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Dittmar Thorsten (2023) The High-Temperature Fate of the Hydrothermal Deep Biosphere: An Experimental Investigation at 250–360˚C
Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Schouw A, Boonnawa C, Hansen CT, Schubotz F, Dittmar T, Steen IH & Reeves EP
(2023) Production and Destruction of Novel Organic Species during Simulated Hydrothermal Alteration of Seafloor Sediment
Viflot TØ, Pereira SI, Boonnawa C, Voje TJT, Leth Jørgensen S, Beinlich A, Hansen CT, Schubotz F, Dittmar T & Reeves EP
(2023) Significant Contribution of Mangrove Systems to Marine Neodymium and Hafnium Isotope Budgets
Xu A, Hathorne E, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Koschinsky A & Frank M

Dittrich Maria (2023) Hydroxyapatite Formation in the Presence of Calcinated Eggshells
Dittrich M & Diloreto Z
(2023) Organic Matter Degradation Influence on Dolomite Formation in the Sabkhas of Qatar
Strakhov I, DiLoreto ZA, Elsayed H, Al Disi ZA, Naja K, Al-Kuwari HAS, Sadooni FN, Alkhayat J & Dittrich M
(2023) Impacts of Polystyrene Nanoplastics on the Cell Surface Properties of Picocyanobacteria Synechococcus and Microalgae Spirulina
Kokilathasan N, Raoof B & Dittrich M
(2022) Dynamics of Methane Level in Oxic Waters in an Embayment of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron
Avetisyan K, Shao X, Sweetnam D & Dittrich M
(2020) Magnesium and Strontium Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Dolomite Formation
Tatzel M, Paytan A, DiLoreto Z, Dittrich M, Bontognali T & Sanchez-Román M
(2020) Variances in Proto-Dolomite Formation by Exopolymers from Oxygenic, and Anoxygenic Microbial Mats and Clays
Dittrich M, Diloreto Z, Bontognali TRR, Liu H & Lu X
(2020) Significance of Oxygenic and Anoxygenic Photosynthesizers for Dolomite Formation in Modern Hypersaline Environments
Diloreto Z, Bontognali T & Dittrich M
(2019) Composition of Exopolymeric Substances (EPS) Associated with Microbially-Mediated High Mg-Calcite and Protodolomite
Aldisi Z, Zouari N, Jaoua S, Al-Kuwari H, Dittrich M & Bontognali T
(2019) Can Intracellularly Accumulated Polyphosphate from Synechococcus Cells Trigger Apatite Formation?
Dittrich M, Plouchart D, Manuel A, Alam S, Bollmann J & Depew D
(2019) Geochemical Gradients at the Sediment-Water Interface of an Ice-Covered Lake and its Impact on P Dynamics
Alam MS, Zastepa A & Dittrich M
(2019) Are Decaying Microbial Mats in the Modern Sabhkas of Qatar Niches of Dolomite Formation?
Diloreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Al Saad Al-Kuwari H & Dittrich M
(2018) Seasonal Changes in Sabkhas: Linking Microbes, Geochemical Conditions and Dolomite Formation
DiLoreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Al-Kuwari HA & Dittrich M
(2017) A Geobiological Model for the Formation of Dolomite in Sabkha-Environments
Bontognali T, Al-Saad Al-Kuwari H, McKenzie J, Al-Disi Z, Williford K, Vasconcelos C, Petrash D, Sadooni F, Tuite M & Dittrich M
(2015) Phosphorus Triggers CaCO3 Biomineralization by Affecting Synechoccocus Cells Surfaces
Paulo C, Kenney J, Persson P & Dittrich M
(2015) Reactive-Transport Modelling for Dynamics of Phosphorus Retention and Binding Forms in the Bay of Quinte, Canada
Doan P, Cui Y, Newman A, Arhonditsis G, Watson S & Dittrich M
(2015) Evidence for Biogenic Origin of the Mn-Enriched Layer in Lake Superior Sediments
Palermo C & Dittrich M
(2013) Microbial Carbonate Precipitation Under High Alkaline Condition and its Implications in Concrete Restoration
Zhu T, Paulo C & Dittrich M
(2013) Analysis of Minerals in Biofilms Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy
Dittrich M, Schmid T & Zhu Y
(2013) Dolomite in Microbial Mats from Sabkha (Qatar): Insights from Combined Raman-Atomic Force Microscopy Study
Paulo C & Dittrich M
(2012) Dynamics of Organic Carbon Sedimentation and Bottom Oxygen and their Impact on Phosphorus Retention in Lake Simcoe: Reactive-Transport Modeling and Experimental Study
Dittrich M, Chesnyuk A, McColloch J, Gudimov A, Arhonditsis G, Young J, Winter J & Stainsby E
(2011) Origin of Iron Layer in Sediment of Lake Superior: Abiotic vs. Biotic
Dittrich M, Gordon J, Raoof B, Chesnyuk A, Quazi S, Fulthorpe R, Bollmann J & Katsev S
(2011) Diagenetic Mobility of Mn and Fe Crusts in Organic-Poor Sediments of Lake Superior
Li J, Crowe S, Brown E, Dittrich M, Miklesh D & Katsev S
(2010) Microbe-Mineral Interfaces in Biofilms as Seen by Atomic Force Microscopy Combined with Raman and X-Ray Spectroscopy
Dittrich M, Vasconcelos C & Dorozhkin P
(2009) Nanoscale Characterization of Organic Matter in Modern Stromatolites
Dittrich M, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie J
(2008) Formation of Membrane Vesicles on Cyanobacteria Surfaces
Dittrich M, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2005) Role of the Cell Surface in Calcite Precipitation on Picocyanobacteria
Dittrich M & Obst M
(2002) Diagenetic Modelling of Anaerobic Lake Sediments
Dittrich M, Reichert P & Wehrli B
(2002) Identifiability Analysis of a Diagenetic Model
Reichert P, Dittrich M & Wehrli B
(2000) Calcite Bio-Mineralisation by Picoplankton Cultures from Lake Lucerne
Dittrich M, Kurz P & Wehrli B

