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Decome L. (2006) Interactions between manufactured nanoparticles and individual cells
Rose J, Auffan M, Zeyon O, Decome L, Thill A, Orsiere T, Labille J, Achouak W, Flank A-M, Wiesner M, DeMeo M & Spalla O

Deconinck J-F. (2013) Evolution of Neodymium Isotopic Signature of Seawater during the Late Cretaceous: New Insights on Oceanic Circulation Changes
Moiroud M, Pucéat E, Donnadieu Y, Bayon G & Deconinck J-F

Deconink J-F. (2014) Late Cretaceous Changes in Continental Configuration: Toward a Better Ventilated Ocean?
Donnadieu Y, Puceat E, Moiroud M, Guillocheau F & Deconink J-F

DeConto Robert (2019) Using Geochemical Data to Constrain the Climatic and Ice-Cover History of Greenland
Keisling B, Habicht H, Castañeda I, Brigham-Grette J & DeConto R
(2011) Methane and the PETM: All Good Things Must Come to An End?
Pagani M, DeConto R, Galeotti S & Beerling D

Deconto Robert M. (2018) Terrestrial Arctic Climate from Lake El’gygytgyn: Normal vs. Super Interglacial Teleconnections
Brigham-Grette J, Castañeda I, Deconto R, Roychowdhury R, DeWet G, Habicht H, Keisling B & Daniels W
(2018) The Emerging Role of Geology in Future Sea Level Projections
DeConto R
(2018) Middle Eocene Seasonality: Insights from the Geochemistry of Fossil Bivalves and Driftwood
Judd EJ, Ivany LC, DeConto RM, Halberstadt ARW, Miklus NM, Junium CK & Uveges BT

DeCorte I. (2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA

Decouchon E. (2017) Untangling Past and Present Water and Salinity Flows in Coastal Wetlands (Marquenterre Area, N France)
Cary L, Bault V, Korotchansky A, Decouchon E & Kloppmann W

Decraene Marie-Noelle (2020) In situ High Resolution Measurements of Fe Isotope Composition in Micro-Pyrite Using Hyperion Radio Frequency Source on IMS 1280 HR2
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Bouvier A-S, Bouden N, Villeneuve J & Deloule E
(2019) Microscale Characterization of Pyrites from Archean Sediments Brings New Constrains on Past Microbial Metabolisms
Marin Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Busigny V, Decraene M-N, Saitoh M, Alleon J, Remusat L & Bernard S
(2019) Iron Isotopes in Micropyrites from the 2.7 Ga Tumbiana Formation (Western Australia)
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Philippot P & Deloule E
(2019) S-Isotope Determination of Nano-Pyrites by NanoSIMS Imaging: Application to Biominerals in Precambrian Stromatolites
Remusat L, Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Escrig S, Meibom A & Thomazo C

Decraene Marie-Noëlle (2023) Micropyrite: A Promising biosignature?Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Dupeyron J, Alleon J, Pasquier V, Remusat L, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Benzerara K & Bernard S
(2023) Formation Pathways of Precambrian Sedimentary Pyrite: Insights from in situ Fe Isotopes
Dupeyron J, Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J & Busigny V
(2021) A Positive Iron Isotope Excursion Recorded in Micropyrites at the Smithian-Spathian (Early Triassic) Boundary
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Bouvier A-S, Brayard A & Olivier N
(2021) Sub-Micrometer Pyrites in Microbialites Record Equilibrium S Isotope Fractionation by Microbial Sulfate Reduction Independently of the Sulfate Concentration of the Water
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Remusat L, Havas R, Thomazo C, Pasquier V, Alleon J, Zeyen N, Bernard S, Escrig S, Vennin E, Meibom A & Benzerara K
(2021) Unravelling Early Diagenesis: New Insight from Microscale Minor Sulfur Isotopes
Pasquier V, Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Fike DA & Halevy I

Decrausaz T. (2022) Coupling of Reactive Fluid Flow and Deformation during Carbonation of Peridotite at the Base of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Menzel MD, Urai JL, Ukar E, Decrausaz T, Godard M & Kelemen P
(2021) Investigating Migration of CO2-bearing Fluids into Peridotites at a Subduction Plate Boundary: The Case Study of Listvenites Series at OmanDP Site BT1 (Wadi Mansah, Oman Ophiolite)
Decrausaz T, Godard M, Parat F & Oliot E

Decrée Sophie (2013) Origin of Heterogenite (CoOOH) as Illustrated by Rare Earth Element Fractionation
Decrée S & Pourret O
(2013) C and O Isotope Compositions of the Matongo Carbonatite (Burundi): New Insights into Alteration and REE Mineralization Processes
Boulvais P, Decrée S, Cobert C, Midende G, Tack L, Gardien V & Demaiffe D
(2011) SIMS U-Pb Ages for Heterogenite from Katanga (DRC): Implications for the Genesis of Co-u Deposits in Shinkolobwe
Decrée S, Deloule E, De Putter T, Dewaele S, Mees F & Marignac C
(2008) Iron and Trace Elements Cycling in Mineralized Paleolaterites from NW Tunisia
Decrée S, De Putter T, de Jong J, Marignac C & Yans J

