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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hirai T. (2016) Measurements of Atmospheric Hydroperoxides over a Rural Site in Central Japan Using a Helicopter and Evaluation of Potential Capacity of SO2 Oxidation in Cloud Water at a High Elevation
Watanabe K, Yachi C, Nishibe M, Michigami S, Saito Y, Eda N, Yamazaki N & Hirai T

Hirai Y. (2016) Geochemical Diversity of Basalts and Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Active Rifts, Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan
Hirai Y, Okamura S, Sakamoto I, Shinjo R, Wada K & Yoshida T

Hirajima Takao (2021) Simultaneous P-T-T Estimation of Ultrahigh-Temperature High-Pressure Granulite Facies Metamorphism Recorded in Titanite
Yoshida K, Niki S, Sawada H, Oyanagi R, Hirata T, Asakura K & Hirajima T
(2019) Cryo-FIB-SEM-Edx Analysis of Fluid Inclusions Reveals the Deep Fluid Chemistry
Yoshida K, Orozbaev R, Hirajima T, Miyake A, Tsuchiyama A, Bakirov A, Takasu A & Sakiev K
(2017) Water Subduction Processes Constrained by Halogens and Noble Gases in the Sanbagawa Metamorphic Rocks
Sumino H, Burgess R, Kouketsu Y, Mizukami T, Kobayashi M, Endo S, Yoshida K, Hirajima T, Wallis S & Ballentine C
(2016) Application of Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry to a Moldanubian Garnet-Clinopyroxene Granulite
Usuki T, Iizuka Y, Hirajima T, Svojtka M & Jahn B-M
(2016) Origin of Four Types of Pargasitic Amphiboles found from the UHP Eclogite in Nové Dvory, Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif
Yasumoto A, Hirajima T & Svojtka M
(2016) Ultrapotassic Carbonatite Preserved in Orogenic Garnet Peridotite in the Continental Collision Zone
Naemura K, Svojtka M & Hirajima T
(2015) Re-Os and Lu-Hf Isotope Constraints on the Origin and Age of Pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif
Haluzova E, Ackerman L, Slama J, Svojtka M & Hirajima T
(2014) Re-Os Geochemistry of Mantle Pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Haluzová E, Ackerman L, Svojtka M & Hirajima T
(2011) Slab-Derived Halogens and Noble Gases with a Marine Pore-Fluid Signature
Sumino H, Ballentine C, Burgess R, Endo S, Yoshida K, Mizukami T, Holland G, Wallis S & Hirajima T
(2011) Relative B-Li-Cl Compositions: Capability and Limitation to Direct Observation of Deep Geofluid
Yoshida K, Sengen Y, Tsuchiya S, Minagawa K, Kobayashi T, Mishima T, Ohsawa S & Hirajima T
(2009) Delaminated North China Craton Lithosphere Preserved in Xugou Massif Peridotite, E China
Spengler D, Obata M, Hirajima T, Ottolini L, Tamura A & Arai S
(2007) Raman and Cathodoluminescence (CL) Study of Zircon Inclusions Derived from Gfohl Felsic Rocks in the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic
Kobayashi T, Hirajima T, Hiroi Y & Svojtka M
(2007) Water Content Variation in Low Temperature Eclogite Inferred from the Sesia Zone, Western Alps
Matsumoto K & Hirajima T

Hirajima Tsuyoshi (2016) Removal of Selenate by Co-precipitate with Ettringite in Aqueous Solution
Guo B, Hirajima T & Sasaki K
(2011) Removal of Fluoride on Mg–Al Mixed Oxides Prepared at Different Temperatures
Moriyama S, Sasaki K & Hirajima T
(2011) Sorption of Sr2+ on Hydroxyapatite from Calcined Fish Bones at Different Temperatures
Sasaki K, Tsuruyama S, Moriyama S & Hirajima T
(2010) Removal of Borate with Magnisium Oxides Prepared at Different Temperatures
Moriyama S, Sasaki K, Yoshizaka H & Hirajima T
(2008) Treatment of Arsenate in Acid Mine Drainage by a Permeable Reactive Barrier Bearing Granulated Blast Furnace Slag: Column Study
Sasaki K, Nukina S, Wilopo W & Hirajima T

