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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dubosc J. (2022) First Long Term (~30 Years) Coral Acclimatization to Ocean Acidification Recorded in Geochemical Signatures: A Case Study of New Caledonia
Tanvet C, Guillermic M, Sutton J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Thouzeau G, Butscher J, Dubosc J & Dissard D

Dubosq N. (2021) Influence of Transient Processes on Organic Carbon Remineralization Pathways and Rates in the West Gironde Mud Patch (Bay of Biscay, Northeast Atlantic)
Dubosq N, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Grémare A, Lamarque B, Tenorio MMB, Cordier M-A, Poirier D & Schmidt S

Dubosq R. (2021) Fluid Inclusion Induced Hardening in Pyrite: Results from Atom Probe Tomography
Dubosq R, Rogowitz A, Schneider D, Schweinar K & Gault B

Dubow M. (2007) Role of Bacteria on Uranium Migration in a Calcareous Peatland
Phrommavanh V, Klein J, Descostes M, Beaucaire C, Gaudet J-P, Prestel E, Dubow M & Laporte E

Dubowski Y. (2023) Do Polymer-Based Adjuvants Reduce Airborne Pesticide Drift and Mitigate Human Exposure Risk?
Dubowski Y & Katzman D

Dubrail J. (2011) Studying Soft X-Ray Absorption Edges Under Extreme Conditions
Sahle C, Sternemann C, Nyrow A, Mende K, Wilke M, Schmidt C, Dubrail J, Tolan M, Simonelli L & Tse J
(2011) X-Ray Spectroscopic Constraints on Complexing of High-Field-Strength Elements in Subduction Zone Aqueous Fluids
Dubrail J, Wilke M, Schmidt C, Appel K, Pascarelli S, Kvashnina K & Manning C
(2011) Zircon Solubility in Na-Si-Al-O-H Fluids by in situ SR-Xrf Analysis
Wilke M, Schmidt C, Dubrail J, Appel K & Borchert M

Dubrovinskaia N. (2017) Effect of Composition on Compressibility of skiagite-Fe-Majorite Garnet
Ismailova L, Bykov M, Bykova E, Bobrov A, Dubrovinskaia N, McCammon C & Dubrovinsky L
(2016) Stability of Fe, Al-Bearing Bridgmanite in the Lower Mantle and Synthesis of Pure Iron Bridgmanite
Ismailova L, Bykova E, Bykov M, Cerantola V, McCammon C, Boffa Ballaran T, Bobrov A, Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L
(2016) Exploring Silicate Thermodynamics and Conductivity at Extreme Conditions with Laser-Driven Dynamic Compression
Millot M, Fratanduono D, Dubrovinskaia N, Cernok A, Blaha S, Dubrovinsky L, Celliers P, Collins G, Hamel S, Kraus R, Spaulding D, Jeanloz R & Eggert J
(2015) Equation of State of Skiagite-Majorite Garnet up to 100 GPa
Ismailova L, Bobrov A, Bykov M, Bykova E, Cerantola V, Kupenko I, McCammon C, Hanfland M, Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L
(2014) Synthesis of Single Crystals of Iron Garnet Skiagite and its High-Pressure XANES Investigation
Ismailova L, Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Bobrov A, Kantor I & Cerantola V
(2002) High-Temperature Heater for Diamond-Anvil Cells
Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L
(2002) Fe-O System at Extreme Conditions
Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Rozenberg G, Dmitriev V & Weber H-P

