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Hilchie L. (2018) Kimberlite Skarns: More Common and More Complex
Kopylova M, Fulop A, Gaudet M & Hilchie L

Hild S. (2018) An Apatite for American Lobster
Kunkel J, Tarbox B, Hild S, Bahadur A & Jercinovic M
(2007) Confocal micro-Raman Spectroscopy: A Tool for the Allocation of Organic and Inorganic Components in Calcified Biominerals
Hild S, Schmidt U & Ziegler A

Hildebrand H. (2011) Radiolabelling of Engineered Nanomaterials as a Tool for Sensitive Particle Tracking
Hildebrand H & Franke K

Hildebrand-Habel T. (2013) Geochemistry and Isotope Geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous Chalk as Equivalent for Reservoir Chalk of the North Sea Basin for EOR
Wang W, Madland M, Zimmermann U, Bertolino SAR, Hildebrand-Habel T & Kornes RI

Hildebrandt C. (2023) Enhancing School Ocean and Climate Outreach via Deep-Sea Coral Geochemistry
Shen Y, de Carvalho Ferreira ML, Kershaw J, Wang M, Sun Y-J, Robson E, Hildebrandt C, Almond S & Robinson LF

Hildebrandt L. (2019) First Evaluation of Continuous Flow Centrifugation as a Novel Straightforward and Non-Size-Disriminating Sampling Technique for Microplastic in Waters
Hildebrandt L, Voigt N & Proefrock D

Hildenbrand A. (2009) Os Isotope Evolution of an Oceanic Intra-Plate Volcano: Tahiti-Nui (Society Islands, French Polynesia)
Nauret F, David K, Gannoun A, Hildenbrand A, Gillot P-Y, Delpech G & Schiano P

Hildenbrand Anthony (2023) Precise Dating of Large Flank Collapses by Single-Grain 40Ar/39Ar on Pyroclastic Deposits: Example from Flores Island (Azores)
Hildenbrand A, Marques FO, Pereira A, Nomade S & Hevia-Cruz F

Hilderman R. (2023) Atmospheric CO2 Drawdown during Lithification of Slag-Dominated Artificial Ground
MacDonald J, Brolly C, Griffin S & Hilderman R

Hilding-Kronsforst S. (2017) Eocene and Miocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Palaeoecology: Do Trace Elements and Stable Isotopes Tell the Same Story?
Bhatia R, Wade B, Hilding-Kronsforst S, Spratt J, Mattey D & Thornalley D

Hildner E. (2009) Geothermobarometric and Fluid Inclusion Data of Historic Lavas of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde Islands
Hildner E & Klügel A

Hildreth W (2005) High-Precision Argon Dating at Young Arc Volcanoes: Understanding the Past 40<!s><$>kyr at Middle Sister, OR
Calvert A, Fierstein J & Hildreth W
(2005) Magma Differentiation and Storage at Katmai-Novarupta 1912: Comparing U-Series Time Scales with Thermal Models
George R, Turner S, Reagan M, Sandiford M, Hawkesworth C & Hildreth W

Hildreth Wes (2016) The Timing of Compositionally-Zoned Magma Reservoirs and Mafic 'Priming' Weeks Before the 1912 Novarupta-Katmai Rhyolite Eruption
Singer B, Costa F, Herrrin J, Hildreth W & Fierstein J
(2008) Deciphering Crust vs. Mantle Inputs and Timescales of Magma Genesis at Mount Adams Using 238U-230Th Disequilibria and Os Isotopes
Jicha B, Johnson C, Hildreth W, Beard B, Hart G, Shirey S & Singer B

Hildum Brendan (2012) Arsenic Speciation and Stable Isotope Chemistry in an Arsenic Contaminant Plume at a Landfill Site
Hildum B, Hon R & Ahmed S

Hildum Brendan (2015) Geochemistry of Arsenic in Central Massachusetts, U.S.A
Hon R, Brandon W, Hildum B, Ahmed S, Doherty K & Xie Y

Hilgen F (2005) Intercalibration of Astronomical and Radioisotopic Time
Kuiper K, Deino A, Hilgen F, Krijgsman W, Renne P & Wijbrans J