Hirakawa S. (2017) A New Approach for Constraining the Magnitude of Initial Disequilibrium in Quaternary Zircons by Coupled U and Th Decay Series Dating
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T, Guillong M & Hirata T
(2013) Correction of Initial-Disequilibrium on U-Th-Pb System for Dating of Young Zircons
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T & Hirata T

Hiramatsu Y. (2019) Au-Ag Mineralization in Togi Vein Type Deposits, Ishikawa, Japan
Hamada M, Takikawa T, Takuda A, Kobayashi W, Ishida S, Hiramatsu Y & Hasebe N

Hirano H. (2013) Ontogenetic Stable Isotope Records of Modern Planktic Foraminifers from Sagami Bay, Japan
Takagi H, Moriya K, Ishimura T, Suzuki A, Kawahata H & Hirano H

Hirano N (2006) Petrology and geochemistry of mantle xenoliths from petit-spot volcano, NW Pacific Plate
Abe N, Yamamoto J, Hirano N & Arai S
(2003) Controls on Eruptive Style for North Arch Lavas
Hirano N, David C, Hirata T, Coombs M & Takahashi E

Hirano Naoto (2021) Geochemical Structure of the Oldest Pacific Lithosphere
Mikuni K, Hirano N, Akizawa N, Machida S, Tamura A & Morishita T
(2020) Hydrothermal Activity in Petit-Spot: Last Hydrothermal Alteration of Lithosphere Before Subduction
Azami K, Machida S, Hirano N & Kato Y
(2020) Verification and Correction of Matrix Effect on Water Concentration of Volcanic Glasses by SIMS
Shimizu K, Ushikubo T, Kuritani T, Hirano N & Yamashita S
(2020) An Experimental Approach to a Multiple Saturation Point of a “Direct Ascent” Petit-Spot Basalt
Yutani T, Condamine P, Hirano N, McCammon C & Frost D
(2020) Extremely High Volatiles of Petit-Spot
Hirano N, Katsuragi Y, Ushikubo T & Shimizu K
(2020) Petit-Spot with Maar Like Edifice
Ishii T, Kaneko M, Hirano N, Machida S & Sato Y
(2020) Melting of Reycled Crust Responsible for the Gutenberg Discontiuity
Liu J, Hirano N, Machida S, Xia Q & Tao C
(2017) CO2-rich Melt in the Asthenosphere
Machida S, Kogiso T & Hirano N
(2016) REE and Y Distribution in Deep Submarine Ferromanganese Crusts
Azami K, Hirano N, Machida S, Yasukawa K & Kato Y
(2016) How Petit-Spot Mantle Xenoliths Will Refine LAB Processes
Pilet S, Rochat L, Muntener O, Kaczmarek M-A, Duretz T, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S
(2016) Petit-Spot Lavas as Test for Alkaline Magma Generation
Rochat L, Pilet S, Kaczmarek M-A, Müntener O, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S
(2015) Petit-Spot Lavas as a Window into the Geochemistry of the Asthenosphere
Hirano N
(2015) Geology and Geochemistry of Fe-Mn Nodules in the Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone Around Minamitorishima Island, W Pacific
Machida S, Fujinaga K, Ishii T, Nakamura K, Hirano N & Kato Y
(2013) Geochemical Discrimination of Tsunami Sediments in Tohoku and Shizuoka Area, Japan
Watanabe T, Tsuchiya N, Inoue C, Kitamura A, Komai T, Yamasaki S, Yamada R, Hirano N, Okamoto A & Nara F
(2013) Geochemical Variations of Basalts from Petit-Spot Volcanoes in the Northwestern Pacific
Machida S, Hirano N, Kato Y, Tamura A & Arai S
(2013) Mantle Structure Below the Petit-Spot
Hirano N, Yamamoto J & Okumura S

Hirano Nobuo (2022) Pressurized and Depressurized Hydrothermal Fracturing of Granitic Rocks Under Sub-And Supercritical Conditions of Water
Tsuchiya N, Mizuno T & Hirano N
(2016) Decrease of Iodine Isotope Ratio Observed in Crater Lake and Geothermal Area at Zao Volcano, Japan
Matsunaka T, Sasa K, Takahashi T, Matsumura M, Sueki K, Goto A, Watanabe T, Tuchiya N, Hirano N, Kuri M, Takahashi M, Kazahaya K, Miyagi I & Matsuzaki H

Hirano S (2003) Formational Processes of Sedimentary Micro-Structure in Meromictic Lake Kaiike Sediments, Japan
Oguri K, Hirano S, Sakai S, Nakajima Y, Suga H & Sakamoto T