Dittrich Maria B (2022) Sabkhas of Qatar: Extreme Environments Supporting Biological Activity and Mineral Formation
Strakhov I, DiLoreto ZA, Elsayed H, Al Disi ZA, Naja K, Al-Kuwari HAS, Sadooni FN, Alkhayat J, Mundle S & Dittrich MB
(2022) Microbial Relics within Gypsum Crystals and their Astrobiological Implications
Dittrich M, DiLoreto ZA, Ahmad M-S, Al-Kuwari HAS, Sadooni FN & Bontognali TRR
(2022) Trapping Phosphorous from Agricultural Catchments by Using Bioreactors with Calcinated Eggshells and Woodchips
DiLoreto ZA & Dittrich M
(2021) A Comparative Study of Dolomite Formation at Low Temperatures Induced by Natural Exopolymers from Sabkhas and Clays
DiLoreto ZA, Bontognali TRR, Liu H, Lu X & Dittrich MB

Dittrich R. (2017) Macronutrient Cycling on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf
Henley S, Cassarino L, Hendry K, Dittrich R & Meredith M
(2017) Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling at the West Antarctic Peninsula
Dittrich R, Henley S, Ganeshram R, Cowie G, Mowbray S, Meredith M & Ducklow H

Dittrich Thomas (2011) Gallium in Bauxite Deposits
Dittrich T, Seifert T & Gutzmer J

Dittrich Thomas (2015) Mineralization Potential and Trace Element Whole Rock Signatures of Archean Greenstone Belt-Hosted LCT-Pegmatite Deposits
Dittrich T & Seifert T

Dittrich Thomas (2017) Formation of LCT Pegmatites in Archean Cratons: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar Mica, U-Th-Pb Monazite and U-Pb Tantalite/Columbite Dating
Dittrich T, Seifert T, Schulz B, Pfänder J & Gerdes A

DiTullio Giacomo (2018) Cobalt Speciation in the Amundsen and Ross Seas during Bloom Conditions
Chmiel R, DiTullio G & Saito M

DiTullio Gr (2003) Depletion of Cobalt as a Micronutrient in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Saito M, Moffett J & DiTullio G

diTullio J. (2018) A Unique Mn Redox Cycle in the Ross Sea
Oldham V, Saito M, diTullio J & Hansel C

Divan Y. (2013) Geochemistry Surveying of Kooh Kaftari Metamorphism Area (Iran_ Shahrood )
Divan Y, Hassannezhad AA & Zahiri R
(2013) Analysis of the Turquoise Color Alteration Based on the FTIR Studies
Divan Y, Zahiri R & Hassnnezhad A

Divers M. (2023) Chromite Cluster Formation within the Rum Layered Igneous Complex, NW Scotland: A Multi-Modal Approach
Griffin S, Divers M, Einsle JF, Holness MB & O'Driscoll B

DiViesti D. (2023) Distribution and Characteristics of Uranium and Rare Earth Elements in Southeast Utah, USA
Blake J, Tomaszewski EJ, Walton-Day K, Hynek S, Mixon R & DiViesti D

Divine K.M. (2022) The Role of Intrusion in the Metallogeny of Tin-Tantalium Ore Deposits of Congolese Kibaran Belt, Case of Kalehe and Masisi teritories/DRC
Kavyavu WK, Gloire BS, Divine KM & Govind RG

Divisekara T. (2023) Non-Targeted Screening of Biomass Combustion Organic Aerosol with MZmine2 and MFAssignR
Divisekara T, Schum S & Mazzoleni L

Divjak D. (2016) Sulphur and Heavy Metal Pollution of the Coal-Based City Soil (Labin, Croatia)
Medunić G, Šabarić J, Krivohlavek A, Divjak D, Rađenović A, Kampić Š & Šeparović A

Diwa J. (2010) 99Tc- and 11B-MAS-NMR Spectra of Oxide Material to Sequester TcO4-
Casey W, Phillips B, Yu P, Wang S, Albrecht-Schmitt T, Alekseev E, Diwa J & Depmeir W

Diwa R.

