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Debaille Vinciane (2018) Micrometeorites from the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica
Van Ginneken M, Goderis S, Soens B, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2018) Tracing Meteorite Terrestrial Weathering Effects on Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Distribution: Implications for Meteorite Weathering Related to Climate
Pourkhorsandi H, D’Orazio M, Rochette P, Valenzuela M, Debaille V & Gattacceca J
(2018) Temporal HSE Variation and Core Formation in Vesta
Debaille V, Slotte N, Wainwright A, Goderis S & Luguet A
(2018) Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of a Chondrule-Like Object Preserved in an Antarctic Micrometeorite
Soens B, Peeters G, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2018) Tracing Early Earth Differentiation with 142Nd
Wainwright AN, Debaille V, Pourkhorsandi H, Zincone SA, Mole DR, Barnes SJ, Maas R & Guice G
(2018) Progression of Rodingitisation in the Veria-Naousa Ophiolitic Complex (Greece) Seen by Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Rogkala A, Petrounias P, Tsikouras B, Pomonis P & Hatzipanagiotou K
(2018) Enstatite Chondrites Earth-Like for Stable Nd Ratios
Armytage R & Debaille V

Debaille Vinciane (2019) Rare Earth Element Distribution and Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotopic Effects in Antarctic H and CM Chondrites
Maeda R, Debaille V, Hublet G, Pourkhorsandi H, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2019) Unmelted Antarctic Micrometeorites at the Nanoscale
Van Maldeghem F, Goderis S, Laforce B, Soens B, De Pauw E, Suuronen J-P, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P
(2019) An Isotopic Study of VMS Deposit Systems from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Decree S, Mathur R, Hadjigeorgiou C & Georgiadou I
(2019) Serpentinization: An Explanation for the Current Methan Detection on Mars?
Fortier V, Debaille V & Dehant V
(2019) Neodymium Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Chondrites, the End of the Story?
Debaille V, Armytage R, Wainwright A, Pourkhorsandi H & Hublet G

Debaille Vinciane (2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2021) Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Shergottite Asuka 12325
Roland J, Debaille V, Hublet G, Pourkhorsandi H & Goderis S
(2021) Experimental Study of Serpentinization and Abiotic CH4 Production in Martian Conditions
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Melo Bravo PP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N
(2021) Probing the Cerium Stable Isotopic Dynamics of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Rocks
Pourkhorsandi H, Debaille V, De Jong J, Armytage R & Decrée S
(2021) Modelling Constraints Point to the Ancient Formation of the Moon
Thiemens MM, Tusch J, Fonseca ROC, Leitzke FP, Fischer-Gödde M, Debaille V, Sprung P & Münker C
(2021) Ancient Mantle Heterogeneities Recorded in Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks
Debaille V, Wainwright A, Hoffmann JE, Viehmann S & Bau M
(2021) Copper and Zinc Isotopic Fractionation Induced by Major Infections: The SARS-Cov-2 Case Study
Hublet G, Debaille V, Mattielli ND & Galanti L
(2021) An Isotopic Investigation of Supergene Weathering Process in Gossans from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Decrée S, Mathur R & Hadjigeorgiou C
(2021) 176Hf and 144Nd Isotopes Constraints on the Origin of Mesoarchaean Felsic Crust in Ntem Complex, Northwest Congo Craton
Akame JM & Debaille V
(2021) Petrography and Geochemistry to Unravel the Genesis of the Larvik Plutonic Complex and its Fe-Ti-P-Ree-Rich Rocks
Buelens P, Debaille V, Decrée S & Coint N
(2021) Understanding Zinc and Strontium Isotopic Signatures in Volcanic Lakes
Robic J, Debaille V & Bernard A

