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Hillegonds Darren J (2017) Noble Gas Extraction and Purification from Oil/Water Mixtures
Hillegonds D, Tyne R, Barry P, Byrne D, Kulongoski J & Ballentine C
(2017) Noble Gas Characteristics of Produced Gases from the Lost Hills and Fruitvale Oil Fields, USA
Barry P, Kulongoski J, Tyne R, Hillegonds D, Byrne D, McMahon P, Landon M & Ballentine C
(2017) Oil-Water Exchange, Degassing, and Cracking of Oil Traced by Noble Gases in the Eagle Ford Shale
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Lawson M, Becker S, Hillegonds DJ & Ballentine CJ
(2017) Continental Rifting and 4He Reserves
Ballentine C, Barry P, Fontijn K, Hillegonds D, Bluett J, Abraham-James T, Danabalan D, Gluyas J, Brennwald M, Plüss B, Seneshen D & Sherwood Lollar B

Hillel P. (2011) Nuclear Imaging of 99mTc Transport and Immobilisation Through Porous Media
Corkhill C, Bridge J, Hillel P, Utton C, Hyatt N, Banwart S & Romero-Gonzalez M

Hillenbrand Claus Dieter (2023) Seawater Pb Isotopes Record Early Miocene to Modern Circulation Dynamics in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean
Huang H, Gutjahr M, Song Z, Fietzke J, Frank M, Kuhn G, Hillenbrand CD, Christl M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Goepfert T & Eisenhauer A

Hillenbrand Claus-Dieter (2017) Incorporation and Preservation Potential of Boron Isotope Signals in Cold-Water Octocorals
Gutjahr M, Fietzke J, Rae JWB, Foster GL, Vance D, Hillenbrand C-D, Hoffmann DL & Kuhn G
(2016) Fingerprinting the Provenance of Marine Sediments off West Antarctica
Simões Pereira P, van de Flierdt T, Hillenbrand C-D, Hemming SR & Kuhn G
(2013) Constraining the Nd Isotopic Composition of Antarctic Bottom Water Formed in the Weddell Sea
Piotrowski A, Hillenbrand C-D, Allen C, Domack E & Mackenesen A
(2013) Boundary Addition of Hf and Nd in the Southern Ocean
Rickli J, Gutjahr M, Vance D, Hillenbrand C-D, Kuhn G & Fischer-Gödde M
(2011) Lack of a Late Deglacial Carbonate Compensation Signal in the Intermediate Depth Amundsen Sea
Gutjahr M, Vance D, Rae JWB, Foster GL, Hillenbrand C-D & Kuhn G
(2009) Validating the Use of Scleraxonian Southern Ocean Deep-Sea Corals for Radiocarbon Ventilation Age Dating
Gutjahr M, Vance D, Hoffmann D, Hillenbrand C-D & Kuhn G
(2008) The Zn Isotopic Composition of Diatom Frustules: An Archive of Past Trace Metal Depletion in HNLC Zones?
Andersen MB, Vance D, Archer C, Ellwood M, Hillenbrand C-D, Allen C & Anderson R
(2008) Antarctic Circumpolar Current Nd Isotope Variability Recorded in Amundsen Sea Deep Sea Corals
Hoffmann DL, Gutjahr M, Vance D & Hillenbrand C-D

Hiller E. (2011) Mineralogical Study of Arsenic Carrier in Coal Combustion By-Products of Kyjov-Poša Impoundment (Slovakia)
Hovorič R, Jurkovič Ľ & Hiller E
(2011) Arsenic Mobility in Coal-Combustion Ashes Mixed with Agricultural Soil
Veselská V, Peťková K, Bolanz R, Majzlan J, Jurkovič Ľ, Lalinská B, Hiller E & Ďurža O

Hiller J. (2014) Atom-Probe Tomography of Cosmochemical Samples
Heck P, Isheim D, Auciello O, Davis A, Elam J, Hiller J, Larson D, Mane A, Pellin M, Rout S, Savina M, Seidman D & Stephan T

