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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lu Fengyu (2011) Sulfur, Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Variation in the Drinking Water Source of Beijing
Ji H, Zhu X, Li H, Lu F & Xin X

Lu Guang-Sin (2014) Microbial Fe-S-As Cycling in a Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System
Lu G-S & Amend J

Lu Guanghui (2020) Geochemical Characteristics of Bauxite-Associated High Lithium Claystone in Western Guangxi, China
Xu J, Pang B, Lu G, Li Z, Xu H, Liang D, Luo J, Zhou Y & Zhou Y

Lu Guimei (2022) Global-Scale Emergence of Continental Crust during Mesoarchean – Early Neoarchean
Wang W, Cawood PA, Spencer C, Pandit MK, Zhao J-H, Xia X-P, Zheng J & Lu G

Lu Guining (2018) A Modified Method for Determination of Sedimentary Sulfur Species and Isotopes in Mining Area
Ye H, Xie Y, Lu G & Dang Z
(2018) Arsenic Release in Paddy Soil during Applying Phosphate Fertilizer
Ji Y, Lu G, Guo C & Dang Z
(2017) Relative Roles of H-Atom Transfer and Electron Transfer in the Debromination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers by Palladized Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron
Wang R, Lu G & Dang Z
(2017) Photodegradation of BDE-15 in Triton x-100 Micellar Solution
Huang K, Lu G & Dang Z
(2017) The Sulfate Reducing Microbial Community Succession Under Different Electron Transfer Routes in Schwertmannite Transformation
Zeng Y, Fan C, Wang H, Guo C, Lu G, Reinfelder JR & Dang Z
(2017) Promoted Dissolutoin of Schwertmannite by Siderophores: Implications for Transport of Chromium
Xie Y, Lu G & Dang Z
(2017) Mineralization and Recrystallization of Cadmium-Doped Schwertmannite Induced by Fe(II)
Fan C, Guo C, Zeng Y, Reinfelder J, Lu G & Dang Z
(2016) Dissolution Mechnism of Schwertmannite in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter: Implication for Chromate Dynamic Behavior
Xie Y, Lu G, Guo C & Dang Z

Lu Gung-Hsin (2011) Microbial Communities in Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Environment of the Kueishantao Island, Taiwan
Lin L-H, Tsai W-Y, Lu G-H, Wang P-L, Cheng T-W & Price RE

Lu Guoping (2007) Kinetic Isotope Effects in Snow Crystal Growth: Lattice-Boltzman Approach
DePaolo D & Lu G

Lu H (2005) Use of Zr/Rb Ratios in Chinese Loess Sequences to Trace Paleo-Winter Monsoon Winds Strength
Chen Y, Chen J, Liu L, Ji J & Lu H
(2003) REE and C, O and Sr Isotopic Compositions of Hydrothermal Carbonate Minerals from Fankou Superlarge Lead Zinc Deposit, China
Lu H, Sun X & Ma M
(2003) Surface Microtopographic and Chemical Behaviour of Dissolved Zircon at 180℃
Wang R, Lu H & Lu X

Lu Hai (2019) Distribution and Migration Regulations of Associated Elements in Coal
Yang J & Lu H

Lu Hailong (2019) Molecular and Isotopic Characteristics of Gases Bound in Natural Gas Hydrates
Li Y, Lu H, Cai W & Shang S
(2019) The Morphological and Sulfur Isotopic Characteristics of Pyrites in the Sediments in Xisha Trough, South China Sea
Chang J, Lu H, Liu Y, Lu X & Wang X
(2010) Structure and Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Clusters in Hydrogen Clathrate Hydrate by Molecular Dynamics Simulation and First-Principles Calculation
Lu H, Wang J & Becker U

Lu Haiping (2019) Characteristics of Pollution of the Chaoyangxi River to Groundwater in Nanning of Guangxi, China
Lu H, Zou S, Liang B & Zhao C
(2019) Content and Forms of Strontium in Typical Underground River in Karst Area:A Case Study in Dingqi, Anshun, China
Zhou C, Zou S, Zhu D & Lu H

Lu Hannah (2022) Beyond Kd: Next Generation Performance Assessment Framework Through Machine Learning
Wainwright HM, Chang ES-H, Ermakova D, Lu H, Beverly L, Xu Z, Zavarin M & Zheng L

Lu Hao (2011) Granularity and Geochemistry of Olivine in Jinchuan Ni-Cu-Pge Magmatic Sulfide Deposit
Jiao J-G, Liu M-W, Duan J & Lu H

Lu Hong (2018) Kinetics of Oil Generation by Closed-System Pyrolysis of Ximaling Shale
Zhao Z, Wang Q & Lu H
(2018) The Effect of Paleoproductivity to the Development of Organic-Rich Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale in the Middle Yangtze Region, China
Wang T, Wang Q & Lu H
(2018) The Influence of Pore Size Distributions on Gas Permeability of over-Mature Shale
Wang Q, Wang T & Lu H
(2018) Abundant 4-Methyl Diasterenes with 13C-Riched Stable Carbon Isotope Compositions in the Maoming Carbonaceous Shale, SE China
Zhang Y, Lu H, Sheng G & Peng P
(2018) Identification of Decamethyl Henicosane-Product from C1´-2-3-2´ Condensation of Isoprenoids
Liao J, Lu H & Wang Q
(2010) Effect of Brine on the TSR and Generation of H2S Revealed by Gold-Tube Simulation Experiments
Lu H, Chen T & Peng P

