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Hignette M. (2013) Highly Dynamic Cellular-Level Response of Symbiotic Coral to Sudden Increase in Environmental Nitrogen
Kopp C, Pernice M, Domart-Coulon I, Spangenberg J, Djediat C, Alexander D, Hignette M, Hignette T & Meibom A

Hignette T. (2013) Highly Dynamic Cellular-Level Response of Symbiotic Coral to Sudden Increase in Environmental Nitrogen
Kopp C, Pernice M, Domart-Coulon I, Spangenberg J, Djediat C, Alexander D, Hignette M, Hignette T & Meibom A

Higo E. (2008) Multielemental Determination of GEOTRACES Key Trace Metals by Column Concentration and ICP-MS
Norisuye K, Urushihara S, Nakatsuka S, Kono T, Higo E, Minami T & Sohrin Y

Higo T. (2013) Effect of K2O Addition on the Viscosity of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 Melt
Sukenaga S, Higo T, Shibata H, Saito N & Nakashima K

Higo Y (2006) Elastic wave velocities of ringwoodite and majorite in a pyrolite composition under the P/T conditions of the mantle transition region
Irifune T, Higo Y, Inoue T, Li B & Funakoshi K

Higo Yuji (2023) Effect of Liquid Fe-S on Elastic Wave Velocity of Olivine Aggregate Investigated by Ultrasonic Measurement and X-Ray Microtomography Analysis
Kono Y, Kuwahara H, Greaux S, Rivers M, Wang Y, Higo Y, Mitsu K & Kondo N
(2022) Water Content at the Stagnant Slabs Deduced from the Sound Velocity of Hydrous Ringwoodite
Sun W, Greaux S, Irifune T & Higo Y
(2020) Longitudinal Wave Velocity of Sodium Aluminosilicate Melt at High Pressure
Sakamaki T, Aoki K, Ikeda O, Katayama H, Higo Y & Suzuki A
(2016) Creep Strength of Ringwoodite Measured up to 1700 K at 17-18 GPa Using a deformation-Dia Apparatus
Kawazoe T, Nishihara Y, Ohuchi T, Miyajima N, Maruyama G, Higo Y, Funakoshi K-I & Irifune T
(2016) Grain Growth of ε-Iron
Yamazaki D, Tsujino N, Yoneda A, Ito E, Yoshino T & Higo Y
(2016) Behavior of Al-Bearing Hydrous Bridgmanite at High Pressure
Kakizawa S, Inoue T, Nishi M, Arimoto T, Tange Y & Higo Y
(2016) Hydrous Bridgmanite: Possible Water Reservior in the Lower Mantle
Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Fujino K, Kuribayashi T, Nagase T, Greaux S, Higo Y, Sakamoto N, Yurimoto H, Hattori T & Sano A
(2016) Lattice-Preferred-Orientation of hcp Metals Studied by High-Pressure Deformation
Nishihara Y, Ohuchi T, Kawazoe T, Maruyama G, Seto Y, Higo Y, Funakoshi K-I & Tange Y
(2015) The Stability and Water Solubility of Possible Al-Bearing High Pressure Hydrous and Nominally Anhydrous Minerals in the Mantle
Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Cai N, Fujino K, Kuribayashi T, Nagase T, Gréaux S, Higo Y, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H
(2013) P-V-T Equation of State for ε-Iron up to 80 GPa and 1900 K Using the Kawai-type High Pressure Apparatus
Yamazaki D, Ito E, Yoshino T, Yoneda A, Guo X, Zhang B, Sun W, Shimojuku A, Tsujino N, Kunimoto T, Higo Y & Funakoshi K-I

Higuchi H. (2011) Seasonal Distribution and Effects of Herbicides on Coral Reefs Around Okinawa, Japan
Kaneshiro A, Fujimura H, Oomori T, Gima S, Higuchi H, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y & Sagawa T

Higuchi T (2011) Stable Isotope Approach for Feeding Structure of Mudskipper Periophthalmus Argentilineatus at Different Habitats in Okinawa Islands, Japan
Kawamura R, Fujimura H, Uemura R, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y
(2011) Prediction of Coral Reef Calcification in Sesoko Island by Ocean Acidification
Fujimura H, Aoyama A, Oomori T, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y
(2011) Boundary Depth of Aragonite Saturation during 10 Years Around Okinawa and East China Sea
Baek D-Y, Fujimura H, Oomori T, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y

Higuchi Tomihiko (2016) Geochemical Analyses of Fossil Shells of Gafrarium Tumidum Collected from Tongatapu Island and its Application for Paleoceanography and Archaeology during the Holocene
Fukuyo N, Kubota K, Clark G, Miyairi Y, Tsuzuki K, Shirai K, Higuchi T & Yokohama Y

