow Region, Russia)
Khodakovsky I, Morzhukhina S, Uspenskaya V, Chermnykh L, Frontasyeva M & Gundorina S

Mos Y. (2017) Strategies for the Production of Magnetite from Groundwater
Mos Y, Weijma J & Buisman C

Mosazadeh H. (2006) Using Statistical Method and Geochemical Mapping Techniques in Exploration of Gold and Base Metals in Khuni Area, Anarak, Iran
Nezampour MH & Mosazadeh H

Mosberger L. (2009) Reductive Microbial Transformations of Iron Oxides; Engineering Biominerals for the Remediation of Metals and Organics
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Hofstetter T, Mosberger L, Telling N, Pattrick R, Pearce C, van der Laan G & Vaughan D

Mosca P. (2018) The Nivolet Critical Zone Observatory: Relation between Carbon Fluxes and Geology
Baneschi I, Giamberini M, Mosca P, Palazzi E, Provenzale A, Raco B & Viterbi R

Moscardelli L. (2021) Early to Middle Jurassic Redox Evolution Across the Norwegian Continental Shelf: A Case Study in the Viking Corridor, North Sea Basin
Gomez KJ, Sahoo S, Panteli E, Moscardelli L, Howie A, Larson TE & Kerans C

Moscati Richard (2020) How Robust is the Cassiterite U-Pb Geochronometer?
Neymark L, Moscati R, Larin A & Slack J
(2018) Cassiterite as a Reliable in situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronometer of Ore Deposits: Examples Spanning the Archean to Tertiary
Neymark L, Holm-Denoma C & Moscati R
(2017) Reliable LA-ICPMS U-Pb Dating of Cassiterite Without an Independent Age Standard
Neymark L, Holm-Denoma C, Larin A, Rizvanova N & Moscati R
(2015) High Spatial Resolution SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology of Pea Ridge Fe-Ree-Au Deposit, USA
Neymark L, Aleinikoff J, Holm-Denoma C, Pietruszka A, Pillers R & Moscati R

Moscati Richard J (2022) Discharge of Sedex Ore-Forming Brines into Paleozoic Oceans Caused Global Marine Sr-Isotope Spikes, Perturbations to Global Carbon Cycles, Global Ocean Anoxic Events (OAEs) and Mass Extinctions
Emsbo P, McLaughlin P, Vandenbroucke TRA & Moscati RJ

Moscati Richard J. (2012) Helium-4 Dating of Groundwater in the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwestern, Colorado, USA
Hunt AG, McMahon PB, Thomas JC & Moscati RJ

Moschen R. (2007) Oxygen Isotopes from Diatom Silica and their Utility for Palaeothermometry
Moschen R, Lücke A, Parplies J & Schleser GH

Moschetti M. (2001) The Effect of Adsorbed Al(OH)4- on the Dissolution Rate of Quartz
Bickmore BR, Nagy KL, Gray AK & Moschetti M

Mosconi A. (2021) Evidence of High Ba-Sr Granites in the Adamello Batholith, Southern Alps
Mosconi A, Tiepolo M, Farina F & Cannao E
(2019) Isotopic Heterogeneity of Mantle Melts Migrating Through the Lanzo Ophiolites: A Re-Os Perspective
Mosconi A, Sanfilippo A, Liu C-Z, Salters V, Tribuzio R & Zanetti A

Mosegaard K. (2004) Spatial Variations of the Geothermal Heat Flow Measured on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Dahl-Jensen D, Mosegaard K, Gogineni S & Miller H

Moseley B. (2023) Effect of Impurities on Magnesium Oxide Hydroxylation and Carbonation
Weber J, Camacho G, Yuan K, Moseley B, Eng PJ, Stubbs JE, Boebinger M, Starchenko V & Bracco JN

Moseley G.E. (2016) A New Devils Hole Chronology and Orbital Forcing of Great Basin Climate
Moseley GE, Edwards RL, Wendt KA, Cheng H, Dublanski Y, Boch R, Lu Y & Spotl C

Moseley S. (2017) Improvements in Sensitivity in IRMS Measurements
Atkinson H, Dennis P, Welsh S & Moseley S

Mosenfelder J. (2022) From Source to Surface: Tracing the Volatile Record of High-Titanium Mare Basalts
Barnes JJ, Wilbur ZE, Brounce M, Crow CA, Pomeroy S, Ong LJ, Hahn T, Mosenfelder J, Boyce JW & Erickson T
(2016) C/N Fractionation during Mantle-Core Differentiation
Dalou C, Hirschmann M, Mosenfelder J, Von der Handt A & Armstrong L
(2014) Measurement of Hydrogen in Igneous Feldspars by FTIR and SIMS: Progress Towards a Quantitative Geohygrometer
Mosenfelder J, Rossman G & Johnson E
(2010) Transformation Kinetics for Olivine with ~75 ppm H2O into Ringwoodite
Du Frane W, Sharp T, Mosenfelder J & Leinenweber K

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