Hirano Shinichi (2022) Biogenic Manganese Crust and Zinc Uptake in the River Mixed with Groundwater
Ito Y, Hirano S, Tanaka S, Oyama T & Nagaoka T
(2019) Thick Black Manganese-Rich Crusts Formed on the Wall of Canals in the AsO Caldera, Japan
Ito Y, Tanaka S, Oyama T, Hirano S & Nagaoka T

Hiranuma N. (2013) Enhanced Ice Nucleation Activity of Soil Dust Particles
Steinke I, Funk R, Danielczok A, Höhler K, Hiranuma N, Hoffmann N, Hummel M, Kirchen S, Kiselev A, Leue M, Möhler O, Saathoff H, Schnaiter M, Schwartz T, Sierau B, Stetzer O, Toprak E, Ulrich A, Hoose C & Leisner T
(2013) Direct Measurements of Isotopic Fractionation Factors of Water Vapor over Ice for Temperatures Below 235 K
Lamb K, Clouser B, Sarkozy L, Stutz E, Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Möhler O, Saathoff H & Moyer E
(2013) Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy for Water Isotopic Measurements in Cold Clouds
Moyer E, Sarkozy L, Lamb K, Clouser B, Stutz E, Kuhnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Moehler O & Saathoff H

Hirao N. (2016) Experimental and Theoretical Thermal Equations of State of MgSiO3 Post-Perovskite at Multi-Megabar Pressures
Sakai T, Dekura H & Hirao N
(2016) Melting Phase Relations and Element Partitioning in MORB to Deep Lower Mantle Conditions
Tateno S, Hirose K, Sakata S, Yonemitsu K, Ozawa H, Hirata T, Hirao N & Ohishi Y
(2016) Formation of Phase H – δ-AlOOH Solid Solution in the Lower Mantle
Ohira I, Ohtani E, Kamada S & Hirao N
(2016) Electrical Property and Compressional Behavior of Fe-Si Alloys Under High Pressure
Suzuki N, Kamada S, Maeda F, Ohtani E, Hirao N, Ohishi Y, Masuda R, Mitsui T & Nakano S
(2016) Phase Changes of Hydrogen and Deuterated Hydrates Induced by Guest Orientational Ordering
Hirai H, Kagawa S, Kadobayashi H, Hirao N, Ohishi Y, Yagi T & Yamamoto Y
(2016) Reaction of MgCO3 High-Pressure Polymorph and SiO2; Origin of Super-Deep Diamond
Maeda F, Kamada S, Ohtani E, Sakamaki T, Hirao N & Ohishi Y
(2013) A New Mechanism for Transport of Water into CMB
Ohtani E, Ohira I, Sakai T, Miyahara M, Ohishi Y, Hirao N & Nishijima M
(2013) Discovery of Coesite and Stishovite from Eucrite
Miyahara M, Ohtani E, Yamaguchi A, Ozawa S, Sakai T & Hirao N
(2011) The Elasticity Change of Na-Contained Silica According to the Post-Stishovite Phase Transition in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Asahara Y, Hirose K, Ohishi Y, Hirao N, Ozawa H & Murakami M
(2009) Sound Velocity Measurements in Water at High Pressures: Application to Water at Lower Mantle Conditions
Asahara Y, Murakami M, Ohishi Y, Hirao N, Sata N & Hirose K
(2009) Phase Relations and Compression of FeSi and FeNiSi Alloys: Implications for Silicon Content of the Core
Ohtani E, Asanuma H, Sakai T & Hirao N
(2009) Hydrogen Incorporation to the Earth’s Core
Terasaki H, Ohtani E, Sakai T, Kamada S, Shibazaki Y, Asanuma H, Hirao N, Yasuo O, Sata N, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K-I
(2003) Iron-Nickel Alloy-Water Reaction Under High Pressure and High Temperature
Hirao N, Ohtani E, Kondo T & Kikegawa T

Hirao S. (2009) Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Hirao S, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I