Higueras P.L. (2023) Dispersion of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of the Central Coast of Asturias (Bay of Viscay, Spain)
García-Ordiales E, Margas M, Navarro E, Barquero JI, Higueras PL, Cienfuegos P & Roqueñí N

Hihose T. (2013) Cell Alive System (CAS); A New Method of Core Sample Freezing for Shore-Based Biological Analyses and Sample Storage
Xiao N, Morono Y, Terada T, Yamamoto Y, Hihose T & Inagaki F

Hikida Y. (2003) Highly Isotopically Depleted Hydrocarbon Gases in Methane-Derived Carbonate of the Cretaceous Age
Ijiri A, Tsunogai U, Gamo T & Hikida Y
(2003) Anaerobic Methane-Oxidizing Archaea Associated with Seep Carbonate in the Upper Cretaceous of Northern Hokkaido, Japan
Jenkins R, Hikida Y, Ogihara S & Tanabe K

Hikmahtiar S. (2023) Extinction Rates of Agglutinated Foraminifera Across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary at Contessa, Umbria-Marche Basin, Italy: The Scaling Problem
Hikmahtiar S, Kaminski MA & Cetean C

Hikov A. (2021) Depositional Setting of the Deep-Sea Sediments from an Area of High Nodule Occurrence in the Clarion-Clipperton Fractures Zone, NE Pacific
Milakovska Z, Stoyanova V, Hikov A, Abramowski T, Stefanova E, Peytcheva I, Chavdarova S & Stavrev M

Hikuroa D. (2009) Using Boron Isotopic Compositions to Identify the Origin of Water: Contaminants from Landfill Site or Geothermal Activity
Slade A & Hikuroa D

Hilaire-Marcel C. (2020) Potential and Limitations of 228Th/232Th Disequilibria for the Dating of High Sedimentation Marine Sequences: Example from Herschel Basin, Beaufort Sea
Carnero-Bravo V, Hilaire-Marcel C, Ghaleb B, De Vernal A, Falardeau J, Chassiot L, Vonk J, Tanski G, Lantuti H & Fritz M

Hilairet N. (2013) Transformational Faulting in High Pressure Polymorphs – Two Case Studies in Quartz and Olivine
Schubnel A, Brunet F, Hilairet N, Gasc J, Wang Y & Green HWI
(2008) Rheology of Serpentines, Seismicity and Mass Transfer in Subduction Zone
Reynard B, Hilairet N, Daniel I & Wang Y

Hilamo R. (2013) Properties and Processing of Organic Aerosol in the Po Valley
Gilardoni S, Rinaldi M, Paglione M, Decesari S, Poulain L, Carbone S, Hilamo R, Russell L, Massoli P, Poluzzi V & Facchini C

Hilaret N. (2004) H and Fe3+ Solubility in Rutile and TiO2 (II): Effects on Phase Stability, and the Role of Silica Polymorphs in the Lower Mantle
Bromiley G, Hilaret N & McCammon C

Hilary D. (2011) Origin of Craton Mantle Layering According to PT Reconstructions
Ashchepkov I, Ionov D, Ntaflos T, Hilary D & Palessky S

Hilber M. (2016) Micron-Scale Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Metabasalt Zircon: A Robust History of Crustal Fluid Flow during Crustal Growth
Bowman J, Hilber M, Moser D, Valley J, Mazdab F & Wooden J

Hilberg S. (2021) Signs of Water-Rock Interaction in Fractured Coalmine Overburdens – First Steps for Setting a Double-Continuum Reactive Transport Model
Bedoya Gonzalez D, Rinder T & Hilberg S
(2019) Hydrochemistry and Isotope Geochemistry of Coal Mine Drainage from the Ibbenbüren Coalfield, Germany
Rinder T & Hilberg S

Hilbert-Wolf H. (2020) 25 Ma Explosive Volcanism Produced by Magma Immiscibility in the Rukwa Rift, Western Branch of the East African Rift System
Lawrence L, Spandler C, Roberts E & Hilbert-Wolf H

Hilburn I. (2009) The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event, Louis Pasteur, and the Geological Record of Aerobic Respiration
Kirschvink J, Nash C, Raub T, Raub T, Kopp R & Hilburn I
(2003) APaleoproterozoic Planetary Suicide Attempt: Did Gaia Throw Herself off a Cliff?
Kirschvink J, Kopp R, Newman D, Nash C & Hilburn I

Hilchenbach M. (2016) Compositionof Dust Particles Collected in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Measured by COSIMA Onboard Rosetta
Siljeström S, Hilchenbach M, Fray N, Bardyn A, Cottin H, Briois C, Baklouti D, Engrand C, Langevin Y, Paquette J, Stenzel O & Kissel J
(2015) COSIMA – Analysis of Collected Dust Particles in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Hilchenbach M, Paquette J, Langevin Y, Kissel J, Briois C, Koch A, Schulz R & Silén J

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