Dubrovinsky Leonid (2021) Revealing Crystal Structure of Hexagonal (Fe, Al)OOHx (HH-Phase)
Bykova E, Bykov M, Ishii T, Koemets I, Koemets E, Glazyrin K, Liermann H-P, Chariton S, Prakapenka V, Goncharov A & Dubrovinsky L
(2019) Synthesis, Structural Features and Isomorphism of Oxide Phases in the Ca-Al-O System
Iskrina A, Bobrov A, Spivak A, Eremin N, Marchenko E & Dubrovinsky L
(2017) Elastic Wave Velocities of Fe-Bearing Carbonates: A Nuclear Inelastic Scattering Study for Deep Carbon
Chariton S, McCammon C, Vasiukov D, Cerantola V, Aprilis G, Chumakov A & Dubrovinsky L
(2017) Effect of Composition on Compressibility of skiagite-Fe-Majorite Garnet
Ismailova L, Bykov M, Bykova E, Bobrov A, Dubrovinskaia N, McCammon C & Dubrovinsky L
(2017) Evolution of the Lower Mantle Magma and Diamond-Forming Melts (Experiment at 24-26 GPa)
Spivak A, Litvin Y & Dubrovinsky L
(2017) Crystal Chemistry of Compounds in Fe-O System at Conditions of Earth’s Lower Mantle
Bykova E, Bykov M, Liermann H-P, Hanfland M, Prakapenka V & Dubrovinsky L
(2017) Oxidation State of Majoritic Garnet Inclusions in Diamond
Kiseeva K, Vasiukov D, Wood B, McCammon C, Stachel T, Chumakov A & Dubrovinsky L
(2016) Stability of Fe, Al-Bearing Bridgmanite in the Lower Mantle and Synthesis of Pure Iron Bridgmanite
Ismailova L, Bykova E, Bykov M, Cerantola V, McCammon C, Boffa Ballaran T, Bobrov A, Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L
(2016) Exploring Silicate Thermodynamics and Conductivity at Extreme Conditions with Laser-Driven Dynamic Compression
Millot M, Fratanduono D, Dubrovinskaia N, Cernok A, Blaha S, Dubrovinsky L, Celliers P, Collins G, Hamel S, Kraus R, Spaulding D, Jeanloz R & Eggert J
(2016) Strong Affinity of Al-Containing Bridgmanite for Ferric Iron
McCammon C, van Driel J, Kawazoe T, Myhill R & Dubrovinsky L
(2016) The Spin State of Fe3+ in Lower Mantle Bridgmanite
Sinmyo R, McCammon C & Dubrovinsky L
(2016) Transformations of Hydrocarbons during Hot Subduction
Mukhina E, Dubrovinsky L, Serovajskii A, McCammon C, Kolesnikov A, Kupenko I & Kutcherov V

Dubrovinsky Leonid S. (2015) Equation of State of Skiagite-Majorite Garnet up to 100 GPa
Ismailova L, Bobrov A, Bykov M, Bykova E, Cerantola V, Kupenko I, McCammon C, Hanfland M, Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L
(2015) Time Differentiated Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy with Pulsed Laser Heating in Diamond Anvil Cells
Kupenko I, Strohm C, McCammon C, Cerantola V, Glazyrin K, Petitgirard S, Vasiukov D, Aprilis G, Chumakov AI, Rüffer R & Dubrovinsky L
(2014) Synthesis of Single Crystals of Iron Garnet Skiagite and its High-Pressure XANES Investigation
Ismailova L, Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Bobrov A, Kantor I & Cerantola V
(2014) High-Pressure Behavior of Synthetic Na0.884Fe2+0.199Mg0.475Si2.442O6 Clinopyroxene
Bobrov A, Bykov M, Bykova E, Dubrovinsky L & Bindi L
(2013) Melting and Breakdown of MgCO3 at High Pressures
Solopova N, Spivak A, Litvin Y & Dubrovinsky L
(2013) Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions in Coesite
Cernok A, Boffa Ballaran T, Caracas R, Miyajima N, Bykova E, Prakapenka V, Liermann H-P & Dubrovinsky L
(2011) Stability and Breakdown of Ca13CO3 Melt Combined with Formation of 13C -Diamond in Static Experiments up to 80 GPa and 4000 K
Spivak A, Litvin Y & Dubrovinsky LS
(2011) Volume and Ionic Conductivity Measurements of H2O Ice at High Pressure and Temperature
Sugimura E, Komabayashi T, Ohta K, Hirose K, Sata N, Ohishi Y & Dubrovinsky LS
(2011) Importance of Correlation Effects in First-Principles Simulations of Iron at High-Pressure
Pourovskii L, Glazyrin K, Dubrovinsky LS, Tasnadi F, Ekholm M, Katsnelson M, Ruban AV & Abrikosov I
(2011) A New View on Sulfur Speciation in Geological Fluids at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Pokrovski G, Dubrovinsky L & Dubessy J
(2011) High Pressure Geochemistry in Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cells with Synchrotron Light
Dubrovinsky L
(2009) Sulfur Speciation in Aqueous Solution and its Consequencies for Metal Transport by Hydrothermal Fluids
Pokrovski G & Dubrovinsky L
(2008) Mineralogy of Natural Diamond-Forming Fluids
Kopylova M, Navon O, Dubrovinsky L & Khachatryan G
(2008) A Computational and Experimental Study of (Fe2+, Mg)SiO3 Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions
Caracas R, Dubrovinsky L, McCammon C, Kantor I & Narygina O
(2007) High-Pressure Mineral Inventory in the Ries Crater, Germany: A Window to Phase Transformation Processes in Planetary Interiors
El Goresy A, Gillet P & Dubrovinsky L
(2002) High-Temperature Heater for Diamond-Anvil Cells
Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L
(2002) Fe-O System at Extreme Conditions
Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Rozenberg G, Dmitriev V & Weber H-P
(2000) Hollandite in Shocked Meteorites: Clues for the Mineralogy of the Earth Mantle and Subducting Lithosphere
Gillet P, Chen M, El Goresy A & Dubrovinsky L
(2000) A New Natural Dense Polymorph of Rutile with the *-PbO2 Structure in Shocked Gneisses from the Ries Meteorite Crater, Germany
El Goresy A, Gillet P, Chen M, Dubrovinsky L & Sharp TG

