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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dischinger S.M. (2023) Reactive Transport Modeling for Desalination Systems
Molins S, Spycher NF, Dischinger SM, Nassr M, Lee JY, Johnston J, Tilton N, Gleason K, Freeman BD, Stringfellow W & Miller DJ

Dise N. (2000) The Effect of Lesser Himalayan Calc-Silicates on the 87Sr/86Sr of the Bhote Kosi River of Nepal – Implications for Himalayan Weathering, the Marine 87Sr/86Sr Record and Global Climate
Oliver LS, Harris N, Dise N & Bickle M

Disnar J-R. (2017) Uranium Isotope Composition of Eocene Marine Sediments: Does Organic Matter ?
Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Disnar J-R, Jacob J, Le Milbeau C, Davies M & Cohen A

DiSpirito A (2005) Metal Binding by a Novel Biogenic Chalkophore, Methanobactin, and the Effect on Microbial Activity
Semrau J, DiSpirito A & Antholine W

Dispirito Alan (2021) Complexation of Group 12 Transition Metals by Methanobactins from Methylocystis sp. Strain SB2
Eckert P, Johs A, Semrau J, DiSpirito A, Richardson J, Sarangi R, Gu B & Pierce E
(2020) Environmental Implications of Metal Binding by the Novel Chalkophore Methanobactin
Semrau J, Gu B, DiSpirito A, Kang-Yun C, Liang X, Lu X & Dershwitz P
(2020) Spectroscopic Investigations of Late Transition Metal Complexation by Methanobactin Chalkophores
Eckert P, Johs A, DiSpirito A, Semrau J, Gu B & Pierce E
(2018) Methylmercury Sorption, Uptake, and Degradation by Methanotrophs
Gu B, Lu X, Gu W, Zhao L, Haque MF, Dispirito A & Semrau J

Dissard D. (2023) 500 Million Years of Foraminiferal Calcification
de Nooijer LJ, Pacho Sampedro L, Jorissen F, Pawlowski J, Rosenthal Y, Dissard D & Reichart G-J
(2022) First Long Term (~30 Years) Coral Acclimatization to Ocean Acidification Recorded in Geochemical Signatures: A Case Study of New Caledonia
Tanvet C, Guillermic M, Sutton J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Thouzeau G, Butscher J, Dubosc J & Dissard D
(2022) Combined Use of Foraminifera Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca Concentrations to Strengthen Temperature Reconstructions over Geological Timescales
Dissard D, Below B, Desmares D, LeCornec F & Turcq B
(2019) How Seawater Sulfate Concentration Affects Foraminifera Biology and CAS Incorporation
Thaler C, Paris G, Dellinger M, Berland S, Marie A, Dissard D, Rollion Bard C & Bartolini A
(2017) 320 Years of Modern Sea Surface pH and SST Variability in the South Pacific from Coral Proxy Records
Wu H, Dissard D, Douville E, Blamart D, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Le Cornec F, Tribollet A & Lazareth C
(2012) Light is an Active Contributor to Vital Effect in Coral Skeleton Proxies
Juillet-Leclerc A, Reynaud S, Dissard D, Tisserant G & Ferrier-Page C
(2009) Incorporation of "Hydrothermal" Elements in Foraminiferal Calcite: Results from Culturing Experiments
Munsel D, Kramar U, Nehrke G, Dissard D, Bijma J, Berner Z & Reichart G-J

Distad M. (2014) Calcification by Amorphous Pathways: Revisiting Mineralization Process(es) and Controls on Compositional Signatures
Dove P, Blue C, Distad M & Giuffre A

DiStefano V. (2020) The Effect of Microstructure on Replacement Reactions – The Example of Limestone Replacement by Fluorite and Dolomite
Weber J, Cheshire MC, DiStefano V, Littrell K, Ilavsky J, Bleuel M, Bozell J, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz L
(2020) Determination of Reaction Pathways and Mineralogy in Material Samples Using 3-D Neutron Tomography
DiStefano V, LaManna J, Hussey D, Baltic E & Jacobson D
(2019) Effect of Microstructure and Chemical Reactivity of the Replacement of Limestone by Fluorite
Weber J, Cheshire MC, Distefano V, Litrell KC, Ilavsky I, Bleuel M, Bozell JK, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz LA
(2016) Architected Geomaterial Development for Geochemical Research
Anovitz L, Cheshire M, DiStefano V, Prisk T, Mildner D & Littrell K

Distler V (2005) Extreme Fractionation of REE and Some Transition Metals in the Natural High-Temperature Vapor Systems
Yudovskaya M, Distler V, Chaplygin I & Mokhov A

Distler Vadim (2013) Natural Cu-Al-Fe Metallic Quasicrystals in the New CV3 Meteorite Find, Khatyrka
Hollister L, Andronicos C, Bindi L, Distler V, Eddy M, Eiler J, Guan Y, Kostin A, Kryachko V, MacPherson G, Steinhardt W, Yudovskaya M & Steinhardt P

Ditas F. (2019) African Dust Sources Contributing to Fertilization in the Amazon Basin
Guinoiseau D, Galer SJG, Kral AG, Saturno J, Ditas F, Artaxo P, Pöhlker C, Andreae MO & Haug GH

Ditchburn Robert (2011) Soil Closure Ages from Meteoric 10Be, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Dickinson W, Schiller M, Ditchburn R, Graham I & Zondervan A
(2006) Ice Core Research in the New Zealand Southern Alps
Morgenstern U, Mayewski P, Bertler N & Ditchburn R