Decrée Sophie (2015) Syntectonic Emplacement of an Alkaline Massif in Burundi: Consequences on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Element (REE, HFSE) Mobility
Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Tack L, Nimpagaritse G, Midende G, Gardien V, Demaiffe D & Decrée S
(2014) Magmatism, Hydrothermalism and Complex (REE and HFSE) Mineralized System in the Upper Ruvubu Alkaline Massif, Burundi
Decrée S, Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Gardien V, Tack L & Demaiffe D

Decree Sophie (2019) An Isotopic Study of VMS Deposit Systems from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Decree S, Mathur R, Hadjigeorgiou C & Georgiadou I

Decrée Sophie (2021) Probing the Cerium Stable Isotopic Dynamics of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Rocks
Pourkhorsandi H, Debaille V, De Jong J, Armytage R & Decrée S
(2021) An Isotopic Investigation of Supergene Weathering Process in Gossans from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Decrée S, Mathur R & Hadjigeorgiou C
(2021) Petrography and Geochemistry to Unravel the Genesis of the Larvik Plutonic Complex and its Fe-Ti-P-Ree-Rich Rocks
Buelens P, Debaille V, Decrée S & Coint N

Decrée Sophie (2023) Controls on Rare Earth Element Dynamics during Low- and High-Temperature Fluid-Rock Interactions in Carbonatites
Pourkhorsandi H, Debaille V, Decrée S, Simonet C & Goderis S
(2023) Geochemistry of the Larvik Plutonic Complex and its Implications for the Genesis of its Fe-Ti-P-Ree Mineralization
Buelens P, Debaille V, Decrée S & Coint N

Decremps F. (2017) Velocity-Density Systematics of Fe-Si Alloys at Extreme Conditions
Edmund E, Antonangeli D, Decremps F, Ayrinhac S, Gauthier M, Morard G, Mezouar M & Guignot N

Decrouy L. (2016) Environmental Impacts on Chilika Lake, India, Evaluated Using a Sedimentologic, Chemical and Isotopic Approach
Vennemann T, Decrouy L, Bourgeois G, Delavy K, Ecuyer M, Lange P, Rastogi G, Pattnaik A & Suar M
(2014) Carbon Isotope Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Atmospheric CO2 of Lake Geneva: Is DIC a Mixing or Process Tracer?
Vennemann T, Halder J, Decrouy L & Bourquard M

Decurtins S. (2015) New Frontiers in Understanding the Pathway(s) of Arsenic Biomethylation and Biovolatilisation Using 13C- and 2H-Labelled Arsenic Compounds
Mestrot A, Chen S, Liu S-X, Decurtins S & Wilcke W

DeDecker J. (2017) Chlorite Alteration of Pre-Ore Pyrite at McArthur River Uranium Mine, Athabasca Basin: Possible Implications to Ore Deposition
DeDecker J & Monecke T
(2015) Alteration Associated with Basement Faults in Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposits: Case Studies at the McArthur River and Fox Lake Deposits, Athabasca Basin, Canada
DeDecker J & Monecke T

DeDeckker P. (2015) Reverse Stable Sr and Ca Isotope Fractionation in Marine Sulfates: Biogenic SrSO4 (Acantharia) vs. Inorganic CaSO4.2H2O (Gypsum)
Liebetrau V, Vollstaedt H, Haeckel M, Eisenhauer A, Leipe T & DeDeckker P
(2006) Germanium incorporation into sponge spicules: development of a proxy for reconstructing inorganic germanium and silicon concentrations in seawater.
Maher B, Ellwood M, Kelly M & Dedekker P
(2002) Laser ablation-ICP-MS Compositional Profiling of Chamber Walls in Planktonic Foraminifera; Implications for Mg/Ca Thermometry
Eggins S, DeDeckker P & Marshall J

Deditius Artur (2021) Alteration of Spodumene to Muscovite and Cookeite – Implications for the Fate of Lithium and Iron
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius A, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ
(2021) Actinolite as a Proxy for Characterizing the Thermal Evolution of Iron-Oxide Copper Gold Deposits
del Real I, Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Barra F, Rodriguez-Mustafa MA & Thompson JFH
(2021) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of the El Laco Iron Deposit Revealed by Trace Element Geochemistry and High-Resolution Chemical Mapping of Ore and Gangue Minerals
Ovalle JTT, Reich M, Barra F, Simon A, Deditius A, Le Vaillant M & Morata D
(2018) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids Transport More Than Dissolved Solutes
Simon A, Knipping J, Reich M, Barra F & Deditius A
(2018) Magnetite Geochemistry from Andean Kiruna-Type Deposits
Barra F, Reich M, Simon A, Rojas P, Knipping J, Salazar E, Leisen M & Deditius A
(2018) Geochemical and Micro-Textural Fingerprints of Boiling in Pyrite
Reich M, Román N, Leisen M, Barra F, Morata D & Deditius A
(2018) Magmatic and Metamorphic Origin of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Chromite Ores
González-Jiménez JM, Deditius A, Reich M, Gervilla F, Suvorova A, Roberts M, Roqué J & Proenza J
(2016) Nanoparticles in Hydrothermal Magnetite from the Los Colorados IOA Deposit in Chile
Deditius A, Reich M, Suvorova A, Roberts M, Rubanov S & Simon A

