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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hilse U. (2010) Geochemical Variations in German Buntsandstein and Rotliegend Sandstones – The Main CO2 Reservoir Rocks in Germany
Hilse U, Pudlo D & Gaupp R

Hilt S. (2017) Potential Salinity Effects on Leaf Wax Lipid δD Values from Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes in Paleo-Climatic Records
Aichner B, Hilt S, Périllon C, Sachse D & Mischke S

Hilton Connon (2017) Excess 180W in Iron Meteorites: Cosmogenic or Radiogenic?
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M

Hilton Connor (2021) Multiple Ion Counting of Fission Product Ruthenium in Historic Environmental Samples
Conte E, McHugh K, Hilton C, Brown C & Krogstad E
(2018) A New Decay Constant for 184Os and Evidence for P-Process Heterogeneity of 180W in Iron Meteorites
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M
(2016) Noble Gas Systematics of Martian Meteorite Northwest Africa 10416
Cassata W, Hilton C, Borg L & Agee C

Hilton David (2020) The Critical Role of Subduction in Earth’s Halogen Distribution
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim-Mrosko B, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Perfit M & Ballentine C
(2020) C-N-He-Ar Cycling at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
Epstein G, Bebout G, Christenson B, Sumino H, Wada I, Werner C & Hilton D
(2019) Sustained Role of a Mantle Plume in Ethiopia and Afar
House B, Hammond J, Keir D, Gallacher R, Hilton D, Scarsi P, Abebe T, Halldorsson S & Castillo P

Hilton David R (2021) Stable Isotope, Noble Gas, and Forward Modelling Insights into the Fate of Volatiles Subducted along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
Epstein GS, Bebout GE, Christenson B, Sumino H, Wada I, Werner CA & Hilton DR
(2016) Noble Gas and Halogen Variation of Volcanic Rocks from the Izu-Mariana Subduction Zone
Sumino H, Kobayashi M, Burgess R, Jepson L, Machida S, Shimizu A, Hahm D, Hilton D & Ballentine C
(2016) Iodine Budget in the Manus Back-Arc Basin: Implication for the Iodine Cycle in the Earth’s Mantle
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Burgess R, Joachim B, Clay P, Sinton J & Ballentine C
(2016) An Automatic System for Continuous Monitoring of Groundwater Geochemistry at an Active Fault Zone in SW Taiwan
Fu C-C, Lai C-W, Yang TF, Hilton DR, Liu T-K, Vivek W, Chen C-H, Lee L-C & Lai T-H
(2016) Continuous Sampling of Geothermal and Groundwater Volatiles in Earthquake-Prone Regions
Hilton D, Barry P, Fu C-C, Yang F & Kulongoski J
(2016) Development of a Field-Portable Helium Isotope Detector for Survey and Long-Term Monitoring
McMurtry G, Hilton D & Blessing J

