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Hiebenthal C. (2019) Element Partitioning in Brachiopods – Implications for Proxy Use and Biomineralisation
Jurikova H, Ippach M, Liebetrau V, Gutjahr M, Krause S, Büsse S, Gorb SN, Henkel D, Hiebenthal C, Schmidt M, Leipe T, Laudien J, Rollion-Bard C & Eisenhauer A
(2009) Acidification-Sensitivity of M. edulis
Heinemann A, Fietzke J, Hiebenthal C, Thomsen J & Melzner F

Hiemstra T. (2017) Size Matters: On the Search of Understanding Surface Complexation by Nano Oxide Materials
Hiemstra T
(2017) Time, pH, and Size Dependency of Ag+ Release in Relation to the Surface Structure of Ag Nanoparticles
Molleman B & Hiemstra T
(2015) Stability of Organic Carbon: Mineral Protection Versus Chemical Recalcitrance
Hiemstra T, Múnera JL & Brazao Vieira Alho C
(2013) CD-MUSIC to Interprete Drifting Primary Charge of Ferrihydrite
Hofmann A, Hiemstra T & Lützenkirchen J
(2013) Fulvic and Humic Acid Interaction with Phosphate at Synthetic and Natural Oxide Surfaces
Hiemstra T, Mia S, Duhaut P-B & Molleman B
(2012) Microscopic Structure of Interfaces of Minerals in Relation to Macroscopic Ion Adsorption Phenomena
Hiemstra T
(2010) Nanoparticles in Natural Systems: Oxides and Organic Matter Interaction
Hiemstra T & van Riemsdijk W
(2010) Primary Charge of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles: Experiment and Theory
Hofmann A, Hiemstra T & Van Riemsdijk W
(2009) Surface Speciation of Yttrium at the Rutile-Water Interface: Incorporation of Structural Information and Charge Distribution within the MUSIC Model
Ridley M, Hiemstra T, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & van Riemsdijk W
(2009) Surface Complexation and Surface Speciation
van Riemsdijk W & Hiemstra T
(2007) Acessing the Surface Area of Natural Nanoparticles
Hiemstra T, Antelo J, Rahnemaie R & Van Riemsdijk WH
(2007) Interactions between Inorganic Ions, Natural Organic Matter and Iron Oxides: Effects of Particle Size and Charge Distribution
Weng L, van Riemsdijk W & Hiemstra T
(2005) The Structure of the Double Layer Near Goethite in the Presence of Mono and Bivalent Electrolyte Ions
Hiemstra T, Rahnemaie R & van Riemsdijk W
(2004) Interpretation of Surface Species from Spectroscopy and CD Modelling
Hiemstra T, Rahnemaie R & van Riemsdijk W
(2002) Surface Chemistry of Reactive Mineral Colloids
van Riemsdijk W & Hiemstra T
(2002) Modelling of Metal Ions Sorption to Various Oxy-Hydroxides Colloids
Benedetti MF, Ponthieu M, Hiemstra T & van Riemsdijk W

Hier-Majumder S. (2014) The Role of Trapped Liquid in Magma Ocean Processing of Major Volatiles
Hirschmann M & Hier-Majumder S

Hieronimus E. (2023) Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Cosmogenic 39Ar in Geologic Materials
Gardner WP, Arck Y, Wachs D, Hieronimus E, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W

Hieronymus C. (2004) Deep Subduction of the Mantle Wedge and the Origin of OIB
Hieronymus C & Baker J

Hierro A. (2013) U Behaviour Under Acid Mine Drainage Conditions: Preliminary Results from an Experimental Approach in Río Tinto Area (Spain)
Barbero L, Ketterer M, Baskaran M, Hierro A, Bolívar JP & Casas-Ruiz M
(2011) 230Th-234U-238U Disequilibria along the River Catchments from the Iberian Belt (Spain) Affected by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
Ketterer M, Hierro A, Barbero L, Olias M, Bolivar JP, Casas-Ruiz M & Baskaran M
(2011) REE Behaviour in Acid Mine Drainage Conditions in the Ríos Tinto and Odiel (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain)
Barbero L, Olías M, Hierro A, Casas-Ruiz M & Bolívar JP

Hiesinger H. (2021) Experimental Investigation of Sulfidation of Silicates, Glasses and Melts Under Reducing Conditions
Renggli CJ, Morlok A, Klemme S, Berndt J, Weber I & Hiesinger H
(2015) Space Weathering on Mercury: An Integrated TEM, FTIR and Raman Study
Stojic AN, Weber I, Pavlov SG, Morlok A & Hiesinger H

Hiess J. (2012) Expanding Early Earth Frontiers: A New Eoarchean-Hadean(?) Terrane in Southwestern Greenland
Bennett V, Nutman A, Hiess J & Friend C
(2011) Evaluating 238U/235U in U-Bearing Accessory Minerals: Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Hiess J, Condon D, Noble S, Horstwood M, McLean N & Mattinson J
(2008) Archean TTG Petrogenesis – The U/Pb-O-Hf Isotopic Perspective
Hiess J, Bennett V, Nutman A, Williams I & Eggins S
(2007) Crust- Mantle Dynamics in the Early Earth: The <sup>142-143</sup>Nd and 176Hf Isotopic Perspective
Bennett V, Brandon A, Hiess J & Nutman A
(2007) In situ Hf and O Isotopic Data from Archean Zircons of SW Greenland
Hiess J, Bennett V, Nutman A & Williams I
(2006) Ti zircon thermometry applied to metamorphic and igneous systems.
Hiess J, Nutman A, Bennett V & Holden P
(2006) The current status of zircon oxygen micro-isotopic analysis using SHRIMP II
Williams IS, Holden P, Hiess J & Ickert R