Hiraoka N. (2012) Iron L- and M- Edges of Iron Containing Minerals Measured by X-Ray Raman Scattering
Nyrow A, Sternemann C, Wilke M, Mende K, Sahle C, Simonelli L, Gordon R, Hiraoka N, Wieland F, Tolan M & Tse J
(2012) In situ High Pressure Changes to the O K-Edge Electronic Structure of CaMgSi2O6: An X-Ray Raman Approach
Moulton B, Kanzaki M, Fukui H, Hiraoka N & Henderson G
(2011) Spin Crossover and Iron-Rich Silicate Melt in the Earth’s Deep Mantle
Nomura R, Ozawa H, Tateno S, Hirose K, Hernlund J, Muto S, Ishii H & Hiraoka N

Hiras J. (2012) Challenges of Cell-Mineral Contact during Mineral Formation and Dissolution by Fe and S-Oxidizing Bacteria
Chan C, Hanson T, Cabaniss K, Hiras J & Brodzinski J

Hirata D (2003) Zircon Geochemistry of Mid-Miocene Adakites in the Southern Patagonian Province
Orihashi Y, Motoki A, Hirata D, Haller M, Ramos V & Ota T

Hirata Daiji (2011) Geochronological Fingerprint Revealed the Evolution of the Crust Underlying Cerro Pampa Adakite, Argentine Patagonia
Orihashi Y, Anma R, Motoki A, Haller M, Ramos V & Hirata D

Hirata H. (2014) Chemical and Isotopic Studies of Precipitation in Toyama, Northern Central Japan
Okakita N, Iwatake K, Hirata H, Oda A & Ueda A
(2014) Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of Groundwaters in Central Part of Toyama City, Japan
Hirata H, Okakita N & Ueda A

Hirata M. (2015) Crystal Chemistry of Vanadium-Rich Garnet from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Akasaka M, Hirata M, Osanai Y, Hamada M, Nagashima M, Makino K & Ejima T

Hirata Takafumi (2016) Isotope Ratio Measurements Using Double Daly Collectors Equipped on MC-ICPMS Instruments
Hirata T, Tanaka M, Hattori K & Sakata S
(2016) Melting Phase Relations and Element Partitioning in MORB to Deep Lower Mantle Conditions
Tateno S, Hirose K, Sakata S, Yonemitsu K, Ozawa H, Hirata T, Hirao N & Ohishi Y
(2016) Geochemical Zr Behaviour in the Deep Crust Around Metasomatic Vein Composed of Cl-Rich Hbl and Grt
Higashino F, Kawakami T, Tsuchiya N, Madhusoodhan S-K, Ishikawa M, Grantham G, Sakata S, Hattori K & Hirata T
(2016) Possible Polymetamorphism and Brine Infiltration Recorded in the Garnet-Sillimanite Gneiss, Skallevikshalsen, East Antarctica
Kawakami T, Hokada T, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2016) Geochemical Cycling of Fe, S, C, N, and Mo in the 3.2 Ga Ocean: Constraints from DXCL-Dp Black Shales
Yamaguchi KE, Kobayashi Y, Shena A, Kobayashi D, Fujita S, Nagashima A, Sakamoto R, Naraoka H, Yamagata Y, Hirata T, Ikehara M, Ito T & Kiyokawa S
(2016) Origins of Transition Elements of the BIFs: Implications for the Archean Seawater Chemistry
Aoki S, Sakata S, Kato Y, Hirata T & Komiya T
(2016) Hf-O Isotope Signature for Zircons in the Taitao Granite: Geochemical Constraints on Slab-Melting
Suzuki K, Iizuka T, Kitajima K, Valley JW, Sawaki Y, Hattori K, Hirata T & Anma R
(2016) Occurance and Origins of Arsenic in the Hokusetsu Area, Japan
Even E, Masuda H, Shibata T, Sakamoto Y, Murasaki T, Hirata T & Chiba H
(2016) A Survey on New Standard Materials for U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yokoyama T, Saito-Kokubu Y, Murakami H, Watanabe T, Hirata T, Sakata S, Danhara T, Iwano H, Maruyama S, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2016) Distributions of Nickel, Copper and Zinc Isotopes in the North Pacific Ocean
Takano S, Uehara W, Shin K-C, Hirata T, Tanimizu M & Sohrin Y
(2016) Stable Isotope Signature of Fe to Understand the Fe Bio-Cycle in the Hydrothermal-Vent
Yamagata Y, Tanaka Y-K, Chen C, Toyofuku T & Hirata T
(2016) Greater South China: Detrital Zircon Chronology of Paleozoic Sandstones in Japan and Primorye, Russia
Isozaki Y, Nakahata H, Sakata S, Zakharov Y & Hirata T
(2016) Determination of the Stable Isotope Ratio of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Marine Sediments
Tsujisaka M, Takano S, Hirata T & Sohrin Y
(2016) Origin of Extremely Deutrium-Rich Isotopic Compositions of Phosphates from LL4-6 Ordinary Chondrites
Itoh S, Higashi Y, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Yanai K, Russell S, Greenwood J, Sakata S, Hirata T & Yurimoto H