Hilton David R. (2018) Multi-Level Magma Plumbing at Agung and Batur Volcanoes Increases Risk of Hazardous Eruptions
Geiger H, Troll VR, Deegan FM, Jolis EM, Harris C, Hilton DR & Freda C
(2018) Spatial Distribution of Helium Isotopes in Icelandic Geothermal Fluids and Volcanic Materials
Halldorsson SA, Hardardottir S & Hilton DR
(2017) Investigations into the Highest Reported He Concentration in a Natural Gas Sample: Mt Kitty, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory
McInnes B, Darrah T, Hilton D, Boreham C, Edwards D & Gusterhuber J
(2017) Re-evaluating the Sulfur Isotope Characteristics of the Iceland Hotspot
Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldórsson SA, Stefánsson A, Ono S, Whitehouse MJ, Hilton DR & Hauri EH
(2017) Resolving Water Sources in Icelandic Basalts: Insights from Hydrogen Isotopes
Halldórsson S, Kleine B, Barnes J, Stefánsson A, Hilton D, Hauri E & Hallis L
(2017) Noble Gas Signatures Preserved in Podiform Chromitites from Luobusa and Kangjinla, Tibet
Guo W, He H, Hilton D & Zheng Y
(2014) Spatial Distribution of Halogens (Cl, Br, I) in Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Chavrit D, Ruzié L, Burgess R, Hilton DR, Sinton J & Ballentine CJ
(2014) Recycled and Solar Nitrogen Contributions to the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) Réunion-Plume System
Barry P & Hilton D
(2014) A Unified Mantle Plume Hypothesis for the East African Rift System
Castillo P, Hilton D & Halldorsson S
(2014) Helium and CO2 Systematics of the San Andreas Fault System
Hilton D, Evans T, Zhang X, Kulongoski J, Ramirez C, Blackmon K & Barry P
(2014) Towards Field Measurements of 3He/4He: A Key Parameter in Volcano Monitoring
McMurtry G & Hilton D
(2014) Tracing Arc-Like Volatiles into Panama Using Helium and CO2
Patel B, Hilton D, Kulongoski J, Ramirez C, Barry P & Blackmon K
(2013) Halogen Systematics of the Manus Spreading Center
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim B, Hilton DR, Sinton JM & Ballentine CJ
(2013) Combined Halogen (Cl, Br, I) and Noble Gas Mantle Geochemistry
Ballentine C, Burgess R, Sumino H, Hilton D, Graham D, Van Keken P, Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Clay P, Joachim B, Moorsom B, Jepsom L & Broadley M
(2013) Ancient Recycled Nitrogen Isotope Signatures in Siberian Xenoliths
Barry P, Hilton D & Taylor L
(2013) Shallow-Level Magma-Sediment Interaction and Explosive Behaviour at Anak Krakatau
Troll VR, Jolis EM, Dahrén B, Deegan FM, Blythe LS, Harris C, Berg SE, Hilton DR, Freda C & Schwarzkopf LM
(2013) Nitrogen Recycling Through Arc Volcanism
Fischer T, Li L, Sharp Z & Hilton D
(2013) Helium Isotope Compositions of Geothermal Fluids and Alkaline Volcanics in Turkey: A Comparative Assessment for Crust-Mantle Dynamics
Mutlu H, Aldanmaz E, Stuart FM, Aral D, Gülec N & Hilton DR
(2013) Deep Carbonate Recycling and Metasomatic Enrichment of the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle Inferred from Mantle Xenoliths of the East African Rift System
Halldorsson S, Hilton D, Scarsi P, Abebe T, Hopp J & Chakraborty S
(2013) The D/H Ratio of the Deep Mantle
Hallis LJ, Huss GR, Taylor GJ, Nagashima K, Halldórsson SA & Hilton DR
(2013) The Halogen Cycle in Subduction Zones: Insight from Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Burgess R, Hilton DR, Sumino H, Sinton J & Ballentine CJ
