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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

de Bigault de Granrut A. (2012) Atmospheric Gases: The Archaeological Glasses Memory
de Bigault de Granrut A & Humler E

de Blas E. (2017) S, Fe and Mn Fractionation in Sediments of San Simón Bay (NW, Spain)
Ramírez-Pérez AM & de Blas E
(2015) Chemical Forms of Fe in Sediments of Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
Ramírez-Pérez A, de Blas E & García-Gil S

De Bodt C. (2009) Study of the Individual and Combined Effect of pCO2 and Temperature on the Coccolithophore E. huxleyi
De Bodt C, Van Oostende N, Harlay J, Roevros N, Sabbe K & Chou L
(2007) Dissolution of Biogenic Silica in the Sediments of the Scheldt Continuum
Rebreanu L, De Bodt C, Clip G & Chou L

de Boer B. (2010) A Reconstruction of Temperature, Sea Level and CO2 over the Past 20 Million Years
de Boer B, Van de Wal R, Bintanja R & Lourens L

de Boer E.J. (2019) Tracking Human and Regional Climate Changes in Lake Sediment Records from Flores Island, the Azores
Richter N, Russell JM, Amaral-Zettler L, DeGroff W, Raposeiro PM, Gonçalves V, de Boer EJ, Rull V, Pla-Rabes S, Hernández A, Sáez A, Bao R & Giralt S

De Boever E. (2017) Rates and Controls on Early Diagenesis in Continental Spring Carbonates – A Lab Experimental Approach
De Boever E, Foubert A, Kanellopoulos C, Kele S & Jaramillo-Vogel D
(2016) Controls on CaCO3 Precipitation and Diagenesis in Terrestrial Hot Springs
De Boever E & Foubert A
(2009) Spheroidal Sandstone Concretions – Their Formation and Significance in an Eocene Seep System (Bulgaria)
De Boever E, Birgel D, Muchez P, Peckmann J, Dimitrov L & Swennen R

de Boissezon H. (2014) Microbial Communities from Acidic in situ Uranium Mining Resemble Those from Acid Mine Drainage
Reinsch B, Descostes M, de Boissezon H, Bernier-Latmani R, de Alencastro F & Rossi P

De Brabandere L. (2015) Seasonal Evolution of the River Scheldt Nitrate Isotopic Composition
Plante A, De Brabandere L, Fripiat F, Deman F, Brion N, Fonseca Batista D & Dehairs F

De Brauwere A. (2006) A parametric method for water mass analysis applied to the Southern Ocean
De Brauwere A, Jacquet S, Dehairs F, De Ridder F, Pintelon R, Schoukens J & Baeyens W
(2006) Estimation of the time scale for ice volume records
De Ridder F, De Brauwere A, Paillard D & Pintelon R

de Brito M.M. (2021) Effect of Culture pH on Cyanobacterial EPS Composition: Implications for Carbonate Precipitation
de Brito MM, Bundeleva I, Marin F, Wilmotte A, Vennin E & T Visscher P

de Bruijn I. (2015) Reconstructed Microbial Metabolic Networks in the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface
Bagnoud A, Chourey K, Hettich RL, de Bruijn I, Andersson AF, Diomidis N, Leupin OX, Schwyn B & Bernier-Latmani R

De Bue H. (2023) Fluid Sources and Pathways in Detachments along mcc Exhumation: Barite Isotopy and Fluid Salinity in Mykonos and Serifos – Cyclades, Greece
De Bue H, Faure A, Verlaguet A, Do Couto D, Jolivet L, Homberg C & Martin E

de Callataÿ F. (2021) Kaplan-Meier Analysis of Greek and Roman Coinage Production
Albarede F, de Callataÿ F, Debernardi P & Blichert-Toft J

De Campos Cristina (2021) Origin of High-Ti Dacites from Paraná-Etendeka: Unravelling the Role of Underplating via Experiments with Natural Materials
Vicentini CM, De Campos C, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Marques LS, Perugini D & Dingwell D
(2019) How Powerful can Melt Inclusions be for the Study of Early Cretaceous LIPs?
Lucchetti ACF, De Campos C, Nardy AJR, Arienzo I, Kaliwoda M, Griesshaber E, Schmahl WW, Janasi VDA & Dingwell DB
(2016) Concentration Variance Decay during Magma Mixing: A Volcanic Chronometer
Perugini D, De Campos C, Petrelli M & Dingwell D
(2016) Chaotic Flow and Fragmentation Patterns in the Acidic Feeder System from the Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province
De Campos CP, Guimarães LF, de Lima EF, Janasi V, Giordano D & Dingwell DB
(2013) The Space and Time Complexity of Chaotic Mixing of Silicate Melts: Implications for Igneous Petrology
Perugini D, De Campos C, Ertel-Ingrisch W & Dingwell D
(2013) Concentration Variance Decay during Magma Mixing: A Volcanic Chronometer to Measure Magma Ascent Velocity during Explosive Eruptions
Perugini D, De Campos C & Dingwell D
(2007) Time Series Diffusion Experiments with Alkaline Natural Melts
Teixidó F, De Campos C, Martí J & Dingwell D