Hirata Takafumi (2017) A New Approach for Constraining the Magnitude of Initial Disequilibrium in Quaternary Zircons by Coupled U and Th Decay Series Dating
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T, Guillong M & Hirata T
(2017) Estimation of the Paleoenvironment Based on the Concentration and Isotope Ratio of Molybdenum and Tungsten in the Japan Sea Sediment
Tsujisaka M, Takano S, Hirata T, Murayama M & Sohrin Y
(2017) Comparison of REE Tetrad Effect Using ID-Icp-Qms, Conventional ICP-Qms and LA-ICP-QMS Methods
Lee S-G, Tanaka T, Kon Y & Hirata T
(2017) Infiltration of Prograde Cl-Rich Fluid into the Granulitic Continental Crust from a Collision Zone in East Antarctica (Perlebandet, Sør Rondane Mountains)
Kawakami T, Higashino F, Skrzypek E, Satish-Kumar M, Grantham G, Tsuchiya N, Ishikawa M, Sakata S & Hirata T

Hirata Takafumi (2015) Coupling of Elemental Imaging and High Resolution U-Pb Chronology
Hirata T, Sakata S, Hattori K & Suzuki T
(2015) Determination of Isotopic Ratio of Nickel, Copper, and Zinc in Seawater Using an Ethylenediaminetriacetic Acid Chelating Resin
Takano S, Tanimizu M, Hirata T, Sohrin Y, Little S & Archer C
(2015) Oxygen Isotope Ratio of Zircons from the Taitao Granite: Implications for Slab-Melting
Suzuki K, Kitajima K, Valley JW, Sawaki Y, Hattori K, Hirata T & Maruyama S
(2015) Hydrogen Diffusion Experiment of Apatite Crystal
Itoh S, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2015) Determination of Major and Trace Elements in GSJ Geochemical Reference Samples Using Galvanometric LA-ICPMS
Kon Y, Araoka D, Ejima T, Yokoyama T & Hirata T
(2015) Duration of Low-P/T Type Metamorphism and Zircon/Garnet REE Partitioning in Migmatites from the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt, Japan
Kawakami T, Horie K, Hokada T, Hattori K & Hirata T
(2015) Development of Precise in situ Dating Technique for Phosphates in Chondrites Using LA-ICP-MS
Sakata S, Itoh S & Hirata T
(2015) In situ Iron Isotope Analysis of Pyrite and Carbon/Nitrogen Isotope Ratios from the Middle Proterozoic Sediments, McArthur Basin, Northern Australia
Yoshiya K, Sawaki Y, Nishizawa M, Komiya T, Hirata T & Maruyama S
(2014) Imaging Cytometry for Geochemical Samples Using LA-ICP-MS
Hirata T, Hattori K, Ohara S, Okabayashi S & Sakata S
(2013) Correction of Initial-Disequilibrium on U-Th-Pb System for Dating of Young Zircons
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T & Hirata T
(2013) Vertical Profiles of Copper Isotopic Composition in the Ocean
Takano S, Tanimizu M, Hirata T & Sohrin Y
(2013) Development of ETV-Mc-ICPMS Technique for W Isotope Analysis
Okabayashi S, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2013) In situ Iron Isotope Analysis of Pyrite in ca. 3.8 Ga Metasediments from Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland
Yoshiya K, Sawaki Y, Komiya T, Maruyama S & Hirata T
(2013) Occurrence of >3.9 Ga “Nanok” Gneiss from Saglek Block, Northern Labrador, Canada
Shimojo M, Yamamoto S, Aoki S, Sakata S, Maki K, Koshida K, Ishikawa A, Hirata T, Collerson KD & Komiya T
(2013) Geology, Lithostratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Oldest Eoarchaean BIFs, Northern Labrador
Aoki S, Masanori M, Sakata S, Yamamoto S, Ishikawa A, Hirata T & Komiya T
(2013) Apatite Inclusions in Hadean Zircon from Jack Hills, Australia
Yamamoto S, Komiya T, Shimojo M, Sakata S, Maki K & Hirata T