(2012) Magmatic vs Crustal Volatiles: A Reconnaisance Tool for Geothermal Energy Exploration
Blythe L, Troll V, Hilton D, Deegan F, Jolis E & Stimac J
(2012) Tracing Crustal Contamination along the Java Segment of Sunda Arc, Indonesia
M. Jolis E, Troll V, Deegan F, Blythe L, Harris C, Freda C, Hilton D, Chadwick J & van Helden M
(2012) Reconstructing the Toba Magmatic System: Insights from Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Budd D, Troll V, Jolis E, Deegan F, Smith V, Whitehouse M, Harris C, Freda C, Hilton D & Halldorsson S
(2012) Elevated Crustal CO2 Liberation at Merapi Volcano: Linking Rock-, Mineral- and Gas-Geochemistry
Troll V, Deegan F, Jolis E, Hilton D, Chadwick J, Blythe L, Freda C, Schwarzkopf L, Gertisser R & Zimmer M
(2012) Nitrogen-Helium-Argon Isotope Relationships in Subglacial Glasses from Iceland's Neovolcanic Zones
Halldorsson S, Hilton D, Barry P, Furi E, Fischer T & Groenvold K
(2012) He-CO2-N2 Systematics of the Tengchong Geothermal Province, SW China: Degassing along a Plate Boundary
Hilton D, Guo Z, Barry P, Zhang M & Cheng Z
(2011) Central Indian Ridge Versus Réunion Hotspot: Do Interaction Processes Account for on and off Axis Geochemical Observations?
Hemond C, Janin M, Murton B, Füri E, Hilton D & Dyment J
(2011) Crustal CO2 Liberation at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: An Earthquake Trigger?
Troll V, Hilton D, Jolis EM, Chadwick J, Schwarz-Kopf L, Zimmer M, Blythe L & Deegan F
(2011) Probing the Toba Super-Eruption: Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of Zoned Quartz Phenocrysts
Budd D, Troll V, Muñoz-Jolis E, Deegan F, Smith V, Whitehouse M, Freda C, Harris C & Hilton D
(2011) Stable Isotope (C-N) and Noble Gas (Ne-Ar) Evidence for Recycled Plume Components at the CIR
Barry P, Hilton D, Fueri E, Murton B, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2011) Mantle Volatiles in Groundwaters Near the San Andreas Fault
Kulongoski J, Hilton D & Belitz K
(2011) Superplume Control of East Africa Rift Volcanism: Helium Isotope Evidence from Alkaline Magmatism of Tanzania
Hilton D, Halldorsson S, Barry P, Fischer T, De Moor M, Ramirez C, Mangasini F & Scarsi P
(2009) Indian Ridges, Hotspots, Interaction: Réunion Central Indian Ridge and Amstersdam St Paul Southeast Indian Ridge Cases
Hémond C, Janin M, Maia M, Füri E, Hilton D, Murton B & Dyment J
(2009) Identifying Upper Crustal Contamination along the Java Segment of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia
Blythe L, Troll V & Hilton D
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes and Plume-Ridge Interaction: The Central Indian Ridge and the Reykjanes Ridge
Barry P, Hilton D, Sano Y, Takahata N, Murton B, Füri E, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2009) Ridge-Hotspot Interaction at the Central Indian Ridge, 20°S: New Helium Isotope Results
Füri E, Hilton D, Dyment J, Hémond C & Murton B
(2009) He-CO2 Characteristics of Submarine and Subaerial Fluids of the Costa Rica Forearc
Hilton D, Furi E, Fischer T, Ramirez C, Tryon M, Barry P, Brown K, Alvarado G, Montero W & Denyer P
(2008) Volatile Systematics of the Canary Islands Hotspot
Hilton D, Day J, Hahm D & Carracedo J-C
(2008) Constraining Deep Mantle Contributions to Canary Island Lavas
Day J, Walker R, Hilton D, Carracedo J-C & Hanski E
