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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

de La Pena F. (2023) Space Weathering Influence on Ryugu's IR Signature: Insights from Nanoscale Vibrational Spectroscopy in the STEM
Laforet S, Leroux H, Le Guillou C, Jacob D, de La Pena F, Marinova M, Walls M, Tizei L, Beck P, Phan VTH & Noguchi T
(2022) Space Weathering Formation of Glassy Layers at the Surface of Ryugu: A STEM-Edx Study
Laforet S, Leroux H, Le Guillou C, Jacob D, Marinova M, de La Pena F & Noguchi T
(2021) Light Elements (C, N, O) Quantification by TEM-Eds
Le Guillou C, Zanetta P-M, Leroux H, de La Pena F & Marinova M

De la Peña-Lastra S. (2017) Influence of the Yellow-Legged Gull Colony (Larus Michahellis) on the Concentration of Biolimiting Elements in Soils and Waters
De la Peña-Lastra S, Otero XL & Pérez-Alberti A

De La Pierre Marco (2014) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biominerals: Combining Computer Models and Experiments to Understand Structural Features
Demichelis R, De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Gale JD, Wehrmeister U & Jacob DE
(2014) Modelling Olivine Surface Properties: Assessment of Methods and Tools
Demichelis R, Bruno M, Massaro FR, Prencipe M, De La Pierre M & Nestola F

De La Pierre Marco (2015) Exploring the Microscopic Structure of Minerals Through ab Initio Vibrational Spectroscopy
De La Pierre M, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, D'Arco P, Carteret C, Dovesi R & Gale J
(2015) Early and Late Stages of CaCO3 Growth from Aqueous Solution
Raiteri P, De La Pierre M, Demichelis R & Gale J

De La Pierre Marco (2016) Probing the Role of Water Dynamics in Calcium Carbonate Crystal Growth Using Classical Molecular Dynamics
De La Pierre M, Raiteri P & Gale JD
(2016) Probing Reactivity at the Calcite-Water Interface Using Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Schuitemaker A, Demichelis R & Gale J

De La Pierre Marco (2017) Calcium Carbonate Growth and Dissolution: Building an Atomistic Picture via Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Reischl B, Stack A & Gale J

De La Pierre Marco (2018) Adsorption of Organic Molecules on Calcite in Water
Schuitemaker A, Koziara K, De La Pierre M, Demichelis R, Raiteri P & Gale JD
(2018) Nanoscale Processes for Calcium Carbonate Formation: Insights from Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Reischl B, Schuitemaker A, Koziara K, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Rohl A, Stack A, Gebauer D & Gale J
(2018) Simulation of Mineral-Fluid Interfaces and their Influence on Surface Binding
Garcia N, De La Pierre M, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Stack A & Gale J

De La Pierre Marco (2020) The Free Energy Landscape of Growing Calcite: Adsorption of Ions at Kink Sites
Silvestri A, De La Pierre M, Anderson MW, Raiteri P & Gale JD

de la Rocha Christiana (2013) The Silicon Isotopic Composition (δ30Si) of Water Masses in the Atlantic
Coffineau N, De La Rocha C, Schlosser C & Wolf-Gladrow D
(2013) Tracing Weathering and Reverse Weathering in Floodplains Using Si Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratios
Frings P, Struyf E, Gray W, de la Rocha C, Mormul R, Urrutia P, Ekström S & Conley DJ

De La Rocha Christina (2007) Interpreting the Ca Isotope Record from Marine Biogenic Carbonates
De La Rocha C, Sime N, Tipper E, Tripati A, Galy A & Bickle M
(2007) Diatom δ13C, δ15N, and C/N Since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southern Ocean: Evidence for Regional and Ecological Influences
Jacot Des Combes H, De La Rocha CL, Esper O, Abelmann A, Gersonde R & Shemesh A

de la Rocha Christina (2015) Chemical Weathering in the Flood Plain of the Ganges
Bickle M, Chapman H, Tipper E, Galy A, de la Rocha C & Ahmad T