DiWu Chun-Rong (2014) The Crustal Growth and Evolution of North China Craton: Revealed by Hf Isotopes in Detrital Zircons from Modern Rivers
Diwu C, Sun Y & Wang Q
(2014) New Evidence for ~4.45 Ga Terrestrial Crust from Zircon Xenocrysts in Ordovician Ignimbrite in the North Qinling Orogenic Belt, China
Diwu C, Sun Y & Wilde SA
(2014) Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope Constraints on the Precamprian Crustal Evolution of the Ordos Block, North China Craton
Zhang C, Sun Y, Diwu C, Guo L & Luo J
(2011) Episodic Events of the Western North China Craton and North Qinling Orogenic Belt, in Central China: Revealing by Detrital Zircon U–Pb Ages
Sun Y, Diwu C, Zhang H, Qiang W & Guo A
(2011) Crustal Growth in the North China Craton at ~2.5 Ga: Evidence from in situ Zircon U-Pb Dating, Hf Isotopes and Whole-Rock Geochemistry of the Dengfeng Complex
Diwu C, Sun Y, Guo A, Wang H & Liu X
(2010) LA-ICPMS U–Pb Zircon Geochronology and Lu–Hf Isotope Compositions of the Taihua Complex on the Southern Margin of the North China Craton
Sun Y, Diwu C, Lin C & Wang H
(2008) Paleoarchean Crustal Remnants in the Western North Qinling Orogenic Belt
Sun Y, Diwu C, Wang H, Dong Z, Zhang H & Chen L
(2007) Formation History of Archaean TTG Gneisses in the Taihua Complex, Lushan Area, Central China: in Stiu U-Pb Age and Hf-Isotope Analysis of Zircons
DiWu C-R, Sun Y, Lin C-L, Li H-P, Chen L & Liu X-M

Diwu Chunrong (2019) The Formation and Evolution of the Continental Crust in the North China Craton
Diwu C
(2016) Early Paleoproterozoic (2.45~2.2 Ga) Magmatic Activity during the Period of Global Magmatic Shutdown: Implications for Crustal Evolution of the Southern North China Craton
Diwu C & Sun Y

Dix B. (2010) Sources of Reactive Halogen Species and Oxygenated VOC over Biologically Active Upwelling Regions of the Tropical Pacific Ocean
Volkamer R, Coburn S, Dix B & Sinreich R
(2010) Measurements of Halogen Oxides and Speciated Mercury at a Coastal Site in Pensacola, FL
Coburn S, Dix B, Sinreich R, Terschure A, Edgerton E & Volkamer R

Dix M. (2019) First Chemical and Isotopic Denudation Rate Estimates for Central Cuban Drainage Basins
Bierman P, Schmidt A, Yvelice Sibello Hernández R, Campbell M, Alejandro Cartas AGUILA4 H, Bolaños Alvarez Y, Guillén Arruebarrena A, Dethier D, Dix M, Massey-Bierman M, García Moya A, Perdrial J, Racela J, Corbett L & Alonso-Hernández C

Dixit A. (2020) Assessment of Pollution Status of Urban Wetlands of Gurugram, India, Using Sediment Geochemistry
Dixit A & Siddaiah NS

Dixit Shikha (2023) Rare Earth Element and Yttrium Compositions of Paleoproterozoic BIFs and Carbonates of Gwalior Basin, Bundelkhand Craton, India
Dixit S, Kumar TV & Sreenivas B
(2022) Carbon, Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Carbonate Rocks, Gwalior Basin, Central India
Dixit S, Ramamurty PB, Teeda VK & Sreenivas B

Dixit Suvasis (2009) Microbial Reduction of Goethite by Shewanella Alga BrY: Effects of pH and Sorbed Arsenic(III)
Dixit S
(2005) Effect of Solution Saturation State on Diopside Dissolution
Dixit S, Knauss K & Carroll S
(2000) Role of Detrital Matter in the Benthic Silica Cycle
Dixit S & Van Cappellen P
(2000) Reactivity of Marine Biogenic Silica: Reconciling Water Column and Sediment Data
Van Cappellen P & Dixit S

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