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Debnar-Daumler C. (2009) Identification of Novel Chloroethene-Respiring Microorganisms by Stable Isotope Probing
Kittelmann S, Debnar-Daumler C & Friedrich MW

Debnath P. (2015) Stable Isotopes and Major Ion Chemistry of Discharging Groundwater to the Bay of Bengal: Implications to Strontium Flux
Debnath P, Mukherjee A, Rokade P, Joshi G, Rao MS & Krishan G

Debnath R. (2023) Study of REE Potential in the Lamprophyre Dykes, Lower Gondwana Coal Fields, Parts of Eastern India
Sarangi S, Das S & Debnath R

Debois T. (2013) Isotopic Analysis of Ice Core Carbon Dioxide Inclusions by Means of Quantum Cascade Laser Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy
Gorrotxategi P, Favier M, Debois T, Romanini D, Maisons G, Carras M, Chappellaz J & Kerstel E

Debord L. (2017) Paleo-Hydrothermal Fluids Flow in the Geothermal Province of Limagne (French Massif Central)
Fréville K, Debord L & Sizaret S

Deborde J. (2012) Biogeochemical Dynamics Related to Seasonal Changes and Biomass-Density Patterns in Rhyzosphere Sediments of a Zostera Noltii Meadow
Delgard ML, Deflandre B, Kochoni E, Cesbron F, Bernard G, Charbonnier C, Poirier D, Bichon S, Metzger E, Deborde J & Anschutz P
(2012) In Vitro Simulation of Oscillatory Redox Conditions in Intertidal Sediments
Anschutz P, Abril G, Deborde J, Bouchet S, Bridou R, Tessier E & Amouroux D

Deboudt K. (2017) Alteration of Iron Solubility and Isotopic Composition of Industrial Particles by Atmospheric Processing
Maters E, Flament P, de Jong J, Mattielli N & Deboudt K
(2015) The Fate of Atmospheric Pollutant Lead in Urban Ecosystem Revealed from Isotopic Imprints and Long-Term Blood Records
Véron A, Petit D, Flament P, Deboudt K & Poirier A
(2015) Dust Depostition in Snow from Northeast Antarctica: Mineralogical, Morphological and Chemical Characterization
Vanderstraeten A, Bonneville S, Schoeman V, Flament P, Deboudt K, Grobéty B, De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Gieré R, Tison J-L & Debaille V
(2013) Iron Speciation in Natural and Industrial Dust: What can We Learn from Individual Particle Analysis?
Flament P, Deboudt K, Marris H & Gieré R
(2008) Argide Interference Reduction for Fe Isotopic Analysis by MC-ICP-MS
Aimoz L, Barling J, Deboudt K, Flament P & Weis D
(2008) Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Atmospheric Emissions from a Pb-Zn Smelter
Mattielli N, Flament P, Deboudt K, Petit JCJ, Perdrix E, Sivry Y & Weis D
(2008) Chemical Composition of Tropospheric Particulate Matter in West Africa: Natural and Pollution Source Assessment
Flament P, Deboudt K, Aimoz L, Cachier H, Châtenet B & Weis D
(2006) Zn-Cu Isotopic Study and Speciation of Airborne Metal Particles Within a 5-km Zone of a Lead/Zinc Smelter
Mattielli N, Rimetz J, Petit J, Perdrix E, Deboudt K, Flament P & Weis D

Debouge W. (2023) How Many Planetesimals are at the Origin of Carbonaceous Chondrites?
Prestgard TJ, Gattacceca J, Bonal L, Debaille V, Debouge W, Beck P, Vacher L & Laize-Générat L
(2015) Zn and Fe Isotopes: Sensitive Tracers of Partial Melting and Redox Conditions
Doucet LS, Mattilli N, Ionov DA, Weis D, Debouge W & Golovin AV