De La Rocha Christina L. (2016) Oceanic Distribution of Dissolved Silica Through the Paleogene
Fontorbe G, Frings PJ, De La Rocha CL, Hendry KR & Conley DJ

De la Rosa J.D. (2009) Origin of Rare Earth Elements in Atmospheric Aerosols
Gonzalez Castanedo Y, De La Rosa Diaz JD, Alastuey Uros A & Querol X
(2009) Cycles and Origin of Ultrafine and Black Carbon Particles in Huelva City (SW Spain)
Fernandez Camacho R, Rodriguez Gonzalez S, De La Rosa Diaz JD & Sanchez De La Campa Verdona AM
(2009) Geochemical Map for Major and Trace Elements in PM10 of Andalusia (South of Spain)
de la Rosa JD, Alastuey A, Querol X, Ramos JL, Gonzalez-Castanedo Y, Sánchez de la Campa AM, Fernández-Camacho R, Contreras J, Godoy F & Lozano A
(2009) 10 Years of Arsenic in Atmospheric Particles in Southwestern of Spain
Sánchez de la Campa AM, de la Rosa JD, Alastuey A, Querol X, Ramos JL, González-Castanedo Y, Fernández-Camacho R, Rodríguez S, Sánchez-Rodas D, Stein A & García-Orellana I
(2007) Experimental Determination of Cl/Co of Rb, Sr and Ba and Comparison with Cl/Co of a Migmatite
Garcia-Arias M, Corretgé LG, Castro A & De la Rosa J

De la Rosa-Fox N. (2002) Geochemical Self-Organization of Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Sediments in Estuarine-Like Systems
García T, Gago-Duport L, Fernández-Bastero S, Velo A, Santos A & De la Rosa-Fox N

de la Torre E. (2015) Evidence of Pedogenesis in Late Pleistocene Volcanic Ash Deposits in Ecuador
Opfergelt S, Delmelle P, Duhain C, de Potter d'Indoye A, Vera R, Yin Q, Guevara A & de la Torre E

de la Torre M.L. (2013) Relation between Diatom Communities and the Degree of AMD Affection in Selected Water Dams in Iberian Pyrite Belt
Valente T, Almeida S, Rivera MJ, Delgado C, Gomes P, de la Torre ML, Santisteban M & Grande Gil JA
(2013) Definition of a Clean Energy System for Decontamination of Acid Mine Waters and Recovering their Metal Load
Grande Gil JA, de la Torre ML, Andujar JM, Valente T & Santisteban M
(2013) Mineralogical and Geochemical Properties of a Water Dam Receiving Historic AMD Contamination by Sulfide Tailings in the RioTinto Mine SW Spain
Grande Gil JA, Valente T, de la Torre ML, Borrego J, Sequeira Braga MA, Gomes P, Santisteban M & Fernandez JP

de la Torre R. (2009) The Use of Low Earth Orbit to Select for Extremophilic Cyanobacteria
Olsson-Francis K, de la Torre R & Cockell C

de la Vega C. (2019) Nutrient Cycling in the Barents Sea: Insights from Nitrate Isotope Measurements (ARISE Project)
Tuerena R, Ganeshram R, Hopkins J, Norman L, de la Vega C, Jeffreys R & Mahaffey C

de la Vega E. (2021) A Continuous 1, 500 kyr Record of Atmospheric CO2 from Boron Isotopes
Chalk TB, De La Vega E, Hain M, Brown R, Rohling EJ, Nuber S, Wilson P, Cherry S, Milton JA & Foster GL
(2019) Tracking Deep Ocean Carbon Release over the Last Deglaciation
Shuttleworth R, Foster G, Chalk T, De La Vega E, Roberts J, Greenop R, Bostock H, Burke A, Bijma J & Lamy F
(2017) Boron Based Reconstruction of Atmospheric CO2 during the Plio-Pleistocene
De La Vega E, Gledhill R, Chalk TB, Wilson P & Foster GL
(2016) Automation of Boron Purification for δ11B Analysis in CaCO3: Removing an Analytical Bottleneck
de la Vega E, Foster G, Field P, Kim H, Martinez-Boti M & Anagnostou E
(2014) Automated Sample Preparation for Boron Isotopes: Removing an Analytical Barrier
Martínez-Botí MA, Anagnostou E, Foster GL, Field MP, Henehan MJ, Stewart JA & de la Vega E

de Lacerda L.D. (2020) Globally Enhanced Hg Deposition and Hg Isotopes in the K/Pg and PT Boundaries: Link to Volcanism
Sial A, Chen J, de Lacerda LD, Korte C, Spnagenberg J, Silva-Tamayo JC, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Barbosa JA, Pereira N & Riedel PR