(2013) Heavy Element-Stable Isotope Systematics for Metallomics Induced by the MC-ICPMS Technique
Hirata T, Okabayashi S, Ohno T, Yoshiya K, Komiya T & Maruyama S
(2012) Melt Inclusions in Zircon from the Migmatite Zone, Ryoke Belt, Japan
Kawakami T, Yamaguchi I, Miyake A, Maki K, Shibata T, Yokoyama TD & Hirata T
(2012) Chlorine-Rich Fluid in Granulite Facies Continental Collision Zone
Higashino F, Kawakami T, M S-K, Ishikawa M, Maki K, Tsuchiya N, Grantham G & Hirata T
(2012) U-Pb Zircon Ages of Early Archean Gneisses from Northern Labrador
Shimojo M, Yamamoto S, Maki K, Hirata T, Sawaki Y, Aoki K, Ishikawa A, Okada Y, Collerson KD & Komiya T
(2012) Detrital Zircons from the Higo and Abukuma Metamorphic Terranes, Japan: Implication for the Sediment Provenance
Maki K, Fukuyama M, Miyazaki K, Yui T-F, Wang K-L, Usuki T, Hirata T & Grove M
(2012) Iron Isotopic Signature of Fe-Ni Metals in Ordinary Chondrites Using LAL-Mc-ICPMS Technique
Okabayashi S, Yokoyama T & Hirata T
(2011) Advances in Resolution and Accuracy of in situ Determination of Isotope Ratios
Hirata T, Yokoyama T, Okabayashi S, Maki K, Suzuki T & Kon Y
(2011) Iron Isotopic Signature for Weathered Ordinary Chondrites: Application of the LAL sampling-ICP-MS Technique for Cosmochemical Sample
Okabayashi S, Yokoyama T, Yokoyama T & Hirata T
(2011) Evaluation of In-House Metallic Standard for Siderophile Elements Using fs-La-ICPMS
Yokoyama TD, Imai T, Uchiyama Y, Suzuki T, Yokoyama T, Takeyama M, Takahashi E & Hirata T
(2011) In situ Iron Isotope Analyses of Pyrites from 3.5 to 3.2 Ga Sedimentary Rocks of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, Kaapvaal Craton
Yoshiya K, Sawaki Y, Shibuya T, Yamamoto S, Komiya T, Maruyama S & Hirata T
(2011) Zircon Behavior in the Upper Amphibolite Facies Polymetamorphic Terrane, Ryoke Belt, Japan
Kawakami T, Yamaguchi I, Yokoyama TD, Maki K, Hirata T & Shibata T
(2010) In situ Analyses of Sr Isotopes and REE of Phosphate Minerals in the Ediacaran Phosphorite of Weng'an Region, South China
Okada Y, Sawaki Y, Komiya T, Takahata N, Sano Y, Hirata T & Maruyama S
(2009) Pressure Dependence of Partition Coefficients between Olivine and Peridotite Melt
Imai T, Takahashi E, Suzuki T & Hirata T
(2009) Iron Isotopic Distribution at Grain Scale Sugggests the Redox Fluctuation of the Archaean Shallow Ocean
Nishizawa M, Yamamoto H, Ueno Y, Komiya T, Maruyama S & Hirata T
(2009) Distribution of Hf and W between Metal and Olivine Phase in Pallasites
Yokoyama T, Uchiyama Y & Hirata T
(2008) Precise Mo Isotopic Analysis on Pacific and Antarctic Seawater
Nakagawa Y, Firdaus ML, Norisuye K, Sohrin Y, Irisawa K & Hirata T
(2008) Tungsten Isotopic Investigation of Eoarchean Terrestrial Rocks with Implications for Mantle Evolution
Iizuka T, Nakai S, Sahoo YV, Hirata T, Takamasa A & Maruyama S
(2008) Mass-Dependent Isotopic Fractionation of Sr in Geochemical Samples by MC-ICP-MS
Ohno T, Wakabayashi T & Hirata T
(2007) In situ Isotope Analysis of Fe in Pyrite Using Laser Ablation-ICPMS
Yamamoto H & Hirata T
(2007) Simultaneous Determination of Mass-Dependent Isotopic Fractionation and Ragiogenic Isotope Variation of Sr in Geochemical Samples
Wakabayashi T, Ohno T, Fukushi Y, Komiya T & Hirata T
(2007) Development of Chelate Resin Column Preconcentration Method for Precise Isotope Analysis of Mo in Seawater