Hillesheimer D. (2016) Induced Barite Scaling in Porous Geothermal Reservoir Rocks during Core-Flooding Experiments
Orywall P, Kuhn D, Mundhenk N, Hillesheimer D, Kohl T & Herfurth S

Hilley G. (2016) Uncertainty Assessment and Sampling Strategies for Global Silicate Weathering Rates
Moon S, Chamberlain CP & Hilley G
(2011) Vadose Zone Controls on Weathering Intensity and Depth: Observations from Granitic and Basaltic Saprolites
Goodfellow B, Hilley G, Chadwick O, Schulz M & Shelef E
(2011) Patterns of Cosmogenic Age Distributions for Late Quaternary Moraines in Tibet
van der Woerd J, Kali E, Chevalier M-L, Liu-Zeng J, Mériaux A-S, Tapponnier P, Hilley G, Li H, Finkel R & Ryerson F
(2011) Uncertainty Assessment in Quantification of Silicate Weathering Rates in Global Rivers
Moon S, Chamberlain CP & Hilley G
(2007) Steady State Chemical Weathering in an Eroding Landscape
Chamberlain P, Hilley G, Hren M, Porder S & Jacobson A
(2007) Chemical Weathering, Erosion, and CO2 Consumption in the Southern Tibetan Plateau and Eastern Syntaxis of the Himalaya
Hren M, Chamberlain CP, Hilley G, Blisniuk P & Bookhagen B

Hillgren Valerie (2014) Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Labidi J, Shahar A, Hillgren V & Farquhar J

Hillgren Valerie J. (2012) Experimentally Determined Fe Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Shahar A, Horan M, Mesa Garcia J, Mock T, Hillgren V & Deng L
(2011) High Pressure and Temperature Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Shahar A, Hillgren V, Young E, Deng L, Fei Y, Macris C & Georg RB
(2007) Potassium as a Heat Source in the Core? Metal-Silicate Partitioning of K and Other Alkali Metals
Hillgren VJ, Schwager B & Boehler R
(2002) Core-Mantle Interaction
Hillgren VJ
(2001) Melting in the Earth's Lower Mantle
Hillgren VJ & Boehler R
(2000) Evaluating Si as a Candidate Light Element
Hillgren VJ & Boehler R

Hilliard P. (2015) Intense Weathering and Geochemical Dispersion in a Tertiary Palaeochannel System: The DeGrussa Cu-Au Deposit Marker, Australia
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Salama W, leGras M, Hilliard P & Beckley R

Hilliard S. (2016) Analytical Performance of a Turn-Key Femtosecond Laser Ablation System
Hutchinson R, McLachlin K, O'Connor C, Hilliard S, Summerfield L, Wilkins J & Larsen E
(2016) Long-Term Laser Ablation System Stage Return Accuracy: Sub-Micron Performance in Real Applications
Hutchinson R, Wray D, McLachlin K, O'Connor C, Hilliard S, Summerfield L, Wilkins J & Larsen E
(2015) SelfSeal Sample Chamber: Automation for Industrial Bulk Analysis
McLachlin K, Hilliard S, O'Connor C, Hutchinson R & Wilkins J
(2015) Long-Term Laser Ablation System Stage Return Accuracy: Sub-Micron Performance in Real Applications
Hutchinson R, Wray D, McLachlin K, O'Connor C, Hilliard S, Summerfield L, Wilkins J & Larsen E

Hillier I.H. (2001) Simulation of the Surface Structure and Reactivity of Metal Sulfide Minerals
Wright K, Steele H, Keith C, Vaughan DJ & Hillier IH

Hillier J. (2021) Detecting Microbial Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Europa and Enceladus Using Mass Spectrometry
Klenner F, Napoleoni M, Bönigk J, Pavlista M, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Klauck E, Abel B, Olsson-Francis K & Postberg F
(2020) Discriminating Abiotic and Biotic Chemistry on Active Ocean Worlds
Klenner F, Postberg F, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Cable ML & Abel B
(2019) Experiments for the Identification of Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Extraterrestrial Ocean Worlds
Klenner F, Postberg F, Hillier J, Khawaja N & Stolz F
(2019) Volatile and Refractory Organic Material from the Hydrothermal Depths of Enceladus’ Subsurface Ocean
Khawaja N, Postberg F, Hillier J, Klenner F & Nölle L

