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Loucks E. (2018) Lithospheric Drip Magmatism in NW Saudi Arabia Highlights N. Red Sea – Dead Sea Transform Interaction
Furman T, Loucks E, Byrd A, Alotaibi T, Cipar J & Crispin K

Loucks R (2003) Isochoric Ascent of Lithostatically-Pressured, Dense Magmatic Vapor during Gold-Enargite Ore Formation
Rohrlach B, Loucks R & Palin M

Loucks Robert (2013) Distinctive Composition and Genesis of Copper Ore-Forming Arc Magmas
Loucks R

Loudin Lorne (2017) Cr3+ Behavior at the Content < 100 > 0 Ppmw within α-Al2O3: Case Study of Ilmen Blue Sapphires by RS PL and LA-ICP-MS Mappings
Sorokina E, Sun Z, Loudin L, Nishanbaev T & Nikandrov S
(2016) Probing the Igneous Zircon Record of the Western Dharwar Craton, Using U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics, to Understand its Early Growth
Guitreau M, Mukasa SB, Loudin L & Krishnan S

Loudin Lorne C (2013) Relationship between Volatiles and Noble Gases in Icelandic Lavas: Evidence for Crustal Recycling
Mukasa SB, Loudin LC, Peterson M & Dixon ET

Loudon P. (2021) Spatially Resolved Diamond Formation and Metasomatism in the Kroonstad Mantle (RSA)
Kopylova MG, Karaevangelou M & Loudon P

Lough Alastair (2019) Impact of Hydrothermal Venting on Iron and Chromium Supply to the North Atlantic Ocean
Wang W, James R, Lough A, Goring-Harford H, Lohan M, Connelly D & Tagliabue A
(2017) Iron Isotopes Track the Uptake and Exchange of Iron Across an Oxic Shelf
Lough A, Jessica K, Rachael J, Douglas C, William H, James M & Peter S
(2017) Evolution of the Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Iron in Hydrothermal Plumes in the Southern Ocean
Klar J, James R, Gibbs D, Lough A, Parkinson I, Milton J & Hawkes J
(2016) Iron Colloid Formation during Hydrothermal Plume Dispersion
Lough A, William H, Kaulich B, Douglas C & Rachel M
(2015) Tracing Hydrothermal Iron Input to the Deep Ocean Using Iron Isotopes
Lough A, Klar J, Gibbs D, Milton J, Parkinson I, Homoky W, Racheal J, Connelly D & Rachel M

Lough Alastair J M (2023) Production of Geopolymerised Organic Carbon in Association with Iron at Hydrothermal Vents
Moore OW, Lough AJM, Woulds C, Homoky WB, Curti L & Peacock CL
(2021) Behaviour of Iron during Sediment Resuspension at the Glacier Edge, West Antarctic Peninsula
Jones RL, Annett A, Lohan M, Kunde K, Lough AJM, Sales de Freitas F & Scourse J

Lough Alastair J.M. (2018) DFe(II) Variability Across Hydrothermal Vents in the Mid Atlantic Ridge
González-Santana D, Artigue L, Lough AJM, Tagliabue A, Planquette H, Sarthou G & Lohan MC

Lough J. (2020) Examining Ba/Ca, Y/Ca, Rare Earth Elements as Proxies for Terrestrial Runoff in the Great Barrier Reef
Wu Y, Fallon S, Cantin N & Lough J
(2018) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Assessing Impact of Skeletal Density and Transect Quality on Geochemistry in Sub-Fossil Corals from the Galápagos Islands
Reed E, Thompson D, Cole J, Lough J, Vetter L, Snyder M, Jimenez G, Tudhope S, Edwards L & Cantin N
(2017) Can Coral Skeletal d15N be Used as a Proxy for Past Mass Bleaching Events?
Rangel MS, Erler D, Riekenberg J, Scheffers S, Christidis L & Lough J
(2012) Clumped and Magnesium Isotopes in Corals: A Comparison with Traditional Paleothermometers
Saenger C, Thiagarajan N, Felis T, Lough J, Holcomb M, Gaetani G, Cohen A, Affek H & Wang Z
(2007) Trace Element Distributions and Coral Skeleton Micromorphology Following a Bleaching Event
Hendy E, Lanzirotti A, Rasbury T & Lough J
(2006) Synchrotron µ-XRF mapping of elemental distributions across coral skeleton micro-architecture
Hendy E, Lanzirotti A, Rasbury T & Lough J

Lougheed Bryan (2018) Hypoxia in the Stockholm Archipelago over the Past 3 ka: A Natural Phenomenon or Human-Induced?
van Helmond N, Vollebregt A, Lougheed B, Peterse F, Fontorbe G, Conley D & Slomp C

Lougheed Bryan C (2023) Biological Response of Lake Baikal to Changing Hydrological Regimes on the Last Glacial-Post Glacial Transition
Nara FW, Miyahara H, Yamasaki S-I, Lougheed BC, Obrochta S, Kakegawa T, Tsuchiya N & Watanabe T

Lougheed V. (2019) Hands-On Training, Professional Development, and Career Readiness Through Summer Internships for Environmental Science Undergraduate Students
Jin L, Lougheed V, Walsh E, Doser D & Corral G