Dubuffet F. (2023) Differentiation of the Martian Highlands: Insights from a Geodynamic Inversion Based on Crustal Thickness Constraints
Bonnet Gibet V, Michaut C, Bodin T, Wieczorek MA & Dubuffet F

Dubujet P. (2013) Caprock’s Nanoporus Structure Modification by Supercritical CO2/Water Interaction: A Contribution of Adsorption Techniques
Rhenals Garrido DR, Lafortune S, Souli H & Dubujet P

Dubus J. (2021) Competitive Effect of Potassium and Proton on Cesium Desorption from Vermiculite
Dubus J, Leonhardt N & Latrille C

Duca Z. (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A

Ducasse T. (2017) New Insight into Passivation of Borosilicate Glass by Nanoporous Surface Layers
Gin S, Collin M, Ducasse T, Fournier M, Jollivet P, Perez A & Daval D
(2017) Alteration of Basaltic Glass in Residual Rate Condition: Analogy with Nuclear Glass
Ducasse T, Jollivet P, Frugier P, Gourgiotis A & Gin S
(2016) Passivation of Basaltic Glass by Surface Layers: Analogy with Nuclear Glass
Ducasse T, Gin S, Frugier P & Jollivet P

Duce R. (2017) Evaluation of Labile Iron Processing in Atmospheric Models
Ito A, Myriokefalitakis S, Kanakidou M, Mahowald N, Baker A, Jickells T, Sarin M, Bikkina S, Gao Y, Shelley R, Buck C, Landing W, Bowie A, Perron M, Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Feng Y & Duce R

Ducea Mihai (2023) Subduction Diluted Slab Tear Related Magmatism in Suthern Central Chile and Argentina (35-37ºs): New Isotopic and Geochemical Evidence from Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Volcanism
Rossel P & Ducea M
(2022) Carbonate Platforms Subducted into the Upper Mantle
Petrescu L, Ducea M, Currie C, Balica C, Lazar I & Mallik A
(2022) Magmatic Clasts from Turbidites in the Moldavide Nappes as Indication of a Late Proterozoic Subduction Event in the Foreland of the Eastern Carpathians
Sarolta L, Mihaela M-DC, Ene V-V, Roban RD, Ducea M, Cetean VM & Munteanu M
(2021) Oxidization of the Mantle Caused by Recycling of Sedimentary Carbonates may Contribute to the Formation of Iron-Rich Mantle Melts
He D, Liu Y, Chen C, Foley SF & Ducea M
(2021) A Zircon Petrochronologic View on Granitoids and Continental Evolution
Ducea M, Petrescu L, Balica C, Gehrels G, Triantafyllou A & Roban R
(2020) A Temperature-Independent Method for Estimating Paleo-Elevation and its Application in the Tibetan Plateau
Hu F, Wu F, Chapman J, Ducea M & Liu S
(2020) Adakites in Relatively Thin Crust Above Continental Collisional Zones: Products of Continental Subduction-Related Melting
Petrescu L, Ducea M, Galiceanu R & Barla A
(2020) Internal Zr Isotope Zoning in Magmatic Zircons Revealing Magmatic Thermal History
Guo J-L, Wang Z, Moynier F, Zhang W, Hu Z & Ducea M
(2019) The Role of Arc Migration in Cordilleran Orogenic Cyclicity
Chapman J & Ducea M
(2019) Evidence of Microbial and Chemical Signatures in Middle Jurassic Ferruginous Stromatolites from the Southern Carpathians, Romania
Gradinaru M, Petrescu L, Lazar I & Ducea M

Ducea Mihai N. (2017) Carbonated Sediment Recycling and its Contribution to Lithospheric Refertilization Under the Northern North China Craton
Chen C, Liu Y, Foley SF & Ducea MN