Hillier S. (2019) Phosphorus-Bearing Particles in Leachates from Agricultural Soils
Simonsson M, Adediran G, Aronsson H, Etana A, Gustafsson JP, Hillier S & Lundberg D
(2012) Transformation of Lead into Pyromorphite by Fungi
Rhee YJ, Hillier S & Gadd GM

Hilligond D. (2019) Tracing Crustal Fluid Source, Migration and Residence Using Noble Gases
Ballentine C, Barry P, Byrne D, Flude S, Karolyte R, Tyne R, Cheng A & Hilligond D

Hillion F. (2014) A Brighter O- Source for the NanoSIMS Ion Microprobe
Saliot P, Hillion F & Horreard F
(2010) Recent Instrumental Development on the NanoSIMS Ion Microprobe
Saliot P, Davis A, Horreard F & Hillion F
(2009) Coupling Identity & Metabolic Function of Single Cells with SIMS
Saliot P, Hillion F & Horreard F
(2009) Linking Microbial Activity to Cell Identity in the Environment Using NanoSIMS
Musat N, Halm H, Winterholler B, Hoppe P, Peduzzi S, Hillion F, Horreard F, Amann R, Jørgensen BB & Kuypers MMM
(2008) The Effect of QSA on S, C, O and Si Isotopic Ratio Measurements
Hillion F, Kilburn M, Hoppe P, Messenger S & Weber P
(2007) High-Precision Isotope Acquisition with the NanoSIMS 50L
Alexander C, Hauri E, Wang J & Hillion F

Hillman A. (2019) Investigating Camelid Untilization Among Andean Cultures Using Fecal Stanols
Arnold TE, McGrath S, Werne J, Abbott M, Arkush E & Hillman A

Hillman J. (2022) Biogeochemical Feedbacks of Marine Methane Seeps in Aotearoa / New Zealand
Seabrook S, Watson S, Ladroit Y, Law C, Turco F, Rowden A, Campbell KA, Hillman J & Torres ME

Hills A. (2010) Organic Carbon and Microbial Remnants in Mazon Creek Fossils
Fernandes A, Hills A, Tsujita C & Southam G

Hills L.V. (2013) Paleoredox Chemistry of Cenomanian–Coniacian Black Shales at High Paleolatitudes: Implications for the Extent of Anoxia during OAE2
Lenniger M, Nøhr-Hansen H, Hills LV & Bjerrum CJ

Hilmo J.B. (2023) An Environmental Impact of Sediment-Hosted Cu Deposits in Alta-Kvænangen Tectonic Window, Northern Norway: An Insight from Stream Sediments
Huljek L, Fajković H, Hilmo JB, Fiket Ž & Strmic Palinkas S

Hiloidari S. (2021) Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Mesoarchean Metavolcanics from Kurrat-Badwar-Girar Greenstone Belt, Southern Bundelkhand Craton, India
Hiloidari S, Satyanarayanan M, Singh SP, Sarma DS & Subramanyam KSV

Hilpisch P. (2023) Biomining of Critical Raw Materials Using the Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway
Bindschedler S, Hilpisch P, Schmid E, Bregnard D, Alawi M, Regenspurg S & Junier P

Hilpmann S. (2023) Redox Transformation of Uranium by Iron-Reducing Bacteria as Single Culture and in Artificial Multispecies Bio-Aggregates
Hilpmann S, Jeschke I, Deev D, Zugan M, Lapanje A, Rijavec T, Hübner R, Schymura S & Cherkouk A
(2022) Microscopic and Spectroscopic Insights into uranium(VI) Association-Reduction Processes by a Sulfate-Reducing Microorganism
Hilpmann S, Steudtner R, Rossberg A, Hübner R, Prieur D, Bauters S, Kvashnina K, Stumpf T & Cherkouk A
(2021) Sorption and Reduction of uranium(VI) by a Sulfate-Reducing Microorganism in Synthetic Opalinus Clay Pore Water
Hilpmann S, Drobot B, Steudtner R, Bok F, Stumpf T & Cherkouk A

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