Loughlin S. (2019) Crystals with 4D and Physicochemical Context Reveal a Complete Magma Pathway, and Eruption Phenomena Linked to Mantle Magma Supply and Shutdown, throughout the Entire 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
Pankhurst M, Morgan D, Thordarson T & Loughlin S
(2011) Magmatic Processes Leading to Explosive Mafic Eruptions of Volcán de Colima, Mexico
Crummy J, Savov I, Morgan D, Navarro-Ochoa C, Wilson M & Loughlin S

Loughrey L. (2013) A New Model for Emerald Mineralisation and Boiling as a Mechanism for Emerald Zoning and Colouration
Marshall D, Loughrey L, Hewton M & Xue G

Louie W. (2016) Impacts of Perchlorate on Temporal Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Hydrocarbon Consumption in a Sulfidogenic Oil Reservoir Simulation
Shrestha P, Nowak J, Liu Y, Loutey D, Louie W, Goldstein A & Coates J

Louis J. (2014) New Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) Dynamic Following a Saharan Dust Deposition
Louis J, Bressac M & Guieu C
(2014) Is Nutrients Dynamic Affected by Ocean Acidification? Results from Two Mesocosms Experiments in the Mediterranean Sea (FP7 MedseA Project)
Louis J, Guieu C & Gazeau F

Louis K. (2009) Ligand Effects on Oxidative Stability of CdSe Nanoparticles
Mangham A, Louis K, Bramson A, Metz K, Pedersen J & Hamers R

Louis P. (2019) REE Patterns along the Moselle River: Effect of Geology and Land Use
Louis P, Pons M-N & Vignati D

Louisfrema W. (2017) A Classical Polarizable Force Field for the Structure and Dynamics of Water and Cations in Clays and Zeolites
Marry V, Tesson S, Louisfrema W, Salanne M, Rotenberg B, Boutin A & Ferrage E

Louka C. (2019) Controlling the Toxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanowires (ZnONWs)
Louka C, Charlet L, Maffeis T & Clift M

Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K. (2023) Country-Wide Mapping and Environmental Risk Management of Sulphur-Rich Black Shales Using Geophysics and Geochemistry
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Hyvönen E, Lerssi J & Auri J
(2022) High Ni and Mn Concentrations in Human Hair and Slightly Lower Ca in Blood Serum in Sulphur-Rich Black Shale Areas: Impact and Mechanisms
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Kousa A, Hatakka T & Kantola M
(2022) Arsenic in Agricultural Soils-Water Systems: Transfer Mechanisms, Remediation Options and Recommendations for Risk Management
Battaglia-Brunet F, Müller I, Jones C, Elert M, Le Guédard M, Hellal J, Thouin H, Jordan I, Keiski RL, Pinka J, Turkki A, Turpeinen E, Valkama H, Hatakka T, Tarvainen T, Kaija J & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K
(2019) Haveri Tailings –Environmental Threat or Potential for Reprocessing
Parviainen A & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K
(2019) Risk Management of As in the Agricultural Soils of Europe
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Turkki A, Battaglia-Brunet F, Pinka J, Jordan I, Le Guedard M, Jones C, Elert M, Müller I, Tarvainen T, Hatakka T & Kaija J
(2012) Mass Anomalous Fractionations of Sulfur Isotopes in the Talvivaara Ni Deposit, Finland – Evidence for Hydrothermal Input
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Young S, Pratt L & Johanson B
(2011) Talvivaara Ni Deposit and Ore Potential of Palaeoproterozoic Black Shale Formations in Finland
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Hyvönen E, Arkimaa H, Airo M-L, Vanne J, Lerssi J & Vuoriainen S
(2002) Extensive C- and S-Rich Black Shale Formations: Abundant Life Around Black Smokers 2 Ga ago
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K

Loun J. (2011) Thermodynamics of Crystalline iron(III) Arsenates Scorodite, Kaňkite, and Bukovskýite
Majzlan J, Drahota P, Filippi M, Novak M, Loun J & Grevel K-D

Lounejeva E. (2017) Significance of Marcasite Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Algeo T, Grice K, Rodemann T, Davidson G & Steadman J
(2014) S Isotopes of Pyrite from PTB Sediments in the Perth Basin: Toxic H2S Ocean in Latest Permian and High Bacterial Activity in Early Triassic
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Gregory D, Steadman J, Cook C & Gilbert S
(2014) Geochemical Signature of PTB Sediments in the Perth Basin Reveals a Toxic Ocean at the End of Permian and Anoxic Ocean in Early Triassic
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Mantle D, Halpin J, Goemann K & Gilbert S
(2013) Four Cycles of Oxygenation in the Phanerozoic
Large R, Halpin J, Danyushevsky L, Maslennikov V, Bull S, Gregory D, Lyons T & Lounejeva E
(2013) Secular Trends in the Global Ocean Revealed Through Trace Elements in Sedimentary Pyrite
Halpin J, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Maslennikov V, Gregory D, Lyons T & Lounejeva E
(2006) Improved precision in isotope and element ratio measurements by quadrupole-based ICP-MS
Mora-Palomino L, Solari L, Lounejeva E & Bernal JP

Lounejeva-Baturina E. (2010) Carbonate U-Series Dating Using Quadrupole-ICPMS
Hernandez-Mendiola E, Bernal J-P & Lounejeva E
(2009) Distribution of Rare Earth Elements between Cave-Drip Water and Speleothem Calcite
Aliaga-Campuzano P, Bernal JP & Lounejeva-Baturina E

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