De Laeter J. (2008) Molybdenum Concentrations in Chondrites, Stony and Iron Meteorites
Neuheimer E, Wieser M & DeLaeter J
(2008) 97Mo Isotope Abundance Enrichments in Selected Iron Meteorites
Wieser ME & De Laeter J
(2006) Isotopic Anomalies of Molybdenum in Iron Meteorites
Varner M, Wieser M & De Laeter JR
(2006) Mo isotopic variations in molybdenite: Vapor transport and Rayleigh fractionation of Mo
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Wieser ME, De Laeter JR & Varner MD
(2005) Isotope Fractionation of Cadmium on the Moon
De Laeter J, Rosman K & Schediwy S
(2004) Molybdenum Isotope Abundance Variations Measured in Molybdenites by Double-Spiking Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Wieser M, de Laeter J, Stein H, Tuttas D & Schwieters J

de Lange Gert (2019) Mediterranean Seawater Circulation Reconstructed for Holocene Sapropel S1 Period Using Nd Isotopes in Fish Debris and Foraminifera
Wu J, Pahnke K, Böning P, Wu L, Michard A & de Lange G
(2015) Redox-Controled Formation, Preservation, and Interruption of Organic-Rich Sapropel S1 Sediments
De Lange GJ, Hennekam R, Goudeau M-L & Filippidi A
(2015) Unraveling Riverine and Eolian Supplies for a High-Resolution Holocene Sapropel S1 Record in the Central Mediterranean
Wu J, de Lange G, Pahnke K & Böning P

De Lange Gert J. (2023) Tracing Riverine and Atmospheric Supply Variability over the Holocene Mediterranean Sea: A Basin-Wide Perspective
Wu J, Yao S, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Filippidi A & de Lange GJ
(2023) A Zn Isotope Perspective on the Basin-Wide Primary Productivity and Redox Changes during the Mediterranean Sapropel S1 Formation
He Z, Wu J, Yang S & de Lange GJ
(2023) Mercury Isotope Records in Past 250 ka Sediments of Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Chen X, Sun R, Wu J & de Lange GJ
(2023) Past Hydrological Reconstruction of Intermediate and Deep-Water Masses of the Northern Ionian Sea during Sapropel S1 Based on Nd Isotopic Compositions Analyzed on Foraminifera from Deep-Sea Sediments
Gao G, Colin C, Siani G, Dapoigny A, Sepulcre S & de Lange GJ
(2023) Multiple Particulate Ba Phases in Marine Sediments;=> Illustrated for Mediterranean Sediments
De Lange GJ, Filippidi A & Wu J
(2023) Marine Barite Formation in the Mediterranean during Sapropel Deposition: Role of Microbial Processes and Primary Productivity
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Monedero-Contreras RD & de Lange GJ
(2023) Assessing Redox Sensitive Elements Concentrations as Deoxygenation Proxies in Sapropel Layers: Influence of Bioturbation and Sediment Mixing
Monedero-Contreras RD, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Martinez-Ruiz F & de Lange GJ
(2022) Exploring Systematic Bias in UK’37 in the Mediterranean Sea Through Alkenone Flux and Coccolith Clumped Isotope Measurements in a 28-Year Sediment Trap Record
Rice A, Bouwmans D, van Boxtel A, Peterse F, Ziegler M, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, de Lange GJ & Sluijs A
(2021) Oxygen Depletion during Sapropel Deposition: Reassessing Redox Proxies for Reconstructing Surface and Bottom Water Oxygen Conditions
Monedero-Contreras RD, Martinez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Gallego-Torres D & de Lange GJ
(2017) Compositional Variability Across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary at the Agost Section (Spain): Ultra-High Resolution Analysis by LA-ICP-MS
Sosa-Montes de Oca C, De Lange G, Martinez-Ruiz F & Rodríguez-Tovar F
(2017) Holocene Riverine vs. Eolian Contributions to Central Mediterranean Sediments: A High-Resolution Record
de Lange GJ, Wu J, Böning P, Pahnke K & Tachikawa K
(2016) High Resolution Record of Holocene Riverine and Eolian Contributions to Central Mediterranean Sediments
Wu J, De Lange GJ, Boening P, Pahnke K & Tachikawa K