Ditchburn Robert (2014) Rapid Soil Accumulation in a Frozen Landscape
Schiller M, Dickinson W, Zondervan A, Ditchburn R & Wang N
(2014) Episodic Sub-Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity Determined by Uranium-Series Disequilibrium in Barite, Eastern Manus Backarc Basin, Papua New Guinea
Johns S, Ditchburn R, Barry B & Yeats C

Ditchfield P. (2006) High resolution climate records from stable isotopes and trace metals in mollusc shells from Gibraltar
Ferguson J, Fa DA, Atkinson TC, Barton RNE, Ditchfield P, Henderson GM & Finlayson JC

Ditta M. (2004) Inferences on Physico-Chemical Conditions and Gas-Water Interaction by New Quantitative approaches:The Case of Panarea (Italy)
Caracausi A, Ditta M, Italiano F, Longo M, Maugeri R, Nuccio P, Paonita A & Rizzo A

Ditter A. (2022) Dissolution Kinetics of Glass into HF Acid: An Assessment of How Glass Structure Impacts Rate
Icenhower JP, McMahon H, Smith N, Youngman R, Tandia A, Shuh D & Ditter A

Ditterich F. (2013) Succession of Soil Microbial Communities and Enzyme Activities in Artificial Soils
Ditterich F, Poll C, Pronk GJ, Heister K, Kögel-Knabner I & Kandeler E

Ditterova H. (2017) A Reaction History Recorded by Trace Element Zoning Patterns of High-Pressure Low-Temperature Garnets
Ditterová H, Konrad-Schmolke M, Erpel L, Ebert L & Pourteau A
(2016) Interpretation of Trace Element Zoning Patterns of Metamorphic Garnets from Cold Subduction Setting
Ditterová H, Konrad-Schmolke M & Erpel L
(2015) Trace Element Zoning Patterns in Garnet – can We Distinguish between Reaction Path and Kinetics?
Ditterova H, Konrad-Schmolke M, Witte C, Dohmen R, O´Brien P, Erpel L, Halama R & Schmidt A

Dittmar Jessica (2009) Arsenic Remobilization from Paddy Soil during Monsoon Flooding in Bangladesh
Roberts LC, Hug SJ, Dittmar J, Voegelin A, Kretzschmar R, Wehrli B, Cirpka OA, Saha GC, Ali MA & Badruzzaman ABM

Dittmar Jessica (2014) Influence of Calcium and Magnesium on Arsenic Sorption to Phyllosilicate Clays
Fakhreddine S, Dittmar J, Phipps D, Dadakis J & Fendorf S
(2014) The Effect of Soil Saturation on Carbon Oxidation and Arsenic Release in the Mekong Delta
Schaefer M, Dittmar J, Stuckey J & Fendorf S
(2014) Arsenian Pyrite Formation Concentrates Arsenic within Peat Deposits of the Mekong Delta
Stuckey J, Kocar B, Schaefer M, Dittmar J & Fendorf S

Dittmar Thorsten (2011) Pathways of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Subterranean Estuary: Evaluation of Organic Geochemical Tracers
Waska H, Seidel M, Dittmar T & Kim G
(2011) Molecular Microstratigraphy via Laser-Desorption Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-Ms)
Dittmar T, Abiven S, Niggemann J & Fuchser J
(2011) Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter by Laser-Desorption Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-Ms)
Abiven S, Fuchser J, Schmidt MWI & Dittmar T
(2011) “Geo-Metabolomics” – A Key for Understanding Function and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter
Niggemann J, Gerdts G & Dittmar T
(2010) Organic Matter Degradation and Nutrient Remobilization in Permeable Coastal Sands
Huettel M, Chipman L, Podgorski D, Green S, Magen C, Niggemann J, Ziervogel K, Arnosti C, Berg P, Cooper W, Dittmar T, Kostka J & Hallas K
(2010) Molecular Composition of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Matter after Long-Term Degradation (2.4 Years)
Rossel P, Vähätalo A, Witt M & Dittmar T
(2010) Combustion-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter in Rivers and Estuaries of the Sugar-Cane Area of Southern Brazil
Paeng J, Dittmar T, Cooper B, Podgorski D, Chanton J, Salomao M, Rezende C & Bernardes M
(2009) Analysis of Black Carbon Molecular Markers by Two Chromatographic Methods (GC-FID and HPLC-DAD)
Schneider M, Smittenberg RH, Dittmar T & Schmidt MWI

Dittmar Thorsten (2014) The Microbial Response to the Deepwater Horizon Deep-Sea Plume
Kleindienst S, Grim S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Perkins M, Allen A, Passow U, Crespo-Medina M, Field J, Dittmar T, Medeiros P, Sogin M & Joye SB

Dittmar Thorsten

Dittmar Thorsten (2017) Lifting the Iron Curtain: Release of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in an iron(II) Reduction Zone of the Subterranean Estuary
Waska H, Meier D, Schwalfenberg K, Simon H, Zielinski O & Dittmar T

Dittmar Thorsten (2019) Transformations of Dissolved Petroleum Compounds at a Natural Asphalt Seep in the Gulf of Mexico
Brünjes J, Seidel M, Gan S, Song M, Dittmar T & Schubotz F
(2019) Molecular Characterization of DOM in Indian Ocean Hydrothermal Systems
Noowong A, Gomez-Saez G, Hansen C, Schwarz-Schampera U, Koschinsky A & Dittmar T

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