(2008) Climate Variability in the Mojave Desert over the Past 43 ka
Kulongoski J, Belitz K, Hilton D & Izbicki J
(2008) Light Elements in Subduction Zones: Perspective from Volatiles
Fischer T, Hilton D, Shaw A, Sharp Z, Barnes J & Hauri E
(2008) Hf and Pb Isotope Constraints on the Source Origin of Northern Lau Basin Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Hanan B, Rooney T, Pietruszka A, Tian L, Hahm D, Castillo P, Hilton D & Hawkins J
(2008) Controls on the Volatile Systematics of the Lau Basin
Hahm D, Hilton D, Castillo P, Hawkins J, Hanan B, Pietruszka A & Hauri E
(2007) Helium Isotope Studies in Seismically-Active Regions of Turkey and California
Hilton D, De Leeuw D, Fueri E, Gulec N, Mutlu H, Tryon M & Brown K
(2006) Controls on the He-C systematics of the Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM) subduction zone
Hilton D, Fischer T, Hauri E & Shaw A
(2006) Helium-4 characteristics of groundwaters from Central Australia: Comparative chronology with Chlorine-36 and Carbon-14 dating techniques
Kulongoski J, Hilton D, Hostetler S, Cresswell R & Jacobson G
(2006) H isotopes of Manus Basin glasses: a unique perspective on mantle plumes and recycling processes
Shaw A, Hauri E, Hilton D, Macpherson C & Sinton J
(2005) The CO<->2<$>-He Isotope and Relative Abundance Systematics of the Central American Arc
Hilton D, Fischer T, Shaw A, De Leeuw D & Walker J
(2005) Central America Arc Volatiles: along- and Across- Arc Variations
Fischer T, Hilton D, Elkins L, Shaw A, Zimmer M, Takahata N & Sano Y
(2005) Along and Across-Arc Profiles in He-C Systematics: New Data from El Salvador and Honduras
de Leeuw D, Hilton D, Fischer T & Walker J
(2005) Hydrogen Isotope Variations in Mariana Arc Melt Inclusions
Shaw A, Hauri E, Kelley K, Fischer T, Hilton D, Stern R, Hawkins J & Plank T
(2005) U-Th-Ra-Rn-He Relationships in Mojave River Basin Groundwaters
Jaffe L, Hilton D, Porcelli D, Swarzenski P, Baskaran M & Kulongoski J
(2004) Multi-Isotopic Constraints on Magma Sources in Central Iceland
Seth B, Day J, Thirlwall M, Hilton D, Gronvold K & Macpherson C
(2004) He – C Relationships in Geothermal Waters from the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), Turkey
de Leeuw G, Hilton D, Güleç N & Mutlu H
(2004) Insights into Arc Fluid Budgets from Mariana Melt Inclusions
Shaw A, Hauri E, Hilton D, Fischer T, Stern R, Wade J & Plank T
(2003) Tracing the Sources of Volcanic Fluids: Following Giggenbach
Fischer T & Hilton D
(2003) N-Isotopes in Hot Spot Hydrothermal Gases: Preliminary Results
Fischer T, Hilton D, Sharp Z & Shock E
(2002) Volatile Mass Balance and Recycling at Subduction Zones
Hilton D, Fischer T & Marty B
(2002) Unravelling the C Systematics of the Central American Volcanic Output
Shaw A, Hilton D, Fischer T & Walker J
(2002) He Isotopes in Peridotite Xenoliths from Sicily, Southern Italy
Sapienza G, Hilton D & Scribano V
(2002) Helium Studies in the Mojave Desert, California: Quantifying Mantle and Crustal Additions to the Regional Groundwater System
Kulongoski J, Hilton D & Izbicki J
(2000) Coupled He-Pb Isotope Relationships along the Reykjanes Ridge with Implications for Plume Structure and the Helium-Paradox
Hilton DR, Thirlwall MF, Taylor RN & Murton BJ
(2000) Evidence for Nucleogenic Neon in High 3He/4He Lavas from the Manus Back-Arc Basin
Shaw A, Hilton D, Macpherson C & Sinton J