De Campos Cristina P. (2012) Mixing of Contrasting Silicate Melts: Preliminary Raman Spectra
De Campos CP, Perugini D, Neuville D, Hess K-U, Ertel-Ingrisch W & Dingwell DB

de Cannière P. (2004) The Role of Geochemistry in the Research on Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Deep Boom Clay in Belgium
Van Iseghem P, Maes N, Van Geet M, Wang L, de Craen M, Moors H & de Cannière P

De Capitani C (2006) Feedback of the metamorphic changes on the subducting processes
Bousquet R, De Capitani C & Arcay D

De Capitani Christian (2015) A Numerical Thermodynamic/Thermokinematic Investigation of Metamorphic Processes in Subduction Zones
Duesterhoeft E, Quinteros J, Bousquet R & De Capitani C

de Caritat P. (2023) Mineral Network Analysis for Heavy Minerals (MNA4HM) Web Application – A Tool to Explore Big Mineral Datasets
Bastrakov E, de Caritat P, Walker AT & McInnes BIA
(2023) Geochemical Provenancing, can it Meet Evidentiary Standards?
Hoogewerff J, Aberle M & de Caritat P
(2023) A Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network
Sanjuan PA, Demetriades A, Johnson CC, Smith D, Ladenberger A, Stouraiti C, Argyraki A, de Caritat P, Knights K, Rincón GP & Simubali GN
(2022) Application of Network Analysis in Exploring Continent-Scale Mineral Datasets
Walker AT, Bastrakov E, McInnes BIA & de Caritat P
(2021) Geochemical Mapping Applications to Forensics and Intelligence
de Caritat P, Woods B, Roffey P, Hoogewerff J & Young J
(2021) Mapping the Strontium Isotope Distribution in Northern Australia
de Caritat P, Dosseto A & Dux F
(2017) Geochemical Exploration Through Cover: Past, Present, and Future
de Caritat P
(2017) Detecting Anomalous Metal Concentrations in the Regolith Using Cross‒compositional Detrending
de Caritat P & Rate A
(2016) Mercury Distribution in Australian Catchment Outlet Sediments at the Continental Scale
Furman O, de Caritat P, Maher W, Foster S, Gruber B & Thompson RM
(2016) Catchment-Scale Gold Prospectivity Analysis from the National Geochemical Survey of Australia
Cracknell MJ & de Caritat P
(2013) The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) Project
de Caritat P
(2007) Low-Density Geochemical Mapping in Australia: Pilot Projects and Outline of a Continental-Scale Geochemical Survey
de Caritat P, Lech ME & McPherson A
(2006) Groundwater composition in the Cannington region, Australia: Mixing, water-rock interaction and applications to mineral exploration
De Caritat P, Lavitt N, Kirste D & Grimley M
(2006) Characterising geochemical processes using the δ34S and δ18O of sulfate in groundwater
Kirste D, De Caritat P & Welch S
(2004) Hydrogeochemistry and Transport of Weathering/Oxidation Products of Buried Mineralisation
Kirste D, de Caritat P & McPhail B

De Carlo Eric H. (2020) Hawaii Coastal CO2 Network: A Decade of Environmental Monitoring
Sabine CL, Knor LACM, Terlouw GJ, De Carlo EH & Sutton AJ

De Carlo Eric Heinen (2014) Riverine Inputs of Inorganic Carbon to Coastal Waters of High Tropical Islands: The Example of Hawaii
De Carlo EH & Mackenzie F
(2008) Controls on As Abundance in Soils and Sediments in Hawai`i
deGelleke L & De Carlo EH
(2007) Land Ocean Interactions in a Coastal Embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii: Nutrient Dynamics, Productivity, and CO2 Exchange between Seawater and Atmosphere
Solomon R, Ostrander C, De Carlo E, McManus M, Mackenzie F, Fagan K, Sabine C & Feely R
(2006) Coastal Productivity and CO2 Exchange Between the Ocean and Atmosphere in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, a Subtropical Coastal Embayment
De Carlo EH, Solomon R, Ostrander C, McManus M, Mackenzie F, Chung M, DeGelleke L, Sabine C & Feely R
(2005) Impact of Storm Runoff from Subtropical Watersheds on Coastal Water Quality and Productivity
Young C, Hoover D, De Carlo E, Mackenzie F & McManus M
(2003) Variations in Rare Earth Elements within Surface Waters of the NW Pacific Ocean
De Carlo E, Shacat J, Brown M & Measures C

De Caro M. (2013) Insights of the Mt. Etna Volcanic Activity Through Multiparametric Data Recorded by the NEMO-Sn1 Seafloor Observatory
Sgroi T, De Caro M, Lo Bue N & Favali P

De Carvalho Leandro (2019) Distribution of Conservative and Reactive Trace Metals in Different Size Fractions in the Amazon River-Seawater Mixing Continuum
Velasquez I, De Carvalho L, Schneider A, Krause C, Schallwig L & Koschinsky A

de Carvalho Leandro M. (2007) Voltammetric Determination of Te(IV) and Te(VI): Sorption Behaviour on Fe and Mn Oxides
Jost CL, Koschinsky A, de Carvalho LM & do Nascimento PC

De Carvalho Leandro Machado (2020) Distribution and Size Fractionation of Dissolved Cobalt and Nickel along the Amazon Estuary and Mixing Plume
Hollister A, De Carvalho LM, Gledhill M & Koschinsky-Fritsche A

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