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De Pauw Ella (2020) HR 3D Element Distribution by SR-Xrf Tomography of CM2 Material as Analog for Material Returned in Hayabusa2
Tkalcec BJ, Tack P, Brenker FE, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Nakamura T, Matsumoto M, Amano K, Takahashi M, Fujioka Y, Kagawa E & Falkenberg G
(2020) Rare Earth Element Analysis of UR CAIs in CV3 Chondrites by SRXRF
Genzel P-T, Bazi B, Krot AN, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Ivanova MA, Ma C, Lindner M, Garrevoet J, Falkenberg G, Vincze L, Brenker FE & Davis AM
(2019) Unmelted Antarctic Micrometeorites at the Nanoscale
Van Maldeghem F, Goderis S, Laforce B, Soens B, De Pauw E, Suuronen J-P, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P

De Pelsmaeker E.
(2011) Volcanism on Methana (W Aegean Arc): Magma Mixing, Crustal Contamination & Mantle Sources
Smet I, De Pelsmaeker E, Elburg M, Vanhaecke F & Andersen T

De Pinho Guimarães I. (2014) Relevance for W Gondwana Assembly of Syn-Collisional Ediacaran Granitic Plutonism with 18O/16O Crustal Signature, Borborema Province, NE Brazil
Francisco Da Silva Filho A, De Pinho Guimarães I, Armstrong R, Cocentino L, Lima D & Rufino E

de podesta M. (2010) Ar Primary Measurement Standards for the Calibration of Argon Isotopes
Valkiers S, Vendelbo D, Berglund M & de podesta M

De Pol-Holz R. (2017) Reconstructing the Variability of the SE Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Using Geochemical Proxies in Benthic Foraminifera
Reyes Macaya DA, Hebbeln D, Hoogakker B, Martínez Méndez G, Mohtadi M, Lückge A, Lu Z, Kuhnert H & De Pol Holz R

de Potter d'Indoye A. (2015) Evidence of Pedogenesis in Late Pleistocene Volcanic Ash Deposits in Ecuador
Opfergelt S, Delmelle P, Duhain C, de Potter d'Indoye A, Vera R, Yin Q, Guevara A & de la Torre E

De Proft F.

de Prunelé A. (2014) Trace Element Behaviour and the Export of Organically-Bound Dissolved Iron at Cold Seeps
Lemaitre N, Bayon G, Ondréas H, Freslon N, Bollinger C, Rouget M-L, de Prunelé A, Ruffine L, Olu K & Sarthou G

de Putron S.J. (2018) An Environmental Evaluation of Species-Specific Offsets in Coral Tissue & Skeletal-Bound δ15N with Consideration for Proxy Use
Luu VH, Darling WS, de Putron SJ, Cohen AL & Sigman DM

De Putter T. (2021) Unravelling the Proterozoic History of the Granite Intrusion of the Karagwe Ankole Belt in Rwanda
De Clercq S, Dewaele S, De Grave J, De Putter T & Vanhaecke F
(2019) Characterisation and Geodynamic Context of the Granite Intrusions in the Karagwe-Ankole Belt in Rwanda
De Clercq S, Dewaele S, De Grave J, De Putter T, Chew D & Sullivan G
(2016) Silicon Isotopes as Paleoweathering Proxies: Application to Paleogene Central African Environments
Bayon G, De Putter T, Mees F, Ponzevera E, Delvigne C, Monin L, Smith T & André L
(2011) SIMS U-Pb Ages for Heterogenite from Katanga (DRC): Implications for the Genesis of Co-u Deposits in Shinkolobwe
Decrée S, Deloule E, De Putter T, Dewaele S, Mees F & Marignac C
(2008) Iron and Trace Elements Cycling in Mineralized Paleolaterites from NW Tunisia
Decrée S, De Putter T, de Jong J, Marignac C & Yans J

De Rafelis M. (2019) Drake Gateway Opening Recorded by Global 87Sr/86Sr Signals of Foraminifers
Grespan R, Hodel F, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E, Chardon D, Rouby D & Chavagnac V
(2019) Chemical Weathering of the West African Craton during the EOT: A Li and Sr Isotopic Approach
Hodel F, Grespan R, Chardon D, Rouby D, Buatier M, Destringneville C, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E & Chavagnac V
(2017) The Quest for Evaluating Mg/Ca in Bivalve Shells as a Temperature Proxy: Where are We Now?
Mouchi V, de Rafélis M, Lartaud F, Briard J & Emmanuel L
(2017) Mollusc Shells are They Suitable for Accessing the Strontium Isotopic Composition of Seawater ?
El Meknassi S, Cardone T, Dera G, Chavagnac V & De Rafelis M

de Rezende J.R. (2014) Thermophilic Endospores in Cold Sediments Indicate Long Term Survival and Dispersal Following a Former Life in Warm Anoxic Environments
Hanson C, Hubert C, Bell E, De Rezende JR, Sherry A, Suárez-Suárez A, Gray ND, Head IM, Loy A, Müller AL, Baranyi C, Kjeldsen KU & Jørgensen BB
(2013) A Constant Flux of Diverse Anaerobic Thermophilic Endospores into Cold Marine Sediments
Hubert CR, Bell E, de Rezende JR, Hanson CA, Suárez-Suárez A, Head IM, Loy A, Müller A, Baranyi C, Ferdelman TG, Nickel M, Vandieken V, Arnosti C, Brüchert V, Finster K, Kjeldsen KU & Barker Jørgensen B