Hilton F. (2000) Geochemical Variability in a Single Flow from NE Iceland
Maclennan J, McKenzie D, Hilton F & Gronvold K

Hilton J. (2022) Early Triassic Hothouse Climate Sustained by Vegetation Collapse
Xu Z, Yu J, Merdith A, Yin H, Hilton J, Dunhill A, Wignall PB, Wang Y, Shen J, Zhang Y, Poulton SW & Mills BJW
(2014) Relative Genome Size of Vascular Plants Through Geological Time
Lomax B, Smillie I, Bateman R, Leitch I, Hilton J, Upchurch G, Lake J, Cromwell A & Knight C

Hilton Robert (2023) Quantifying Petrogenic Organic Carbon Weathering Fluxes and Associated CO2 Release Using Dissolved Rhenium in Rivers
Dellinger M, Hilton R, Ogric M, Horan K, Grant KE, Soulet G & West AJ
(2023) Tracing Oxidative Weathering of Rock Organic Carbon Through Geological Time Using Rhenium Isotopes
Stow M, Dickson AJ, Dellinger M, Prytulak J & Hilton R
(2023) Climate Controls on Carbon Dioxide Release from Sedimentary Rock Weathering: Insight from in situ Measurements and Carbon Isotopes
Hilton R, Roylands T, Soulet G & Garnett MH
(2023) Accelerating Sulfide Oxidation in the Mackenzie River Catchment, Canada
Walsh E, Hilton R & Tank S
(2023) Disentangling Lithological, Climate and Ecosystem Controls on Fluvial Carbon Export: The Engadin Valley as a Natural Laboratory
Reymond O, Rhyner T, Haghipour N, Hilton R & Eglinton TI
(2023) Source Versus Weathering Processes as Controls on the Mackenzie River Uranium Isotope Signature
Charbonnier Q, Clarkson MO, Hilton R & Vance D
(2023) Understanding the Effect of Hydrology on Chemical Weathering in the European Alps with Li and Sr
Praharaj A, Bouchez J, Rapuc W, Hilton R, Ogric M, Le Bouteiller C & Dellinger M
(2023) Microbial Communities in the Weathering Zone—implications for Oxidative Weathering
Georgiadis E, Roylands T, McClymont E, Christgen B, Gray N, Le Bouteiller C, Soulet G, Eglinton TI, Magnabosco C, Hemingway JD & Hilton R
(2022) Using Rhenium, δ187Re, and RPO-14C to Trace the Fate of Rock Organic Carbon in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Dellinger M, Nowell GM, Petsch S, Galy V & Hilton R
(2022) Vegetal Undercurrents – Obscured Riverine Dynamics of Plant Debris[1]
Schwab M, Hilton R, Haghipour N, Baronas JJ & Eglinton TI
(2020) The Fate of Rock Organic Carbon in the Critical Zone
Grant K, Galy V & Hilton R
(2020) An Isotopic and Mass Balance Framework for Sulfate Redox Processes from the Andes Mountains to Amazon Floodplain
Burt E, Conrad M, Ccahuana Quispe AJ, Bill M, Christensen J, Hilton R, Dellinger M & West J
(2020) Muddying the Waters: Sediment Water Cation Exchange Reduces Silicate Weathering Feedback
Tipper E, Stevenson E, Alcock V, Knight A, Larkin C, Feng L, Bickle M, Baronas J, Relph K, Hilton R & Hughes G
(2020) Transformation of Organic Matter in Arctic Ocean Sediments Across the Redox Interface
Stevenson M, Faust J, Luiza A, Freitas F, Neil G, Tait K, Henley S, Peter L, Papadaki S, März C, Abbott G, Hilton RG & Hendry KR
(2015) Controls on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of River Water: Insights from Iceland and New Zealand
Horan K, Hilton R & Burton K
(2015) The Importance of Sedimentary Cannibalism for Global Weathering
Gaillardet J, Bouchez J, Louvat P, Dellinger M, Calmels D & Hilton R
(2014) Widespread Export of Permafrost-Derived Organic Carbon by the Mackenzie River: A Carbon Dioxide Sink Rather Than Source?
Hilton R, Galy V, Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Bryant C, ORegan M & Grocke D
(2013) New Views on the Neogene Harvesting & Burial of Terrestrial Organic Carbon
Galy A, Hilton R, Smith J, Sparkes R & Hovius N
(2013) Efficient Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Offshore Taiwan: Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle
Hilton R & Kao S-J
(2012) Climatic and Geomorphic Controls on the Erosion of Carbon from Mountain Forest: Implications for Earth's Thermostat
Hilton R, Galy A, Hovius N, Kao S-J, Horng M-J & Chen H
(2012) Erosion of Organic Matter in a Tropical Mountain Catchment: Implications for Carbon Delivery from the Andes to the Amazon River
Clark KE, Hilton RG, West AJ, Malhi Y, Grocke DR, Bryant C, Robles A, Rao Y & New M
(2011) Erosion in the Arctic: Enhanced Carbon Sequestration Associated with High Latitude Warmth?
Hilton RG, Galy V, Gaillardet J, Calmels D, Grocke DR & Bryant C
(2011) Looking for PON in Fluviatile and Marine Sediments: Insights from Nitrogen Isotopic Compositions
Galy A, Hilton R, Hovius N, Smith J & Sparkes R
(2011) Carbon Export by Erosion of Biomass from a Mountain Belt: Controls on Rates of Transfer
Hilton RG, Hovius N, Galy A, Horng MJ & Chen H
(2011) Efficient Cycling of Particulate Organic Carbon Through Orogenic Systems
Hovius N, Galy A, Hilton R, Sparkes R, Kao S-J & Liu J
(2009) Erosion and Weathering in Taiwan
Hovius N, Galy A, Calmels D, Meunier P, Hilton R, Bickle M, West J, Chen H & Sparkes R
(2007) The Effect of Variable Source of Terrestrial Organic Carbon on Geochemical Records of Atmospheric Level of CO2
Galy A & Hilton R
(2005) Riverine Particulate Organic Carbon from the Western Southern Alps, New Zealand
Hilton R, Galy A & Hovius N