Nakagawa Y, Firdaus ML, Norisuye K, Sohrin Y, Irisawa K & Hirata T
(2007) Mass Dependent Isotopic Fractionation of Ce and Nd in Geochemical Samples
Ohno T & Hirata T
(2006) Evidence from REE patterns for microbial contribution to the formation of natural Fe oxides and BIF
Hirata T, Takahashi Y & Danielle F
(2006) Determination of precise nickel isotopic composition and natural nickel isotopic variation by ICP-MS
Tanimizu M & Hirata T
(2006) Tungsten Isotopic Analysis on Six Geochemical Reference Materials using Multiple Collector-ICP-Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Rhenium-External Correction Technique
Irisawa K & Hirata T
(2006) Stable isotope geochemistry of strontium using MC-ICP-MS
Ohno T & Hirata T
(2006) Hafnium-tungsten Chronometry of Iron Meteorites
Uchiyama Y, Yanada C, Irisawa K & Hirata T
(2006) Continental growth history deduced from zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope systematics of river sands
Iizuka T, Komiya T, Rino S, Maruyama S & Hirata T
(2006) Reworking of Hadean continental crust in the Acasta Gneiss Complex of NW Canada: Evidence from zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes
Iizuka T, Horie K, Komiya T, Maruyama S, Hirata T & Hidaka H
(2005) Insitu Fe Isotopic Fractionation Determination by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Tunheng A & Hirata T
(2005) Occurrence of a 4.2<!s><$>Gyr Old Zircon in the Acasta Gneiss Complex of Northwestern Canada
Iizuka T, Horie K, Komiya T, Maruyama S, Hirata T, Hidaka H & Windley B
(2005) Isotope Fractionation of Tungsten on Geochemical Samples Using ICP-Mass Spectrometry
Irisawa K & Hirata T
(2003) Isotopic Fractionation of Fe Through Biochemical Processes
Hirata T, Kato Y, Endo K, Hashimoto J & Kouge I
(2003) Fe and Zn Isotopes in Human Body
Ohno T, Shinohara A, Chiba M & Hirata T
(2003) Isotopic Effect on Zinc Through Isotopic Separation Using Macrocyclic Polyethers
Asada Y, Fujii T & Hirata T
(2003) An Investigation for Isotopic Discrimination Effect during ICP Ionization
Tanimizu M, Asada Y & Hirata T
(2003) Controls on Eruptive Style for North Arch Lavas
Hirano N, David C, Hirata T, Coombs M & Takahashi E
(2003) In situ Hf Isotope Microanalysis of Zircon by LA-MC-ICPMS
Iizuka T, Komiya T, Hirata T & Maruyama S
(2003) Continental Growth History of the River Basin: Age Distribution of Detrital Zircons from Major Rivers
Rino S, Komiya T, Hirata T & Maruyama S
(2002) Chemically Assisted-Laser Ablation-Icp-Mass Spectrometry
Hirata T
(2002) Simultaneous Determinations of U-Pb Age and REE Abundances for Zircons Using Laser Ablation-ICPMS
Iizuka T & Hirata T
(2002) Iron Isotopes in Human Blood
Ohno T, Kouge I & Hirata T
(2001) SHRIMP U-Pb and Re-Os Dating of Mantle UHP Minerals from the Luobusha Chromitite, South Tibet
Yang JS, Bai WJ, Wu CL, Hirata T, Maruyama S, Hirose K & Liou JG

Hirata Takafumi (2021) Development of High-Precision La Isotope Analysis by MC-ICP-MS
Suzuki M, Iizuka T, Yamamoto K & Hirata T
(2021) Analytical Capability of a High-Time Resolution-Multiple Collector-ICPMS (HTR-Mc-ICPMS) System for Geochemical and Cosmochemical Studies
Hirata T, Burrows A & Freedman P
(2021) Simultaneous P-T-T Estimation of Ultrahigh-Temperature High-Pressure Granulite Facies Metamorphism Recorded in Titanite
Yoshida K, Niki S, Sawada H, Oyanagi R, Hirata T, Asakura K & Hirajima T

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