Lu Hongfeng (2017) The Forming Process of Authigenic Pyrite and Gypsum in Core Sediment from the Northern South China Sea and the Implications to Methane Seepage Intensities
Zhang M & Lu H

Lu Hua-Yu (2021) Implication of Temperature-Independent Boron Isotope Proxy to Variations of EASM in NE China over the Past 800 kyr
Wei H-Z, Lei F & Lu H-Y

Lu Huangjie (2020) Modulated Synthesis of Thorium-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks for Radionuclide Remediation
Lin J, Li Z-J, Lu H & Wang J-Q

Lu Huayu (2020) Has Eastern China Always Been Summer-Wet?
Serach L, Gallagher T, Lu H, Zhang H, Wang H, Ji S, Huntington K & Breecker D
(2010) Sr–Nd Isotopic Characteristics of River Sediments in the Tibetan Plateau
Wu W, Yang J, Xu S, Yin H, Lu H & Zhang K

Lu Huilin (2014) Cadmium Adsorption with Ferrihydrite Nano-Particles Under Various pH Values
Zhang W, Huang Y, Zhong L, Ni S, Chen Y, Lu H & Liu Z

Lu Huilin (2017) Study on Crystal Phase Change Process of Two Line Ferrihydrite and Cadmium Adsorption Ability
Zhang S, Liu C, Lu H, Zhang W, Huang Y & Lu J

Lu Huilin (2015) Characteristics of Trace Metals in PM2.5 and PM10 Particles and the Health Risk Assessment in a Typical Mining City of Dry-Hot-Valley Area of China
Cheng X, Huang Y, Lu H, Ni S, Liu Z & Wang N

Lu J (2006) Isotopic geochemistry of the Xiwang uranium deposit in Wengyuan,China
Lu J, Shen W & Gao J
(2006) Geochemistry of Cretaceous mafic dykes in North Guangdong, China
Gao J, Lu J, Ling H & Shen W
(2006) Strain energy model for diffusion compensation in mineral
Zhang B, Wu X, Lu J & Xu J
(2005) REE Characters of Sulphide Oxidation Zone of Xinqiao Massive Sulphide Deposit of Anhui, China
Gao J & Lu J
(2005) Re-Os Age for Molybdenite from the Dexing Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit of Jiangxi Province, China
Lu J, Hua R & Yao C
(2004) Study on the Surface Chemistry and Oxidation Mechanism of Pyrite Mediated by Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans in the Supergene Environment
Zhu C, Lu J, Lu X, Wang R & Chen X
(2004) Copper- and Gold-Enriched Ductile Shear Zones Inside Massive Sulphide Orebodies at Hongtoushan, NE China
Gu L, Tang X, Wu C, Lu J, Ni P & Sun Y
(2004) A Study on Copper Isotope Compositions of Dexing Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit of Jiangxi, China
Lu J, Renmin H, Shaoyong J, Xiaoming C & Jianfeng G
(2003) Copper Isotope Study of Copper and Gold Deposit of Dongguashan, China
Lu J, Hua R & Jiang S
(2003) Cu Isotope Compositions of Cu-Sulfides from Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Jiang S, Woodhead J, Lu J, Gu L, Ni P & Hua R
(2003) Characteristics and Evolution of Ore-Forming Fluid in Dongguashan Copper Deposit, Anhui Province, China
Xu Z, Lu X, Huang S, Ni P, Hua M & Lu J

Lu Jialan (2009) Remarkable Thermal Stability of C2, 3, 4 Heavy Hydrocarbon Gases from Oil
Wang Y, Zhao C, Wang H, Liu J & Lu J

Lu Jian-Jun (2020) Pressure-Induced Chlorine Isotope Fractionation Among Chlorine- Bearing Minerals
Liu X, Wei H-Z, Jiang S-Y, Williams-Jones AE & Lu J-J
(2019) Equilibrium Boron Isotope Fractionation Related to Silicate Melt: A Density Functional Theory Study
Li Y-C, Wei H-Z, Jiang S-Y, Palmer MR & Lu J-J
(2019) Theoretical Understanding on Chlorine Isotope Fractionation between Apatite- Group Minerals and Fluid
Liu X, Wei H-Z, Jiang S-Y, Williams-Jones AE & Lu J-J
(2014) Origin of the Beilou Cu-Bearing Intrusive Rocks, North China Craton: Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf Isotopic Constraints
Xu Z-W, Wang H, Lu X-C, Lu J-J, Zuo C-H & Zhao Z-X

Lu Jiang-Gu (2017) Garnet Pyroxenites in Southeastern Australia: Tracing Deep Lithospheric Events
Lu J-G, Griffin WL, Xiong Q, O'Reilly SY, Zheng J-P & Pearson NJ
(2016) Upwelling of the SE Australian Lithosphere: Thermo-Tectonic Evolution of Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Western Victoria
Lu J-G, Xiong Q, Griffin WL, Huang J-X, O'Reilly SY, Satsukawa T, Zheng J-P & Pearson N

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