Hilgen Frederik J. (2021) Milankovitch Climate Control on Redox Cyclicity at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
Lantink ML, Davies JHFL, Hennekam R, Hilgen FJ, Lenstra WK, Martin DM, Mason PRD, Reichart G-J, Ovtcharova M & Slomp CP
(2012) Insights into Zircon U-Pb Systematics from Intercalibration with Astronomical Time
Wotzlaw J-F, Schaltegger U, Husing SK & Hilgen FJ

Hilgen Frits (2019) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Eccentricity-Related Cycles in ~2.5 Ga Banded Iron Formation
Lantink M, Davies J, Hennekam R, Hilgen F, Howard H, Martin D, Mason P, Reichart G-J & Schaltegger U
(2018) Leaf Wax δ13C Shows Climatic Precession Control of C4-plant Expansion in the Late Messinian Mediterreanean
Mayser JP, Flecker R, Hilgen F & Pancost RD
(2014) Tephrochronostratigraphy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation: Implications for Coal Deposition?
Kuiper K, Abels H, Dekkers M, Hilgen F, Noorbergen L, Rost E, Smit J, van der Kaars S & van Wetten I
(2012) Geochemical Proxies Linked to Astronomical Climate Forcing in Dynamic Sedimentary Environments: Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Heredia BD, Gaylor JR, Mezger K, Hilgen F & Kuiper K

Hilgers C. (2007) Multiple Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in the NW Rhenohercynian
Schneider J, Chatziliadou MS, Sindern S, Hilgers C & Kramm U

Hilker Y. (2007) Methane and Organic Matter as Sources for Excess Carbon Dioxide in Intertidal Surface Sands: Biogeochemical and Stable Isotope Evidence
Böttcher ME, Al-Raei AM, Hilker Y, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Segl M

Hilkert A. (2023) Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ Isotope Solutions: Tools for Comprehensive Characterization of Polyisotopocules
Kohl IE, Kuhlbusch N, Juchelka D & Hilkert A
(2022) Comprehensive Isotope Ratio MS with Electrospray-Orbitrap
Hilkert A, Neubauer C & Juchelka D
(2022) Unravelling New Isotopic Dimensions of Oxyanions by ESI-Orbitrap
Kantnerová K, Juchelka D, Hilkert A, Kopf S & Neubauer C
(2021) Exploring Molecular Isotopic Variation in Intact Oxyanions by Electrospray-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Neubauer C, Hilkert A, Böhlke JK, Wang XT & Kopf S
(2016) 253 Plus – New 10 kV Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer: Robust Precision and Accuracy for Low Abundance Isotope Research
Radke J, Fernandez Bremer A, Behrens A, Bernasconi S, Hilkert A, Müller I & Schwieters J
(2015) Initial Results from the SUERC 253 Ultra: A New High Resolution Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer for Isotopologue Analysis
Ellam R, Newton J, Hilkert A, Schwieters J & Deerberg M
(2013) Enhancing the Performance of GC-IRMS for Small Biomarker Samples
Juchelka D, Radke J & Hilkert A

Hill A. (2006) The Ediacaran Acraman impact event: did it affect the long-term carbon cycle?
Hill A, Webster LJ & McKirdy DM
(2005) Precessional Climatic Signal in the Plio-Pliestocene Chemeron Formation, Central Kenya Rift
Deino A, Glen J, Kingston J & Hill A

Hill C. (2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D

Hill Daniel (2019) How Warm was Climate over the Phanerozoic and Why?
Mills B, Krause A, Scotese C, Hill D, Shields G & Lenton T
(2012) Global Warmth during the Pliocene: A CO2 Paradox?
Haywood A, Lunt D, Dolan A & Hill D
(2000) River Colloids: Agents or Reflections of Chemical Weathering in Temperate Uplands?
Aplin A & Hill D

Hill Dolores H. (2014) Trace Elements in the Rumuruti Chondrites
Miller K, Lauretta D, Andronikov A & Hill D
(2008) Evolution of Acapulcoites and Lodranites Revisited
Patzer A, Hill DH & Boynton WV

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