Debaille Vinciane (2022) Isotope Fractionation of Moderately Volatile Elements in Variably Shocked Ordinary Chondrites
Roland J, Debaille V, Pourkhorsandi H, De Jong J & Goderis S
(2022) Serpentinization and Methanation in Martian Underground Like Conditions: An Abiotic Origin for CH4 on Mars?
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N
(2022) Effects of Terrestrial Alteration on Meteorites from Cold and Hot Deserts
Debaille V, Maeda R, Pourkhorsandi H, Goderis S, Hublet GC & Claeys P
(2022) Understanding Zinc Isotopic Signatures in Volcanic Lakes
Robic J, Debaille V, Villacorte E, Bornas MAV, Solidum RU, Syahbana DK, Huda K & Bernard A
(2022) Copper and Zinc Isotopic Fractionation Related to Systemic Inflammation Following SARS-Cov-2 Infection
Hublet GC, Debaille V & Laterre P-F

Debaille Vinciane (2023) Fe, Zn and Mg Stable Isotope Records of Early Differentiation and Core Formation of the Ureilite Parent Body
Chernonozhkin SM, Goderis S, Hublet GC, Weyer S, Horn I, Pittarello L, Claeys P, Debaille V & Vanhaecke F
(2023) Moderately Volatile Elements in CB and CH Chondrites
Roland J, Debaille V & Goderis S
(2023) Tracing Variations in the Flux of Extraterrestrial Material Through Time
Krämer Ruggiu L, Goderis S, Debaille V, Da Silva A-C & Percival L
(2023) Non-Traditional Isotopic Variations in the Rochechouart Impact Structures: Tracers of Melting, Mixing, Volatilization and Hydrothermal Alteration
Faucher J, Déhais T, Luais B, Debaille V, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2023) Iron Isotope Signatures of Distal Impact Spherules from the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Rabin S, Goderis S, Krämer Ruggiu L, Debaille V & Smit J
(2023) Cu, Zn, and Fe Isotopes Behaviour in an Experimental Martian-Like Serpentinization System
Fortier VM, Dehant V, Debaille V, Bultel B & Sekine Y
(2023) Northwest Africa 13188: A Possible Meteorite... From Earth!
Gattacceca J, Debaille V, Devouard B, Leya I, Jourdan F, Braucher R, Roland J, Pourkhorsandi H, Goderis S & Jambon A
(2023) Investigation of the Petrogenetic Relationship between the Two Igneous Formations in Jezero Crater by Using Trace Element Concentrations Acquired by the Perseverance SuperCam Instrument
Debaille V, Forni O, Anderson R, Beck P, Beyssac O, Clavé E, Clegg S, Cousin A, Dehouck E, Fouchet T, Gabriel T, Johnson JR, Le Mouélic S, Mandon L, Maurice S, Meslin P-Y, Pilleri P, Poulet F, Quantin-Nataf C, Royer C, Udry A & Wiens RC
(2023) Controls on Rare Earth Element Dynamics during Low- and High-Temperature Fluid-Rock Interactions in Carbonatites
Pourkhorsandi H, Debaille V, Decrée S, Simonet C & Goderis S
(2023) Geochemistry of the Larvik Plutonic Complex and its Implications for the Genesis of its Fe-Ti-P-Ree Mineralization
Buelens P, Debaille V, Decrée S & Coint N
(2023) Néma 001 – A Fragment of the Crust of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body?
Tartese R, Gattacceca J, Devouard B, Debaille V, Joy KH, Sonzogni C & Jambon A
(2023) How Many Planetesimals are at the Origin of Carbonaceous Chondrites?
Prestgard TJ, Gattacceca J, Bonal L, Debaille V, Debouge W, Beck P, Vacher L & Laize-Générat L
(2023) Petrogenesis of Mesoarchean Na-Rich(TTG) and K-Rich Granitoids from the Ntem Complex, Congo Craton, Cameroon: Geodynamic Implication
Akame JM, Debaille V, Oliveira EP & Poujol M

Debajyoti P. (2004) Extreme Compositional Variability of the Mantle-Plume Related Magmas from Mauritius Island, Indian Ocean
Debajyoti P, Kamenetsky V & Hofmann A