De Ridder F. (2006) Estimation of the time scale for ice volume records
De Ridder F, De Brauwere A, Paillard D & Pintelon R
(2006) A parametric method for water mass analysis applied to the Southern Ocean
De Brauwere A, Jacquet S, Dehairs F, De Ridder F, Pintelon R, Schoukens J & Baeyens W

de Ronde Cornel E. J. (2015) Influence of Hikurangi Plateau Subduction on the Kermadec Arc Volcanoes Rumble II East and West
Timm C, Leybourne M, Wysoczanski R, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Handler M, Caratori-Tontini F & de Ronde C
(2015) Gateway to the Sub-Arc Mantle: Volatile Flux, Metal Transport, and Conditions for Early Life, Brothers Volcano, New Zealand
de Ronde C, Bach W, Arculus R, Humphris S, Takai K & Reysenbach A-L
(2015) Seventeen Years of Exploring Intraoceanic Arcs
de Ronde C
(2013) Invisible Gold in Arc Volcanic Glasses
Timm C, Reyes A, Gill S, Layton-Matthews D, Leybourne M, de Ronde C & Henley R
(2011) Effects of Louisville Seamount Subduction: Geochemical Evidence from Central Tonga-Kermadec Arc Volcanoes
Timm C, Graham I, Leybourne M, de Ronde C & Woodhead J
(2010) Multi-Phase Fluid Flow Simulations of Brothers Volcano: Application of Realistic Constraints
Gruen G, Driesner T, de Ronde CEJ & Heinrich CA
(2010) Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems at the Monowai Volcanic Centre, Kermadec Arc
Leybourne M, de Ronde C, Baker E, Faure K, Walker S & Resing J
(2009) Hydrothermal Systems of Intraoceanic Arcs
de Ronde C, Baker E, Embley R, John L, Butterfield D, Faure K, Leybourne M, Chadwick W, Ishibashi J, Reising J, Walker S, Merle S & Greene R
(2009) Controls on Hydrothermal System Styles in Submarine Arc Volcanoes
Gruen G, Driesner T, de Ronde CEJ & Heinrich CA
(2006) Hydrothermal mineralization in arc-type submarine volcanoes
Reyes AG, Massoth G, De Ronde C & Wright IC
(2006) Submarine hydrothermal activity along the mid-Kermadec arc, New Zealand: Large-scale effects on venting
De Ronde CEJ, Baker ET, Massoth GJ, Lupton JE, Wright IC, Sparks RJ, Walker SL, Greene RR, Bannister SC, Reyners ME, Ishibashi J & Faure K
(2001) Submarine Hydrothermal Venting Associated with an Active Arc Front: Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand
de Ronde CEJ, Massoth GJ, Baker ET & Lupton JE

De Ronde Cornel E.J. (2019) Tracking the Source of Cu, Ag and Au in Intraoceanic Kermadec Arc Glasses, SW Pacific
Timm C, Portnyagin M, De Ronde C, Hannington M, Hoernle K & Arculus R
(2019) Colville and Kermadec Ridge Age and Geochemistry: New Insights into the proto-Kermadec Arc Petrogenesis and Arc Splitting, SW Pacific
Timm C, De Ronde C, Hoernle K, Cousens B, Wartho J-A, Hauff F & Caratori Tontini F
(2019) Geochemistry of Deep Subseafloor Hydrothermal Fluids at Brothers Volcano
McDermott JM, Rouxel O, Schlicht LEM, Bach W, Stucker VK, de Ronde CEJ, Massiot C & Scientists E3
(2019) Symbiosis between Caldera Collapse and Hydrothermalism at Brothers Submarine Volcano, Kermadec Arc
de Ronde C, Humphris S, Hoefig T & Reyes A

De Ros L.F. (2016) Understanding the Provenance of the Turbidites from the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico: Utilizing Heavy Minerals and Bulk Quantification
Dos Santos T, Morton A, De Ros LF & Kneller B
(2015) Provenance of Upper Cretaceous Turbidites from the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico
Dos Santos T, Kneller B, De Ros LF, Morton A & Hurst A