De Lange Gert. J. (2013) Mediterranean Sapropel S1: Synchronous Basin-Wide Preservation Versus Productivity Signals
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Corselli C, Erba E, Thomson J & Reitz A
(2013) 2000 yrs of Central Mediterranean Change – What do Proxies Tell us?
Versteegh G, Leider A, Chen L, Zonneveld K, Grauel A-L, Bernasconi S, Goudeau M-L & de Lange G
(2011) Mediterranean Sapropel Formation; Preservation and Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Principato S, Erba E & Thomson J
(2011) Comparison of XRF Core Scan Data to Conventional Geochemical Analyses: Usage in High Resolution Paleoenvironmental Research
Hennekam FM & De Lange GJ
(2011) Geochemical Composition of Recent Sediments and Subrecent Variability of the Last 500 Years for the SW Adriatic Sea and the Gulf of Taranto (Southern Italy)
Goudeau M-L & De Lange GJ
(2010) Biomarker Evidence for Intense Aerobic Methane Oxidation during Sapropel Conditions
Talbot H, Handley L, de Lange G & Wagner T
(2009) Lithium Isotopes as a Tracer for Diagenetic Processes in Deep Subsurface Sediments
Scholz F, Hensen C, Meixner A, Reitz A, Haeckel M, Romer RL, De Lange GJ & Wallmann K
(2009) Geochemical Characterisation of Hypersaline Anoxic Brine Basins from Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Casalino CE & De Lange GJ
(2008) Sedimentary Organic C/P Ratios as a Redox Proxy in Long-Term Records for the Mediterranean Sea
Slomp CP & De Lange GJ
(2008) Redox-Dependent Phosphorus Burial and Regeneration in Cretaceous Black Shales and Mediterranean Sapropel S5
Kraal P, Slomp CP, Forster A & de Lange GJ
(2007) Origin, Migration, Fate and Impact of Hydrocarbon Gases from Mud Structures in the Nile Deep Sea fan (Eastern Mediterranean)
Mastalerz V, De lange GJ, Dählmann A & Feseker T
(2007) Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel Formation and Preservation; Diagenesis Versus Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Thomson J, Ferreira A, Sinninghe-Damste J & Vale C
(2005) Molecular Fingerprinting of Methanogens in Eastern Mediterranean Sea Mud Volcanoes
Kormas K, Meziti A, Daehlmann A & de Lange G
(2002) Mineral Dehydration at Eastern Mediterranean Mud Volcanoes: Evidence from Stable Isotope Analyses
Dählmann A, de Lange GJ & Haese RR
(2002) Direct Versus Indirect Determination of Biogenic Barium as a Proxy for Productivity
Reitz A, Pfeifer K, de Lange GJ & Klump J
(2002) Palaeoceanographic and Diagenetic Aspects of Sapropel Formation in the Eastern Mediterranean
De Lange GJ
(2000) Pore Water Geochemistry of CH4-rich Mud Volcano Sediments in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Implications for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation, Presence of Gas Hydrates, and Intensive Irrigation
Haese RR & De Lange GJ

De Lavergne C. (2023) Circulation in the Modern and Glacial Pacific: Oxygen Isotope and Model Constraints
Millet B, Gray WR, De Lavergne C, Wagner AJ, Waelbroeck C, Michel E, Rae JWB, Sikes EL & Roche D

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