Deditius Artur P. (2013) Cyclic Dolomitization of Limestone at Oker (Germany)
Baldermann A, Deditius AP, Stickler CP, Leis A & Dietzel M
(2013) Sr2+ and Mn2+ Incorporation during CaCO3 Cementation on Calcitic and Aragonitic Shells
Rinder T, Dietzel M & Deditius A
(2013) The Microstructure and Trace Metal Geochemistry of Pyrite from Porphyry Cu Deposits
Reich M, Deditius A & Barra F
(2011) Chemical Limits of Trace Elements in Pyrite
Deditius A, Kesler S, Reich M, Utsunomiya S & Ewing R
(2010) “Invisible” Ag and Au in Supergene Cu-Sulfides: EMPA, SIMS and TEM Constraints
Weldt M, Reich M, Chryssoulis S, Deditius A, Palacios C, Zuniga A & Alvear M
(2010) Trace-Metal Nanoparticles in Pyrite
Deditius A, Utsunomiya S, Reich M, Kesler S, Ewing R, Hough R & Walshe J
(2009) Iodargyrite (AgI) in Supergene Zones of Argentiferous Cu Deposits in the Atacama Desert, Chile: Involvement of I-Rich Waters?
Alvear M, Reich M, Palacios C, Cameron E, Leybourne M & Deditius A
(2008) Decoupling of Cu and As in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems: Evidence from The Pueblo Viejo Au-Ag Deposit, Dominican Republic
Deditius A, Utsunomiya S, Ewing R & Kesler S
(2008) Coffinite and Ningyoite from Natural Nuclear Reactor in Bangombé, Gabon
Utsunomiya S, Deditius A, Pointeau V & Ewing R
(2008) Gold Deposition onto Arsenian Pyrite
Renock D, Deditius A, Reich M, Kesler S, Ewing R & Becker U

Deditius Artur P. (2015) The Trace Element Signature of Pyrite from the Los Colorados Iron Oxide Apatite (IOA) Deposit: A Missing Link between IOA and IOCG Systems?
Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Chryssoulis S, Tardani D, Barra F, Knipping J, Bilenker L & Sanchez-Alfaro P
(2015) Nano-Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Magnetite from the Los Colorados IOA Deposit in Chile
Deditius A, Reich M, Suvorova A, Roberts M, Rubanov S & Simon A
(2015) A Genetic Model that Links Magma, IOA and IOCG Deposits
Simon A, Knipping J, Bilenker L, Reich M, Barra F & Deditius A
(2015) Why are Sedimentary Dolomites Disordered and Metastable?
Baldermann A, Deditius AP, Dietzel M, Fichtner V, Fischer C, Hippler D, Leis A, Nickel C, Mavromatis V & Strauss H
(2014) Chemical Zoning and Microtexture of Magnetite from Los Colorados Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit, Chile
Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Bilenker L, Knipping J & Barra F
(2014) Geochemistry of Au and As in Pyrite from Ore Deposits
Deditius A, Reich M, Kesler S, Utsunomiya S, Chryssoulis S, Walshe J & Ewing R

Deditius Artur P. (2017) Formation of Kiruna-Type Deposits – Testing a Novel Model
Knipping JL, Simon AC, Reich M, Fiege A, Deditius AP, Webster JD, Bilenker L, Barra F, Holtz F & Oeser-Rabe M
(2017) Ore Systems as Nanoparticle Factories
Deditius A, Reich M, Utsunomiya S, Barra F, Gonzalez-Jimenez J-M, Simon A, Suvorova A, Ewing R & Kesler S
(2017) Rhenium and Os Spatial Distribution in Molybdenite Grains: Implications for Re-Os Geochronology
Barra F, Deditius A, Reich M & Kilburn M
(2017) The Co-ni Signature of Sulfide Minerals from the Mantoverde IOCG Deposit, Northern Chile
Johansson C, Barra F, Reich M, Deditius A, Simon A & Rojas P

Deditius Artur P. (2019) Nanoscale Isotopic and Chemical Zonation of Ore Minerals
Deditius A, Reich M, Barra F, Simon A, Utsunomiya S, Kilburn M, Kesler S & Ewing R
(2019) Sulfidation and Desulfidation in a Polymetallic orebody—Artemis Prospect, NW Queensland, Australia
Knorsch M, Deditius AP, Xia F, Pearce MA & Uvarova Y

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