Debajyoti Paul D.P. (2019) Average Chemical Composition of Indian Shale Composite: Implication for Chemical Weathering and Provenance
Esha Ray ER, Debajyoti Paul DP & Ramananda Chakrabarti RC

Debapriya D.A. (2017) Zircon U-Pb Dating of the TTG Gneiss in and Around Khammam Area, Telangana, India – Evidence for the Oldest Crust in the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC)
Debapriya DA, Rajesh RKS, Kallola KKB & Krishna KVSSK

DeBari S (2005) Basalts and High-Mg Andesites from the Northern Cascade Arc (Glacier Peak, Washington): Insights into Mantle and Crustal Processes
DeBari S, Taylor D & Sisson T

DeBari Susan (2022) Using Crystal Zoning, Thermobarometry, and MELTS to Elucidate Koma Kulshan’s (Mt. Baker) Transcrustal Magma Storage System, Northern Cascade Arc
Garvey B & DeBari S
(2019) Evolution of the N-Izu Rear Arc Magma Source as Revealed by the Site U1437 of IODP Exp. 350
Miyazaki T, Sato T, Tamura Y, Hamelin C, Gill J, DeBari S, Kimura J-I, Vaglarov B, Chang Q, Senda R & Haraguchi S
(2008) High-Mg Andesites from Glacier Peak Wa, Derivatives of Mixing between Low- and hi-Si Endmembers
DeBari S, Sisson T & Taylor D
(2008) Origin and Geochemical Evolution of Mafic Magmas from the Cascade Arc, Mount Baker, Washington: Probes into Mantle Processes
Moore N & DeBari S
(2008) The Origin of a Diverse Suite of Late Pleistocene Andesitic to Dacitic Lavas from the Northern Cascade Arc at Mt. Baker, Washington
Baggerman T & DeBari S

Debasis Behera D.B. (2016) A Critique of Sutured Cratonic Blocks in the Archean Dharwar Craton of Southern India
Sushanta Sarangi SS, Srinivasan RS, Debasis Behera DB, Sagar Kumar Swain SKS, Hegde VSH & Allen P Nutman APN

Debat P. (2013) Petrology and Geochemistry of Mafic and Ultramafic Metamagmatic Rocks Emplaced within the Anatectic Series of the Middle Crust of the Variscan Pyrenees: Example of the Gavarnie-Heas Dome, West Pyrenees
Kilzi M, Gregoire M, Benoit M, Debat P, de St Blanquat M & Driouch Y

Debecker D.P. (2022) Serpentinization and Methanation in Martian Underground Like Conditions: An Abiotic Origin for CH4 on Mars?
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N
(2021) Experimental Study of Serpentinization and Abiotic CH4 Production in Martian Conditions
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Melo Bravo PP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N