Debret B. (2023) Multi-Stable Isotope Variations (Fe-Zn-Cu) along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (Southern Tibet, China)
Yang K, Debret B, Wang C, Shen J, Zhu X & Dai J
(2023) Origins of Deep Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Fundamental Redox Reactions within the Fe-C-H-O System
Wang C, Tao R, Zhang L, Debret B, Walters JB, Lan C, Zhu X, Yang K & Menez B
(2023) Experimental Insight on the Carbonaceous Matter Stability during Subduction
Besognet L, Debret B, Siebert J, Wehr N & Menez B
(2023) Indus Suture Serpentinites: From Intra-Oceanic to Continental Subduction
Bouilhol P, Villalobos J & Debret B
(2023) Fe, Cu and Zn Isotopes: Proxies to Constrain the Magmato-Hydrothermal History at Oceanic Core Complexes (Mid-Atlantic Ridge Kane Area, MARK, 23°N, ODP Leg 153)
Coltat R, Debret B, Tilhac R, Andreani M, Patten CGC, Godard M & Escartin J
(2022) Nickel Isotopes in Eclogites: Investigating Inputs to Deep Mantle ẟ60/58Ni Heterogeneity
Saunders NJ, Debret B & Halliday AN
(2022) The Behavior of K Stable Isotopes Accompanying the Subduction of the Oceanic Crust and Sediments
Chen H, Debret B, Inglis E, Williams HM & Halliday AN
(2022) Origin of Fe-Ca-Metasomatism and Associated Mineralization Hosted in Detachment-Related Exhumed Mantle Rocks at the MARK Area, 23°N, ODP Leg 153
Coltat R, Debret B, Godard M, Andreani M & Escartin J
(2021) Mobility of Redox Sensitive Elements in Subduction Zone, a Fe Isotope Study of Mariana Forearc Serpentinites
Debret B, Mattielli ND, Menez B, Savov I & Williams HM
(2021) Quantifying the Axial Magma Lens Dynamics at the Roof of Oceanic Magma Reservoirs (Dike / Gabbro Transition): Oman Drilling Project GT3 Site Survey
France L, Lombard M, Nicollet C, Berthod C, Debret B, Koepke J, Ildefonse B & Toussaint A
(2021) From Calcite to Carbonaceous Matter, or How Carbonates Crumble Under Pressure
Caurant C, Debret B & Menez B
(2019) Boron Isotopes in Metamorphic Olivine Record External Fluid Infiltration during Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Clarke E, De Hoog JCM, Harvey J, Debret B & Kirstein LA
(2019) The Intrinsic Nature of Antigorite Breakdown at 3 GPa: Experimental Constrains on Redox Conditions of Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Demouchy S, Bolfan-Casanova N, Maurice J, Chauvigne P, Schiavi F & Debret B
(2019) Evaluating Volatile Fluxes in Subduction Systems Using Stable Isotope Tracers
Valdes M, Debret B, Williams H, Kouketsu Y, Sakaguchi I & Wallis S
(2018) Zinc Behavior during Mantle Melting: A Reappraisal of Natural and Experimental Observations
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B & Debret B
(2018) Copper Mobilisation and Isotope Fractionation during Subduction
Freymuth H, Williams H, Jenner F & Debret B
(2018) Role of the Forearc in the Geochemistry of Subduction Zones: New Insights from the IODP Expedition 366
Debret B, Mattielli N, Albers E, Walter B, Price R, Barnes JD, Beunon H & Williams H
(2017) High δ11B Secondary Olivine Suggests Greater Contribution from Serpentinites to Subduction Zone Dehydration Fluids
Clarke E, De Hoog C-J, Debret B, Harvey J & Garrido C
(2017) Stable Iron Isotope Behaviour during Fluid Release from Subducted Slab Serpentinites
Inglis E, Bouilhol P, Debret B, Williams H & Burton K
(2017) Zn and Fe Isotopes in the Cerro del Almirez Ultramafic Massif (Spain): New Constraints on Serpentinite Breakdown during Subduction
Pons M-L, Debret B, Carlos G, Bouilhol P, Sánchez-Vizcaíno VL, Marchesi C, Hidas K & Williams H
(2017) The Early Stages of Slab Decarbonation
Debret B, Bouilhol P, Pons M-L & Williams H
(2016) Zinc Isotope Evidence for Sulphate-Rich Fluid Transfer Across Subduction Zones
Pons M-L, Debret B, Bouilhol P & Williams H
(2015) Experimental Study of Serpentine Dehydration
Maurice J, Bolfan Casanova N, Demouchy S & Debret B
(2015) Isotopic Evidence for Iron Mobility during Subduction
Debret B, Williams H, Millet M-A & Inglis E
(2015) Iron Stable Isotope Variations Accompanying Prograde Metamorphism of Basalts & Gabbros from Alpine Ophiolites
Inglis E, Debret B, Millet M-A, Burton K, Nowell G, Dale C & Williams H
(2014) Evolution of Iron Redox State in Serpentine from Mid-Ocean Ridge to Subduction Zone
Andreani M, Debret B & Munoz M
(2013) Iron Oxidation State in Serpentine during Subduction: Implications on the Nature of the Released Fluids at Depth
Debret B, Andreani M, Munoz M, Bolfan-Casanova N, Julie C, Nicollet C & Schwartz S