Hilton Robert G (2021) Constraining Sulphide Weathering in the Mackenzie Basin Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Charbonnier Q, Archer C, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Hilton RG & Vance D
(2021) Using Rhenium and δ187Re to Trace the Fate of Rock Organic Carbon in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Dellinger M, Nowell GM, Petsch S & Hilton RG
(2021) Distinct Organic Carbon Dynamics in the Irrawaddy, Salween, and Mekong River Basins
Baronas JJ, Hilton RG, Stevenson EI, Bickle M & Tipper E
(2021) Behavior of Stable Rhenium Isotopes during Magmatic Processes and Implications for the Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth
Wang W, Dickson A, Prytulak J, Savage PS, Nisbet E, Dellinger M & Hilton RG
(2021) Environmental Controls on Rock-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Roylands T, Soulet G, Garnett MH & Hilton RG

Hilton Robert G. (2019) Investigating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Oxidative Weathering of Sedimentary Organic Matter
Roylands T, Hilton RG, Garnett MH, Soulet G, Newton JA & Ogrič M
(2019) Marine Precipitates as a Significant Source of REEs in the Mackenzie River
Larkin C, Tipper E, Hindshaw R, Piotrowski A & Hilton R
(2019) A Smoking gun for Carbon Cycle Change in the Canadian Arctic?
Schwab MS, Hilton RG, Raymond PA, Haghipour N & Eglinton TI
(2019) Preliminary Weathering and Carbon Budgets for the Irrawaddy and the Salween Rivers
Baronas JJ, Tipper E, Bickle M, Hilton R, Stevenson E, Hackney C & Parsons D
(2018) Old Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Mackenzie River Basin: A Smoking gun for the Degradation of Aged Organic Matter?
Hilton R, Tipper E, Galy V, Garnett M, Dellinger M, Schwab M, Tank S, Bryant C, Ascough P & Eglinton T
(2018) Organic Carbon Export from the Mackenzie Basin: Insights from Observations Spanning 30 Years
Schwab M, Hilton R, Galy V, Haghipour N, GrafPannatier E, Macdonald R & Eglinton T
(2018) Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Sedimentary Rock Weathering: New Insight from a Paired Catchment Approach
Ogric M, Hilton R, Dellinger M, Turchyn A, Soulet G & Klotz S
(2018) Organic Matter Erosion after Large Earthquakes: Isotope Constraints on Provenance and Processes
Wang J, Hilton RG, McClymont EL, Howarth JD, Gröcke DR, Fitzsimons SJ, Harvey EL & Densmore AL
(2018) Microbial Oxidation of Lithospheric Organic Carbon in Rapidly Eroding Mountain Soils
Hemingway J, Hilton R, Hovius N, Eglinton T, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Chen M-C & Galy V
(2017) Erosion and Weathering Drive Net CO2 Drawdown in the Mackenzie River Basin over Geological Time
Horan K, Hilton R, Dellinger M, Galy V, Gaillardet J, Tipper E, Selby D, Ottley C & Burton K
(2017) Rapid Microbial Oxidation of Rock-Derived Organic Carbon in Tropical Mountain Soils
Hemingway J, Hilton R, Hovius N, Eglinton T & Galy V
(2017) Erosion Drives Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Weathering of Rock-Derived Organic Carbon
Hilton R, Dellinger M, Horan K, Soulet G, Ogric M, West AJ & Gaillardet J
(2017) Insights into Organic Carbon Oxidation Potential during Fluvial Transport from Laboratory and Field Experiments
Scheingross JS, Dellinger M, Eglington T, Fuchs M, Golombek N, Hilton R, Hovius N, Lupker M, Repasch M, Sachse D, Turowski J, Veith-Hillebrand A & Wittmann H
(2017) Direct Measurement of CO2 Flux and its Isotopic Composition Released during Oxidative Weathering of Sedimentary Rocks
Soulet G, Hilton RG, Garnett MH, Klotz S, Dellinger M & Ogric M
(2017) Controls on the Mackenzie River Sediment Geochemistry
Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Hilton RG, Galy V, Bouchez J, Tipper E & Calmels D
(2016) Rhenium as a Tracer of Oxidative Weathering from the Andes to the Lowland Amazon Basin
Dellinger M, Hilton RG, West AJ, Torres MA, Burton K & Clark KE