Ducea Mihai Nicolae (2016) Lithospheric Evolution at the Early Andean Convergent Margin, Chile
Oliveros V, Vasquez P, Creixell C, Lucassen F, Ducea MN, Gonzalez J & Ciocca I
(2015) Using Trace Element Proxies for Crustal Thickness of Magmatic Arcs: La/Yb
Profeta LR & Ducea MN
(2013) Detrital Zircon U/Pb Ages on Sedimentary Rocks from the South Carpathians, Romania, and Implications for Regional Tectonic Provenance
Stoica A, Ducea MN & Jianu D
(2013) Mantle-Drip Magmatism beneath the Altiplano-Puna Plateau, Central Andes
Ducea M
(2011) The Late Jurassic Andean Back-Arc Volcanism, Northern Chile (26-31ºS)
Rossel P, Oliveros V, Ducea M, Labbe M & Charrier R
(2011) Tectonic Controls for High Magmatic Fluxes within Continental Arcs: The Jurassic and Paleogene Magmatic Record of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Northern Colombia
Cardona A, Valencia V, Bayona G, Montes C, Ducea M, Duque JF & Vervoort J
(2011) The Interaction between Central and South America from Sr-Isotope Chemostratigrpahy of Cenozoic Coral Reef Sucessions
Silva Tamayo JC, Montes C, Cardona A, Jaramillo C, Bayona G, Ramirez V, Nino H, Ducea M, Sial A & Zapata V
(2010) U-Pb-Hf Characterization of the Coast Mountain Batholith: New Insights into the Crustal Architecture of the Central Canadian Cordillera
Cecil MR, Gehrels G, Patchett J & Ducea M
(2009) Cyclicity in Cordilleran Orogenic Systems and the Role of Arc Magmatism
Ducea MN, DeCelles PG, Kapp P & Zandt G
(2008) Kinematic History of the Fuegian Andes as Indicated by U-Pb Detrital-Zircon Geochronology and Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of the Magallanes Foreland Basin
Barbeau, Jr. DL, Swanson-Hysell N, Olivero EB, Khandaker Z, Gombosi DJ, Murray KE, Gehrels G & Ducea M
(2007) Searching for the Perfectly Removable, Ultrabasic and Dense Lower Crust
Ducea M
(2006) Tectonic vs. magmatic processes and the anatomy of Andean arcs
Ducea M
(2003) Time Scales of Metamorphic Processes: Records in Diffusion Modification of Mineral Compositions and Ages
Ganguly J, Cheng W & Ducea M

Duchamp-Alphonse S. (2009) Paleoceanographic Change Associated with the Valanginian δ13C Excursion in the Western Tethys
Westermann S, Matera V, Adatte T, Schnyder J, Duchamp-Alphonse S, Fiet N, Fleitmann D, Ploch I & Föllmi KB

Ducharme T. (2023) Vein-Hosted Glaucophane and Phengite in a Greenschist Facies Host: Differential Preservation or Compartmentalized Overpressure?
Ducharme T, Schneider D, Larson K, Camacho A, Soukis K & Grasemann B

Duchateau A. (2013) Reactivity and Chemical Reduction of Iron Oxides Nanoparticles in Highly Alkaline Medium
Duchateau A, Chanéac C & Jolivet J-P

Duchatellier G. (2022) Defining the Geochemical Composition of the Newly Discovered NEOM Brine Pool and Underlying Sedimentary Pore Waters, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Duchatellier G, Shernisky H, Purkis S, Swart PK & Oehlert AM

Duchemin C. (2015) Correlated Zn-Mg Isotope Fractionation in the Archean Fred’s and Theo’s Flows
Mattielli N, Hublet G, Haenecour P, Duchemin C & Debaille V
(2013) Investigation of Archean Mantle Plume Components from 2.7 Ga Komatiites (Abitibi, Canada)
Duchemin C, Mattielli N, Debaille V, Arndt N & Chauvel C
(2011) Potential Source Variation in Munro Komatiites: Fred’s and Theo’s Flows, Ontario, Canada
Duchemin C, Chauvel C, Arndt N, Debaille V & Mattielli N

Duchemin M. (2009) Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Mobilisation of Organic Phosphorus from Forest Soil: Novel Data and Actual Role
Plassard C, Louche J, Arif ALi M, Sauvage F-X, Legname E & Duchemin M

Duchene J.C. (2012) Assessing the Effect of Macrobenthos Diversity on the Mineralisation of Sediment Organic Matter
Gremare A, Deflandre B, Schmidt S, Maire O, Romero-Ramirez A, Metzger E, Viollier E, Cesbron F, Labrune C, Amouroux JM, Lecroart P, Duchene JC, Poirier D, Coste L & Bichon S

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