Hietanen S. (2016) Impacts of Flocculation and Redox Shuttling on Iron and Manganese in Non-Tidal Estuarine Sediments
Jilbert T, Tiihonen R, Myllykangas J-P, Asmala E & Hietanen S

Hiett C.D. (2023) Roadblocks and Speed Limits to Volatile Transport in Active Continental Faults Revealed by Warm Spring 3He/4He Data Patterns along the Denali Fault, Alaska
Newell DL, Benowitz JA, Regan SP & Hiett CD

Hieu P.T. (2015) U/Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Evolution of Paleoproterozoic Granitoids in Northern Vietnam
Anh HTH, Yu Y, Hieu PT, Tu VL & Son LM

Hifzurrahman D. (2023) Geochemistry and U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Jutogh Metasediments, Lesser Himachal Himalaya, India, and their Implications in Columbia Reconstruction
Hifzurrahman D, Nasipuri P & Joshi KB
(2022) Pan-African Metamorphism from Lesser Himachal Himalaya and its Implication in Gondwanaland Assembly
Hifzurrahman D
(2022) First Report of Cambro-Ordovician Aged Monazites from Lesser Himalaya Schists and its Implications in Peri- Gondwana Craton Amalgamation
Nasipuri P & Hifzurrahman D

Higa Mori A. (2023) How Does Paddy Soil Aging Affect Arsenic Biogeochemistry? Insights from a 2000-Year-Old Chronosequence
León Ninin JM, Muehe EM, Kölbl A, Higa Mori A, Gilfedder BS, Pausch J & Planer-Friedrich B
(2023) Dimethylmonothioarsenate (DMMTA) in Rice Grains: Why Should We Care?
Colina Blanco AE, Pischke E, Higa Mori A, Kerl CF, Clemens S & Planer-Friedrich B

Higaki S. (2019) Comparison of Radiocesium-Bearing Microparticles of Different Shape and Elemental Distribution by Multiple Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Analyses
Miura H, Kurihara Y, Yamamoto M, Sakaguchi A, Yamaguchi N, Higaki S & Takahashi Y
(2016) Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Radioactive Cesium to Suspended Particles in Seawater
Miura H, Fan Q, Kurihara Y, Sakaguchi A, Higaki S, Ishimaru T, Kanda J & Takahashi Y

Higarashi Y. (2016) A New Perspective on the Fukushima Releases Brought by Newly Available Air Concentration Observations and Reliable Meteorological Fields
Saunier O, Mathieu A, Sekiyama T, Kajino M, Adachi K, Bocquet M, Higarashi Y, Maki T & Didier D

Higashi H. (2016) Arsenic Contaminations and its Effect on Marine Phytoplankton during Deep Seafloor Mining
Fuchida S, Koshikawa H, Tsuboi S, Higashi H, Yamamoto H & Kawachi M

Higashi Masayuki (2010) Change of Fe Species and Increase of its Solubility during Long-Range Transport of Asian Dust
Takahashi Y & Higashi M

Higashi Michio (2016) Geophysical and Litho-Mineralogical Investigation on the Seafloor Massive Sulfides (SMSs) Mound
Lee S, Asakawa E, Sumi T, Kadoshima K, Kose M, Murakami F, Tsukahara H, Koizumi A, Koizumi Y, Ikeda M & Higashi M

Higashi Y. (2016) Hydrogen Diffusion Experiment of Apatite: Effect of Different Water Content
Higashi Y, Itoh S, Watanabe K & Sakaguchi I
(2016) Origin of Extremely Deutrium-Rich Isotopic Compositions of Phosphates from LL4-6 Ordinary Chondrites
Itoh S, Higashi Y, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Yanai K, Russell S, Greenwood J, Sakata S, Hirata T & Yurimoto H

Higashi Kanahele K. (2022) Papahulihonua – Earth Dynamics and Observation a Native Hawaiian Perspective
Higashi Kanahele K

Higashino Fumiko (2016) Geochemical Zr Behaviour in the Deep Crust Around Metasomatic Vein Composed of Cl-Rich Hbl and Grt
Higashino F, Kawakami T, Tsuchiya N, Madhusoodhan S-K, Ishikawa M, Grantham G, Sakata S, Hattori K & Hirata T

Higashino Fumiko (2017) Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Garnet from Granulite Facies Rocks
Higashino F, Rubatto D, Kawakami T & Bouvier A-S
(2017) Infiltration of Prograde Cl-Rich Fluid into the Granulitic Continental Crust from a Collision Zone in East Antarctica (Perlebandet, Sør Rondane Mountains)
Kawakami T, Higashino F, Skrzypek E, Satish-Kumar M, Grantham G, Tsuchiya N, Ishikawa M, Sakata S & Hirata T

Higashino Fumiko (2015) Mass Transfer in Mafic Gneiss during Upper-Amphibolite Facies Chloride Brine Infiltration
Higashino F, Kawakami T, Tsuchiya N, Satish-Kumar M, Ishikawa M & Grantham G
(2013) Multi-Stage Cl-Rich Fluid Activity and Behavior of REE-Bearing Minerals in a Neoproterozoic Granulite Terrane
Higashino F, Kawakami T, Satish-Kumar M, Ishikawa M, Tsuchiya N & Grantham G

Higashino Fumiko (2012) Chlorine-Rich Fluid in Granulite Facies Continental Collision Zone
Higashino F, Kawakami T, M S-K, Ishikawa M, Maki K, Tsuchiya N, Grantham G & Hirata T

Higby Schweitzer M. (2005) Dinosaur Soft Tissues
Higby Schweitzer M, Wittmeyer J, Horner J & Avci R

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