Hilts R. (2014) A Cryogenic Inert Atmosphere Sample Curation Facility
Herd C & Hilts R
(2014) Synthesis of Prebiotic Organic Compounds within the Tagish Lake Meteorite
Hilts R, Herd C, Simkus D & Slater G
(2008) The Tagish Lake Meteorite: Opportunities in Cold Curation and Analysis
Herd C & Hilts R

Hily-Blant P. (2013) Highly Variable 15N-Enrichments in Solar System Reflect Different Routes of Interstellar N Isotopic Fractionation
Bonal L, Hily-Blant P, Faure A & Quirico E

Himmelsbach T. (2007) Impact of U-Mining Tailings on Water Resources in Mailu-Suu (Kyrg.)
Wagner F, Jung H, Wanke C, Bunnenberg C, Michel R & Himmelsbach T

Himmerkus F. (2002) First Evidence for Silurian Magmatism in the Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Northern Greece
Himmerkus F, Reischmann T & Kostopoulos D

Himmler T. (2019) A Biogeochemical Curiosity in Sediments of an Active Pockmark (Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard)
Sauer S, Knies J, Lepland A, Yao H, Klasek S, Hong WL, Eichinger F, Klug M, Panieri G, Himmler T, Steen IH, Dahle H, Vulcano F & Schubert CJ
(2017) Reconstruction of Past Seepage on Vestnesa Ridge off W’Svalbard Using Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonate U-Th Geochronology
Himmler T, Sahy D, Hong W-L, Bohrmann G, Buenz S, Condon D & Lepland A

Hin Remco (2021) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Partial Melting
Liu X, Hin R, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2016) A Double-Spike Tracer Method for Isotopic Analysis of Three-Isotope Systems by MC-ICPMS
Coath C, Hin R & Elliott T