DeBeer D. (2011) Extensive N-Loss from Permeable Wadden Sea Sediments due to Aerobic Denitrification
Gao H, Khalili A, Lavik G, de Beer D & Kuypers M
(2011) The Influence of Physically-Induced Porewater Advection, Benthic Photosynthesis and Respiration on CaCO3 Dynamics in Reef Sands
Rao A, Polerecky L, Ionescu D, Meysman F & De Beer D
(2010) Novel, Mat-Forming Thiomargarita spp. Thrive on a Sulfidic Fluid Outflow at the Amon Mud Volcano (Eastern Mediterranean)
Girnth A-C, Grünke S, Lichtschlag A, Felden J, Knittel K, Wenzhöfer F, de Beer D & Boetius A
(2009) CO2 Leakage in the Deep Ocean and its Effect on Benthic Fauna
Boetius A, De Beer D, Haeckel M, Mertens C, Inagaki F, Nakamura K & Rehder G
(2009) Sequestering CO2 in Marine Sediments – Geochemical Insights from a Natural Case Study
Haeckel M, Bigalke N, Boetius A, De Beer D, Rehder G & Savy JP
(2009) In situ Measurements of Porewater Chemistry in Extremely CO2 Rich Sediments from a Hydrothermal Vent
de Beer D, Boetius A & Haeckel M
(2009) Distribution of Metabolically Active Microbial Communities in CO2-rich Marine Sediments
Yanagawa K, Sunamura M, Morono Y, Futagami T, DeBeer D, Urabe T, Boetius A & Inagaki F
(2009) Impact of High CO2 Concentrations on the Structure of Microbial Communities in Marine Sediments
Ufkes J, Ramette A, Haeckel M, de Beer D, Inagaki F & Boetius A
(2008) A Novel Carbon Concentrating Mechanism for Foraminiferal Calcification and its Potential Effects on Paleoceanographic Proxies
Erez J, Bentov S, Grinstein M & de Beer D
(2007) Methane, Sulfide and Oxygen Fluxes at Methane and Brine Seeps of the Nile Deep Sea Fan (Eastern Mediterranean)
Felden J, Lichtschlag A, Grünke S, Wenzhöfer F, deBeer D & Boetius A
(2007) Biological Versus Chemical Sulfide Oxidation in Beggiatoa Inhabited Sediment
de Beer D, Lichtschlag A, Lavik G & Joergensen BB
(2007) Methane Fluxes and Turnover in Permanent Anoxia: In situ Studies of the Dvurechenskii Mud Volcano (Black Sea)
Lichtschlag A, Felden J, Wenzhöfer F, Mohr T, Feseker T, Boetius A & deBeer D

Debeer-Schmitt L. (2022) Chemomechanical Influences during Replacement of Limestones by Siderite
Weber J, Starchenko V, Zhang R, Ilavsky J, Debeer-Schmitt L, Mata J, Littrell K, He L, Chen W-R, Allard LF, Stack AG & Anovitz L

Debenay J. (2003) Calcareous Foraminiferal Test as a Proxy of Cd in Coastal Marine Environment
Maréchal-Abram N, Debenay J & Wada H

Debenham N. (2015) Seasonal Redox Oscillation and OC Enrichment in a Cold-Climate Organic Rich Rock
Debenham N, Kennedy M & Loehr S

Debernardi P. (2021) Kaplan-Meier Analysis of Greek and Roman Coinage Production
Albarede F, de Callataÿ F, Debernardi P & Blichert-Toft J

Debes V. (2023) Introducing WORM!
Boyer G, Robare J, Park N, Debes V, Clayton Z, Reano D, Simon MN & Shock EL

Debeuf D. (2004) 210Pb-226Ra Disequilibrium and Magma Chamber Processes
Sigmarsson O & Debeuf D

Debiec-Andrzejewska K. (2019) Enhancing the Phytoremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Soil by the Use of Arsenite-Oxidizing Bacteria
Debiec-Andrzejewska K & Drewniak L

DeBièvre P. (2013) Half Lives of Nuclides for Geological Use: 2012 Evaluation for 87Rb
Villa IM, Bonardi ML, DeBièvre P, Holden NE & Renne PR

DeBlasis P. (2019) The Influence of Diet on Zn Isotope Ratios in Mammal Tissues: What can We Learn from Archeological Skeletal Remains?
Jaouen K, Trost M, Strauss A, Villagran X, Colonese AC, Le Cabec A, Elias Oliveira R, Bourgon N, Colleter R, Tütken T & DeBlasis P

Deblochouse B. (2013) Zeolites as Ion Exchanger in Harsh Ultra-Alkaline Conditions
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Gobechiya E, Wangermez W, Deblochouse B, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A

Deblonde G. (2022) Biomining of Rare Earth Elements from Primary and Secondary Sources
Jiao Y, Dong Z, Mattocks JA, Deblonde G, Cotruvo J & Park D
(2020) Biology-Based Approach for Selective Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Byproducts
Park D, Dong Z, Deblonde G, Doolabi M, Jin H, Kim H, Cotruvo J & Jiao Y

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