Debret M. (2023) Platinum Trajectories in Two Major French Rivers Using Dated Sediment Cores (1930-2021): From Geochemical Baseline to Emerging Source Signals
Chastanet M, Debret M, Gardes T, Schäfer J, Abdou M, Lestel L, Morereau A, Grosbois C, Eyrolle F & Coynel A
(2022) Trajectories of Legacy and Emerging Metal Contaminants in French River Sediments
Gardes T, Coynel A, Debret M, Copard Y, Bossy C, Chastanet M, Lepage H, Dendievel A-M, Mourier B, Winiarski T, Schäfer J, Grosbois C & Eyrolle F
(2020) Hyperspectral Imaging for Sediment Cores: A Promising Method for Source-To-Sink Approach ?
Debret M, Copard Y, Van Exem A & Jacq K
(2018) Organic Compounds and Trace Metal Elements in the Eure River Watershed: Past and Actual Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
Gardes T, Debret M, Copard Y, Koltalo F, Patault E, Laberdesque Y, Develle A-L, Deloffre J, Marcotte S, Sabatier P, Chaumillon E, Coulombier T, Révillon S & Nizou J
(2008) The Holocene Geochemical Fingerprint of Outer Alps Denudation
Arnaud F, Revillon S, Revel-Rolland M & Debret M

Debrie J. (2023) Hyperspectral Study of Visible Fluorescence in Modern and Ancient Microbialites to Detect Traces of Life
Debrie J, Saint Martin JP, Desjardins K, Lam F, Le Callonnec L, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A & Benzerara K
(2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of Modern Stromatolites: Clues to their Formation and Use as Paleoenvironmental Records
Debrie J, Prêt D, Benzerara K, Sans-Jofre P & Saint Martin JP

Debruycker M. (2023) Hydrogen-Bearing Phases in Carbonaceous (and Other) Chondrites
Rigaudier T, Debruycker M, Piani L & Marrocchi Y

DeBruyn J.M. (2018) Spatial and Temporal Soil Responses to Carrion Decay
Keenan SW & DeBruyn JM

DeBruyn M. (2019) Comparing Ozone and Nitrous Oxide as Reaction Cell Gases for Rb-Sr Isotope Analyses with QQQ ICPMS
Allen CM, DeBruyn M, Marshall DL, Haroumi Moromizato K, Poad B & Blanksby SJ

Debu D.A. (2017) Evidence for the Oldest Crust in the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC) from Zircon U-Pb Dating of the TTG Gneiss in and Around Khammam Area, Telangana, India
Debu DA, Rajesh RKS, Kallola KKB & Krishna KVSSK