Hin Remco C. (2023) The Influence of Crustal Recycling on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Hin RC, Hibbert KEH, Chen S, Willbold M, Andersen MB, Kiseeva K, Wood BJ, Niu Y, Sims KW & Elliott T
(2023) Fe-Mg Inter-Diffusion Drives the Isotope Fractionation in Basalt
Liu X, Hin RC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2022) Experimental Determination of Sn Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Fitoussi C, Amet Q, Hin RC, Speelmanns I, Schmidt MW, Roskosz M, Alp E & Hu M
(2022) Probing the Lower Mantle with High-Precision Si and Mg Isotope Data
Liu X, Hin RC, Klaver M, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2019) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics of Exhumed Oceanic Crust as a Probe of Slab Dehydration
Chen S, Hin R, John T, Brooker R, Bryan B, Niu Y & Elliott T
(2019) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in Arc Lavas Caused by Magmatic Differentiation
Liu X, Hin R, Elliott T, van Soest M & Coath C
(2019) The Effect of Valence and Coordination on Mo Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Hin RC, Burnham AD, Gianolio D, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2019) Ca Isotope Systematics of the Moon
Lewis J, Klaver M, Luu T-H, Hin R, Anand M, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2018) Magnesium Isotope Evidence that Accretional Vapour Loss Shapes Planetary Compositions
Hin RC, Coath CD, Carter PJ, Nimmo F, Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Willbold M, Leinhardt ZM, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2017) Timing of the Bulk Chemical Fractionation of Planetary Bodies
Luu T-H, Hin RC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2015) The Influence of Valence State on Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation
Hin RC, Burnham AD, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2015) Mass-Dependent Mo Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts – A New Tracer for Mantle Recycling Processes
Willbold M, Freymuth H, Hibbert K, Lai Y-J, Hin R & Elliott T
(2014) The Implications of a Non-Chondritic Terrestrial Mg Isotope Composition
Elliott T, Lai Y-J, Walker A, Coath C, Pogge von Strandmann P, Willbold M, Chen H, Hin R, Bonsor A & Leinhardt Z
(2013) Experimental Determination of the Si Isotope Fractionation Factor between Metal and Silicate Liquids
Hin RC, Fitoussi C, Schmidt MW & Bourdon B
(2011) Experimental Constraints on Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate Liquids
Hin RC, Burkhardt C, Schmidt MW, Bourdon B & Kleine T

Hin­richs K-U. (2022) Environmental Lipidomics and the Derisking of Deep Ocean Petroleum Exploration
Ventura GT, Ahangarian N, Oueslati G, Peters C, Chowdhury A, Bentley J, Baghalabadi V, Umoh U, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Hubert C, Campbell C, Bennett R, Lipp JS, Hin­richs K-U & Desiage P-A

Hinchey A. (2015) Detrital Zircon, Rutile and Titanite Study of Present-Day Labrador River Drainages: Fingerprinting the Grenvillean Front
Knudsen C, Thomsen TB & Hinchey A

Hinckley Eve-Lyn (2020) Particulate Matter Delivers Nutrients and Heavy Metals to the Colorado Front Range, USA
Heindel R, Putman A, Murphy S, Repert D & Hinckley E-L
(2015) Geochemical Characterization of Subsurface Variation on Contrasting Hillslope Aspects, Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
Eldam R, Navarre-Sitchler A, Singha K & Hinckley E-L
(2010) Slope Aspect and Weathering in the Colorado Front Range
Anderson S, Blum A, Hinckley E-L, Lee J, Gilbert R, Trotta J & Dethier D

Hinckley Eve-Lyn S. (2023) Mercury Fate in Mountain Ecosystems of Colorado, United States: Transformations, Exposure, and Impacts from Climate Change
Miller HR, Adamchak C, Janssen SE, Driscoll CT & Hinckley E-LS
(2023) Potential Connection between Agricultural Sulfur Use and Mercury Methylation in Vineyards
Gerson JR, Calvin N, Castro D, Lamborg C, Weiss-Penzias P & Hinckley E-LS
(2023) Developing Sulfur Radio- and Stable Isotope Approaches to Determine Changes to the Terrestrial Sulfur Cycle
Hinckley E-LS, Hermes AL & Rea LT
(2022) Rapid Warming in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, U.S.: The Alpine Critical Zone Under Transition
Hinckley E-LS

Hincks T. (2023) Kimberlite Ascent by Rift-Driven Disruption of Cratonic Mantle Keels
Gernon TM, Jones SM, Brune S, Hincks T, Palmer MR, Schumacher J, Primiceri R, Field M, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Keir D, Spencer C, Merdith A & Glerum A
(2017) Snowball Earth Ocean Chemistry Driven by Weathering of a Shallow Ridge System during Rodinia Breakup
Gernon T, Hincks T, Tyrrell T, Rohling E & Palmer M

Hindar A. (2018) Trace Elements Diagenesis Associated with Fe-Mn Nodules Formation in the Sediments of Limed Lakes
Couture R-M, Hindar A & Rognerud S

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