De Rosa R. (2022) REE Mobility in the Hyperacid Brine of Kawah Ijen Crater Lake (Java, Indonesia) during the Precipitation of Sulfate Minerals
Inguaggiato C, Pappaterra S, Peiffer L, Apollaro C, Brusca L, De Rosa R, Rouwet D, Caudron C & Suparjan S
(2017) Toxic Elements in Serpentinite-Derived Soils: Potential for Human Exposure, Southern Italy
Bloise A, Punturo R, De Rosa R, Ricchiuti C, Mengel K & Apollaro C
(2015) Nature of Magma Storage System beneath the Damavand Volcano (Iran)
Eskandari A, Amini S, De Rosa R, Donato P & Farahkhah N
(2013) Petrochemical Characterization of the Basalts and Rhyolites Erupted along the Central Axis of the Main Ethiopian Rift
De Rosa R, Ferlito C, Nicotra E & Donato P
(2013) Experimentally Quantifying Metabasalt Dissolution Kinetics at 25℃ and pH 2-12
Critelli T, Saldi GD, Daval D, Apollaro C, Oelkers EH, Schott J, De Rosa R, Knauss KG & Marini L
(2013) Outcrops of x-5 and x-6 Tephra Markers along the Southern Tyrrhenian Coast of Italy
Donato P, Albert P, Crocitti M, De Rosa R & Menzies M
(2013) Hydrogeochemical Study of the Multi-Aquifer System of the Sibari Plain (Calabria, Southern Italy)
Vespasiano G, Apollaro C, Bloise A, Cianflone G, De Rosa R, Dominici R & Marini L
(2013) Using Textural Data and Fractal Analysis to Infer Crystallization of Dacites from Qorveh (W-Iran)
Eskandary A, De Rosa R, Amini S & Miraj H
(2013) Hydrothermal Alteration of the Products of Transformation of Cement-Asbestos
Catalano M, Bloise A, Belluso E, Cannata CB, Barrese E, De Rosa R & Gualtieri A

de Ruiter L. (2018) Quartz Dissolution and M-S-H Cement Precipitation in a High pH Ultramafic System
de Ruiter L, Austrheim H, Gunnæs AE & Dysthe DK
(2017) Formation of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Cement in the Weathering Zone of Ultramafites
de Ruiter L, Austrheim H & Dysthe DK
(2015) Low-Temperature Nanocatalysis of Abiogenic Methane during Peridotite Alteration
Plümper O, King H, de Ruiter L, Verberne R & Liu Y

de Saint Blanquat M. (2023) Rock Alteration in Cold Climate: Implications from Geochemical Analysis of River and Soil Samples from the Kerguelen Archipelago
Chabaux F, van der Woerd J, Perrone T, Pelt E, Aubert A, Boutin R, Fourtet C, Jeanneau L, Schmitt A-D, de Saint Blanquat M & Guillaume D

de Saint-Blanquat M. (2017) Origin of Pegmatites, Example of Pyrenean Variscan Pegmatites (Cap de Creus, Spain): Preliminary Results
Serrano J, Van Lichtervelde M, De Saint-Blanquat M, Borisova A, Druguet E & Gloaguen E
(2013) Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Construction of the Lluta Pluton, Tacna (Peru)
Demouy S, Benoit M, De Saint-Blanquat M & Paquette J-L
(2012) Late Cretaceous Rapid Arc Growth in the Arequipa Area of Southern Peru
Demouy S, Benoit M, de Saint-Blanquat M, Sempere T & Paquette J-L
(2011) Magma Emplacement Durations and Rates and the Dynamics of Magmatism and Volcanism
Annen C, Blundy J, Caricchi L, Menand T, de Saint-Blanquat M, Schöpa A & Sparks S

De Sampaio P.A.B. (2021) Subduction Processes in the Meso-Neoarchean Pitangui Greenstone Belt, Southeastern Brazil: Insights from Lithogeochemistry and Trace Element Modelling
De Sampaio PAB, Corrêa Neto AV, Brando Soares M, Alves FEA, Da Silva GM & Varca Pinheiro AC

De Sanctis C. (2016) Insight into Ceres’ Chemical and Physical Evolution from Surface Mineralogy
Castillo J, Neveu M, McSween H, Toplis M, De Sanctis C, Raymond C & Russell C

De Sanctis M. Cristina (2014) Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra
Mittlefehldt DW, Ammannito E, Hiroi T, De Angelis S, Moriarty DP, Di Iorio T, Pieters CM & De Sanctis MC

De Sanctis Maria Cristina (2020) A Dry Origin of 4-Vesta Estimated by the Water Content in Pyroxenes from the HED
Nazzareni S, Pauselli C, Skogny H, Murri M, Domeneghetti MC, Alvaro M, Stalder R, Petrelli M, De Sanctis MC, Formisano M & Federico C

De Sanctis Maria-Cristina (2015) Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Refractory Crust as Inferred from VIRTIS/ROSETTA
Quirico E, Moroz L, Beck P, Schmitt B, Arnold G, Bonal L, Filacchione G, Capaccioni F, Leyrat C, Bockelée-Morvan D, Erard S, Tosi F, Ciarnello M, Raponi A, Di Capria MT, De Sanctis M-C, Piccioni G, Barucci A, Drossart P & Virtis Team T

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