Debure M. (2023) Assessment of Arsenic Retention Properties of Aptian Sands Having Different Oxidation-Reduction Capacity
Orucoglu E, Grangeon S, Agnel MI, Madé B, Robinet J-C & Debure M
(2023) Multi-Component Reactive Transport in a Claystone: Insights from a Ten-Year Alkaline in situ Injection Experiment
Debure M, Claret F, Gaboreau S, Steefel CI, Linard Y & Tournassat C
(2023) Insight of the Reactive Transport Models Developed to Understand the Corrosion Processes of High-Level Nuclear Waste
Marty N, Debure M, Michau N, Cochepin B, Linard Y, Tocino F & Martin C
(2021) Influence of Soil Reducing Capacity on the Mechanisms Driving Mercury Behaviour
Debure M & Grangeon S
(2021) An Improved Thermodynamic Model Based on Pitzer’s Equations to Describe the Chemical Behaviour of Complex Chloride-Type Brines up to Salt Solubility and Elevated Temperatures, for Geothermal and Economic Geology Applications
Lassin A, Debure M, Tuduri J & Andre L
(2020) Can Serpentinisation Processes Provide Brines for the Ore-Forming Factory?
Tuduri J, Lassin A, Debure M & Blanc P
(2020) Thermal Contribution of Serpentinization to Temperature Variations in the Subsea Floor
Lassin A, André L & Debure M
(2019) Modelling of Early Diagenesis of Lacustrine Carbonates Associated with Mg-Silicates
Milesi V, Debure M, Marty N, Capano M, Jezequel D, Steefel C, Rouchon V, Albéric P, Bard E, Guyot F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
(2017) Study of Iron-Bearing Dolomite Dissolution at Various Temperatures: Evidence for the Formation of Secondary Nanocrystalline Iron-Rich Phases on the Dolomite Surface
Debure M, Andreazza P, Canizarès A, Grangeon S, Lerouge C, Mack P, Madé B, Simon P, Veron E, Warmont F & Vayer M
(2017) Formation of Mg-Aluminosilicates during Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments in the Volcanic Crater Lake of Dziani (Mayotte – Indian Ocean)
Milesi V, Jezequel D, Guyot F, Debure M, Marty N, Claret F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
(2011) Borosilicate Glass Alteration Driven by Magnesium Carbonates
Debure M, Frugier P, De Windt L & Gin S

Debyser M.C.F. (2022) Terrestrial Nutrient Supply, Marine Cycling and Limitation Traced Through Isotopes in the Eurasian Arctic
Debyser MCF, Pichevin LE, Tuerena RE, Dodd PA & Ganeshram R

Decamp P-E. (2023) Multiple Exposure of Amerindian People to Toxic Metals: How Co-building the Communities Outreach and Empowerment?
Maurice L, Martin LA, Davy D, Laffont L, Decamp P-E, Lartigau F, Landburg GA, Abielie J & Williams A

DeCanniere P. (2009) Biogeochemical Processes in a Clay Formation in situ Experiment
Wersin P, Leupin O, Mettler S, Gaucher E, Mäder U, Vinsot A, DeCanniere P, Gäbler H-E, Kunimaro T & Kiho K

Decarlo F. (2006) A Synchrotron based study of lateritic, gold bearing, iron oxide nodules
Hough R, Ryan C, Anand R, Etschmann B, Harland C & Decarlo F

DeCarlo K. (2020) Neutron Imaging of Soil Rhizosphere & Root Water Dynamics
Warren J, Bilheux H, Perfect E, DeCarlo K, Marcacci K & Bilheux J-C

Decarlo P. (2011) Discrimination of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Different Sources
Heringa M, Chirico R, Platt S, Pfaffenberger L, Barmet P, Slowik J, DeCarlo P, Dommen J, Prévôt A & Baltensperger U
(2009) Photosensitized Aging of Succinic Acid Aerosol
Rouviere A, Decarlo P, Schlierf A, Favez O, D'Anna B, George C, Prevot A & Ammann M
(2009) Smogchamber Investigations of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol from Combustion Sources
DeCarlo P, Chirico R, Heringa M, Tritscher T, Gysel M, Weingartner E, Prevot A & Baltensperger U
(2009) Source Apportionment and Chemical Features of the Organic Aerosol Using Aerosol Mass Spectrometers
Baltensperger U, DeCarlo P, Alfarra R, Chirico R, Heringa M, Dommen J, Duplissy J, Prevot A, Tritscher T, Weingartner E & Donahue N

DeCarlo Thomas (2018) Geochemistry of Metastable Phases of Calcium Carbonate and their Relationship with Biogenic Carbonates
Sadekov A, Gabitov R, DeCarlo T & McCulloch M
(2013) Geochemical Windows on Coral Calcification: Cellular Mechanisms and Impacts of Climate Change
Cohen A, DeCarlo T, Gaetani G & Holcomb M

DeCarlo Thomas M (2022) Do Corals Really Use Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) to Build their Skeletons?
DeCarlo TM
(2022) Investigating the Chronic Effects of Ocean Acidification on Porites sp. Coral Calcifying Fluid ΩAr Through Raman Spectroscopy
Hankins JC & DeCarlo TM

DeCarlo Thomas M. (2017) Coral Calcifying Fluid Aragonite Saturation States Derived from Raman Spectroscopy
DeCarlo TM, D'Olivo JP, Comeau S, Foster T, Cornwall CE, Holcomb M & McCulloch MT

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